Build Mode | Flow Infos | Flow Warnings | Flow Errors | Lint Infos | Lint Warnings | Lint Errors |
default | 0 | 0 | 0 | 452 | 0 | 0 |
I BLOCK_DECL: otp_ctrl_scrmbl.sv:147 Declaration of 'NumRounds' encountered in a begin-end block New
I BLOCK_DECL: prim_util_memload.svh:58 Declaration of 'show_mem_paths' encountered in a begin-end block New
I FSM_DEFAULT_REQ: prim_sync_reqack.sv:253 Next state register 'gen_nrz_hs_protocol.src_fsm_ns' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine New
I FSM_DEFAULT_REQ: prim_sync_reqack.sv:297 Next state register 'gen_nrz_hs_protocol.dst_fsm_ns' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine New
I FSM_DEFAULT_REQ: prim_diff_decode.sv:158 Next state register 'gen_async.state_d' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: otp_ctrl_part_pkg.sv:587 Function 'lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_bool_to_lc_tx' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: otp_ctrl_part_pkg.sv:633 Function 'lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_test_true_strict' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: otp_ctrl_part_pkg.sv:641 Function 'lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_test_true_strict' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:316 Function 'present_update_key128' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:356 Function 'sbox4_8bit' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:132 Function 'mubi4_and' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:278 Function 'mubi8_and' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: tlul_pkg.sv:143 Function 'prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_invalid' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: tlul_pkg.sv:176 Function 'extract_h2d_cmd_intg' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: tlul_pkg.sv:178 Function 'prim_secded_pkg::prim_secded_inv_64_57_enc' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: tlul_pkg.sv:187 Function 'prim_secded_pkg::prim_secded_inv_39_32_enc' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: tlul_pkg.sv:196 Function 'get_cmd_intg' is called from within a function New
I NESTED_SUBPROG: tlul_pkg.sv:203 Function 'get_data_intg' is called from within a function New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl.sv:289 Variable index expression 'part_tlul_req[tlul_part_idx]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl.sv:877 Variable index expression 'part_otp_rvalid[otp_part_idx]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl.sv:935 Variable index expression 'part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[scrmbl_mtx_idx]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl.sv:963 Variable index expression 'part_scrmbl_req_ready[scrmbl_mtx_idx]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl.sv:964 Variable index expression 'part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[scrmbl_mtx_idx]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:68 Variable index expression 'data_d[addr_i]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:68 Variable index expression 'ecc_d[addr_i]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:263 Variable index expression 'key_out_d[seed_cnt[1]]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:266 Variable index expression 'nonce_out_d[entropy_cnt[$clog2(NumNonceChunks) - 1:0]]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:329 Variable range select expression 'state_out[k * 4 +: 4]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:356 Variable range select expression 'state_out[k * 8 +: 8]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:392 Variable index expression 'state_out[perm[k]]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: prim_fifo_sync.sv:124 Variable index expression 'gen_normal_fifo.storage[gen_normal_fifo.fifo_wptr]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: prim_generic_otp.sv:419 Variable index expression 'rdata_q[cnt_q]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:425 Variable index expression 'wmask_intg[woffset]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:426 Variable index expression 'wdata_intg[woffset]' encountered New
I VAR_INDEX_WRITE: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:490 Variable range select expression 'gen_rmask.rmask[8 * i +: 8]' encountered New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:225 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:279 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000 and 4 other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:392 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b0000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_lci.sv:138 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_lfsr_timer.sv:269 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:240 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:186 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b0000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_scrmbl.sv:318 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: otp_ctrl_scrmbl.sv:327 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b110 and 1 other value New
I CASE_INC: prim_alert_sender.sv:199 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b111 New
I CASE_INC: prim_diff_decode.sv:115 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b11 New
I CASE_INC: prim_generic_otp.sv:193 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b0000000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: prim_generic_otp.sv:217 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b0000000 and many other values New
I CASE_INC: tlul_err.sv:62 Case statement tag not specified for value 'h3 New
I CASE_INC: tlul_lc_gate.sv:171 Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000 and many other values New
I EXTRA_PARENS: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:250 '(!(otp_err inside {NoError,MacroEccCorrError}))' is enclosed within two sets of parenthesis New
I EXTRA_PARENS: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:458 '(!(otp_err inside {NoError,MacroWriteBlankError}))' is enclosed within two sets of parenthesis New
I EXTRA_PARENS: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:581 '(!(otp_err inside {NoError,MacroEccCorrError}))' is enclosed within two sets of parenthesis New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_core_reg_top.sv:97 Declaration range '[0:0]' of 'reg_steer' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_core_reg_top.sv:1094 Declaration range '[0:0]' of 'direct_access_regwen_flds_we' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:19 Declaration range '[Aw - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'addr_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[0].gen_unbuffered.u_part_unbuf.gen_ecc_reg.u_otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' of module 'otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' (Aw=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)'),Depth=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:24 Declaration range '[Depth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'data_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[0].gen_unbuffered.u_part_unbuf.gen_ecc_reg.u_otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' of module 'otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' (Depth=1,Width=64) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:34 Declaration range '[Depth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'data_d' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[0].gen_unbuffered.u_part_unbuf.gen_ecc_reg.u_otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' of module 'otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' (Depth=1,Width=64) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:35 Declaration range '[Depth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ecc_d' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[0].gen_unbuffered.u_part_unbuf.gen_ecc_reg.u_otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' of module 'otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' (Depth=1,EccWidth=8) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_ecc_reg.sv:75 Declaration range '[Depth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'err' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[0].gen_unbuffered.u_part_unbuf.gen_ecc_reg.u_otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' of module 'otp_ctrl_ecc_reg' (Depth=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:94 Declaration range '[CntWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'LastScrmblBlock' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf' of module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (CntWidth=1 ('vbits(NumScrmblBlocks)'),ConstSelWidth=2 ('(ScrmblKeySelWidth > DigestSetSelWidth) ? ScrmblKeySelWidth : DigestSetSelWidth'),DigestSetSelWidth=2 ('vbits(NumDigestSets)'),Info='{Buffered,11'b11011000000,11'b00000010000,Secret0Key,1'b0,1'b0,1'b1,1'b1,1'b0,1'b1,1'b0,1'b0} (''{otp_ctrl_part_pkg::Buffered,11'b11011000000,11'b00000010000,otp_ctrl_part_pkg::Secret0Key,1'b0,1'b0,1'b1,1'b1,1'b0,1'b1,1'b0,1'b0}'),NumDigestSets=4,NumScrmblBlocks=2 ('int '(Info.size) / (ScrmblBlockWidth / 8)'),NumScrmblKeys=3,OtpByteAddrWidth=11,ScrmblBlockWidth=64,ScrmblKeySelWidth=2 ('vbits(NumScrmblKeys)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:95 Declaration range '[CntWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'PenultimateScrmblBlock' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf' of module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (CntWidth=1 ('vbits(NumScrmblBlocks)'),ConstSelWidth=2 ('(ScrmblKeySelWidth > DigestSetSelWidth) ? ScrmblKeySelWidth : DigestSetSelWidth'),DigestSetSelWidth=2 ('vbits(NumDigestSets)'),Info='{Buffered,11'b11011000000,11'b00000010000,Secret0Key,1'b0,1'b0,1'b1,1'b1,1'b0,1'b1,1'b0,1'b0} (''{otp_ctrl_part_pkg::Buffered,11'b11011000000,11'b00000010000,otp_ctrl_part_pkg::Secret0Key,1'b0,1'b0,1'b1,1'b1,1'b0,1'b1,1'b0,1'b0}'),NumDigestSets=4,NumScrmblBlocks=2 ('int '(Info.size) / (ScrmblBlockWidth / 8)'),NumScrmblKeys=3,OtpByteAddrWidth=11,ScrmblBlockWidth=64,ScrmblKeySelWidth=2 ('vbits(NumScrmblKeys)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:175 Declaration range '[CntWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'cnt' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf' of module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (CntWidth=1 ('vbits(NumScrmblBlocks)'),ConstSelWidth=2 ('(ScrmblKeySelWidth > DigestSetSelWidth) ? ScrmblKeySelWidth : DigestSetSelWidth'),DigestSetSelWidth=2 ('vbits(NumDigestSets)'),Info='{Buffered,11'b11011000000,11'b00000010000,Secret0Key,1'b0,1'b0,1'b1,1'b1,1'b0,1'b1,1'b0,1'b0} (''{otp_ctrl_part_pkg::Buffered,11'b11011000000,11'b00000010000,otp_ctrl_part_pkg::Secret0Key,1'b0,1'b0,1'b1,1'b1,1'b0,1'b1,1'b0,1'b0}'),NumDigestSets=4,NumScrmblBlocks=2 ('int '(Info.size) / (ScrmblBlockWidth / 8)'),NumScrmblKeys=3,OtpByteAddrWidth=11,ScrmblBlockWidth=64,ScrmblKeySelWidth=2 ('vbits(NumScrmblKeys)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_buf.sv:24 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'in_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf' of module 'prim_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_buf.sv:25 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'out_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf' of module 'prim_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop.sv:22 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync.u_sync_1' of module 'prim_flop' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop.sv:27 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync.u_sync_1' of module 'prim_flop' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop.sv:28 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync.u_sync_1' of module 'prim_flop' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:44 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'event_intr_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:47 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:48 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'reg2hw_intr_test_q_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:50 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'reg2hw_intr_state_q_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:52 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'hw2reg_intr_state_d_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:55 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'intr_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:58 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'status' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_intr_hw.sv:61 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'g_intr_event.new_event' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_intr_operation_done' of module 'prim_intr_hw' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_arbiter_tree.sv:53 Declaration range '[IdxW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'idx_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_edn_arb' of module 'prim_arbiter_tree' (IdxW=1 ('$clog2(N)'),N=2) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_arbiter_tree.sv:82 Declaration range '[IdxW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_normal_case.idx_tree' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_edn_arb' of module 'prim_arbiter_tree' (IdxW=1 ('$clog2(N)'),N=2) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:34 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:53 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'set_cnt_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:56 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'step_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:58 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'cnt_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:59 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'cnt_after_commit_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:69 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValues' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:72 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'cnt_d' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:78 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'fpv_force' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:86 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_cnts[0:1].set_val' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:107 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_cnts[0:1].cnt_sat' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_count.sv:125 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_cnts[0:1].cnt_unforced_q' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.gen_partitions[6].gen_buffered.u_part_buf.u_prim_count' of module 'prim_count' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_fifo_sync.sv:32 Declaration range '[DepthW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'depth_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket.fifo_h.reqfifo' of module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Depth=0,DepthW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth + 1)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_fifo_sync.sv:63 Declaration range '[gen_normal_fifo.PtrW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_normal_fifo.fifo_wptr' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram.u_reqfifo' of module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Depth=1,gen_normal_fifo.PtrW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_fifo_sync.sv:105 Declaration range '[Depth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_normal_fifo.storage' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram.u_reqfifo' of module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Depth=1,Width=17) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:25 Declaration range '[PtrW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wptr_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram.u_reqfifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt' of module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=1,PtrW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:26 Declaration range '[PtrW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'rptr_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram.u_reqfifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt' of module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=1,PtrW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:31 Declaration range '[DepthW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'depth_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram.u_reqfifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt' of module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=1,DepthW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth + 1)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop_2sync.sv:11 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop_2sync.sv:16 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop_2sync.sv:17 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop_2sync.sv:20 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_flop_2sync.sv:21 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'intq' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_generic_buf.sv:10 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'in_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_generic_buf.sv:11 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'out_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_generic_buf.sv:14 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'inv' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_generic_flop.sv:9 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_generic_flop.sv:13 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_generic_flop.sv:14 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_edn_req.u_prim_sync_reqack_data.u_prim_sync_reqack.gen_nrz_hs_protocol.req_sync.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_lc_sync.sv:30 Declaration range '[NumCopies - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'lc_en_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_creator_seed_sw_rw_en' of module 'prim_lc_sync' (NumCopies=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_sec_anchor_buf.sv:10 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'in_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf' of module 'prim_sec_anchor_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_sec_anchor_buf.sv:11 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'out_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf' of module 'prim_sec_anchor_buf' (Width=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:12 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'RESVAL' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:21 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:25 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:29 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:34 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ds' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:35 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'qs' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg.sv:39 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wr_data' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:17 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:21 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:24 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:28 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wr_data' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_state_otp_operation_done.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:36 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_w.unused_q' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_enable_otp_operation_done.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:47 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_ro.unused_wd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_otp.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_reg_top.u_csr3_field3.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_arb.sv:48 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_ro.unused_q' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_otp.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_reg_top.u_csr3_field3.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_ext.sv:12 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_test_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_ext.sv:14 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_test_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_ext.sv:19 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_test_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_ext.sv:20 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ds' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_test_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: prim_subreg_ext.sv:21 Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'qs' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_intr_test_otp_operation_done' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:215 Declaration range '[WoffsetWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'sram_req_t' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataBitWidth=2 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(SramByte)'),SramByte=4 ('SramDw / 8'),SramDw=32,WoffsetWidth=1 ('(SramByte == top_pkg::TL_DBW) ? 1 : DataBitWidth - prim_util_pkg::vbits(top_pkg::TL_DBW)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:215 Declaration range '[WoffsetWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'sramreqfifo_wdata' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataBitWidth=2 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(SramByte)'),SramByte=4 ('SramDw / 8'),SramDw=32,WoffsetWidth=1 ('(SramByte == top_pkg::TL_DBW) ? 1 : DataBitWidth - prim_util_pkg::vbits(top_pkg::TL_DBW)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:215 Declaration range '[WoffsetWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'woffset' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataBitWidth=2 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(SramByte)'),SramByte=4 ('SramDw / 8'),SramDw=32,WoffsetWidth=1 ('(SramByte == top_pkg::TL_DBW) ? 1 : DataBitWidth - prim_util_pkg::vbits(top_pkg::TL_DBW)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:384 Declaration range '[WoffsetWidth - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'woffset' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataBitWidth=2 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(SramByte)'),SramByte=4 ('SramDw / 8'),SramDw=32,WoffsetWidth=1 ('(SramByte == top_pkg::TL_DBW) ? 1 : DataBitWidth - prim_util_pkg::vbits(top_pkg::TL_DBW)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:397 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wmask_combined' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataIntgWidth=7,DataWidth=32 ('EnableDataIntgPt ? top_pkg::TL_DW + DataIntgWidth : top_pkg::TL_DW'),EnableDataIntgPt=0,SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:398 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wdata_combined' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataIntgWidth=7,DataWidth=32 ('EnableDataIntgPt ? top_pkg::TL_DW + DataIntgWidth : top_pkg::TL_DW'),EnableDataIntgPt=0,SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:401 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wmask_int' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:402 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wdata_int' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:405 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wmask_intg' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataIntgWidth=7,SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:406 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wdata_intg' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataIntgWidth=7,SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:466 Declaration range '[WidthMult - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'rdata_reshaped' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_tlul_adapter_sram' of module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (DataIntgWidth=7,DataWidth=32 ('EnableDataIntgPt ? top_pkg::TL_DW + DataIntgWidth : top_pkg::TL_DW'),EnableDataIntgPt=0,SramDw=32,WidthMult=1 ('SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_fifo_sync.sv:23 Declaration range '[SpareReqW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'spare_req_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket.fifo_h' of module 'tlul_fifo_sync' (SpareReqW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_fifo_sync.sv:24 Declaration range '[SpareReqW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'spare_req_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket.fifo_h' of module 'tlul_fifo_sync' (SpareReqW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_fifo_sync.sv:25 Declaration range '[SpareRspW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'spare_rsp_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket.fifo_h' of module 'tlul_fifo_sync' (SpareRspW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_fifo_sync.sv:26 Declaration range '[SpareRspW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'spare_rsp_o' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket.fifo_h' of module 'tlul_fifo_sync' (SpareRspW=1) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'core_tl_o' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_sink' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'prim_tl_d2h_gated' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'prim_tl_o' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'test_tl_o' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_error' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_int' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_o' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_t' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_h_o' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_h_o_int' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_o' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_o_int' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_o_pre' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_out' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_reg_d2h' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_socket_d2h' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_sram_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_t_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_t_p' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_u_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_win_d2h' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_pkg.sv:111 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_win_i' has a length of one New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_socket_1n.sv:67 Declaration range '[NWD - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'dev_select_i' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket' of module 'tlul_socket_1n' (ExplicitErrs=1'b0,N=2,NWD=1 ('$clog2(ExplicitErrs ? N + 1 : N)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_socket_1n.sv:78 Declaration range '[NWD - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'dev_select_t' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket' of module 'tlul_socket_1n' (ExplicitErrs=1'b0,N=2,NWD=1 ('$clog2(ExplicitErrs ? N + 1 : N)')) New
I ONE_BIT_VEC: tlul_socket_1n.sv:108 Declaration range '[NWD - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'dev_select_outstanding' has a length of one, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_reg_core.u_socket' of module 'tlul_socket_1n' (ExplicitErrs=1'b0,N=2,NWD=1 ('$clog2(ExplicitErrs ? N + 1 : N)')) New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:753 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:753 Bit length not specified for constant '32' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:758 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:762 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:768 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:786 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:152 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:168 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:181 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:227 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:245 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_lci.sv:248 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_lfsr_timer.sv:157 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_lfsr_timer.sv:175 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:628 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:650 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:359 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:360 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:360 Bit length not specified for constant '32' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: otp_ctrl_scrmbl.sv:294 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:316 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:51 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:52 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: prim_lfsr.sv:407 Bit length not specified for constant '2' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: prim_lfsr.sv:409 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: prim_util_pkg.sv:85 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: tlul_sram_byte.sv:291 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: tlul_sram_byte.sv:324 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: tlul_sram_byte.sv:389 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: tlul_sram_byte.sv:453 Bit length not specified for constant '1' New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: tlul_err.sv:69 Bit length not specified for constant "'h1" New
I EXPLICIT_BITLEN: tlul_err.sv:77 Bit length not specified for constant "'h2" New
I INSIDE_OP_CONTEXT: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:378 'inside' operator is not within an always block or subprogram New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl.sv:301 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl.sv:335 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl.sv:342 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl.sv:443 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl.sv:453 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl.sv:459 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_scrmbl.sv:146 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_scrmbl.sv:155 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:265 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:268 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:274 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:277 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:283 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:287 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:294 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:298 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:302 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:306 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:310 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:316 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:322 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:326 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:330 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:336 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:340 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:345 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:349 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:355 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:359 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:363 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:367 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:371 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:375 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:379 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:383 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:388 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:392 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:399 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:402 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:405 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:408 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:411 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:414 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:417 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:420 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:423 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:426 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:429 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:432 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:435 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:438 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:441 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:444 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:447 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:450 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:453 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:456 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:461 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:465 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:469 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:473 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:477 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:481 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:485 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:489 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:493 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:497 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:501 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:505 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:509 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:864 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:867 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:870 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:873 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:876 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:882 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:885 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:888 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:891 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:894 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:899 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:904 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:907 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:910 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:913 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:916 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:919 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:922 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:925 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:928 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:934 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:937 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:940 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:943 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:949 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:952 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:955 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:958 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:961 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:964 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:967 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:973 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:976 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:979 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:982 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:988 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:991 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:994 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:997 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1003 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1007 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1011 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1015 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1019 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1023 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1027 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1031 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1035 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1042 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1046 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1050 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1054 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1058 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1062 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1066 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1073 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1077 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1081 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: otp_ctrl_reg_pkg.sv:1085 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_arbiter_fixed.sv:17 Name 'N' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_arbiter_tree.sv:35 Name 'N' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:315 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:328 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:346 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:355 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:382 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_cipher_pkg.sv:391 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_generic_otp.sv:362 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_generic_ram_1p.sv:65 Name 'i' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_lfsr.sv:394 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:80 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:80 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:85 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:106 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:106 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:111 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:124 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:124 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:131 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:131 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:212 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:212 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:217 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:238 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:238 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:243 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:256 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:256 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:263 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:263 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:277 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:277 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:344 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:344 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:349 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:370 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:370 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:375 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:388 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:388 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:395 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:395 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:476 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:476 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:481 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:502 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:502 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:507 Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:520 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:520 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:527 Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_mubi_pkg.sv:527 Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_ram_1p_adv.sv:232 Name 'i' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_subreg.sv:25 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_subreg.sv:29 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_subreg_arb.sv:21 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_subreg_arb.sv:24 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_subreg_ext.sv:14 Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: prim_subreg_ext.sv:19 Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:413 Name 'i' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:489 Name 'i' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: tlul_sram_byte.sv:547 Name 'i' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I MIN_NAME_LEN: tlul_socket_1n.sv:45 Name 'N' is shorter than minimum length 2 New
I STRING_VAL: prim_util_memload.svh:64 Parameter 'MemInitFile' with string value "" used as a constant, instance 'otp_ctrl.u_otp.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_prim_ram_1p_adv.u_mem.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_ram_1p' (MemInitFile="") New
I STRING_VAL: prim_util_memload.svh:64 String value "" used as a constant New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl.sv:803 Output 'lc_otp_vendor_test_o.status' is driven by constant zeros by port 'u_otp.test_status_o' New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl.sv:803 Output 'otp_ast_pwr_seq_o.pwr_seq' is driven by constant zeros by port 'u_otp.pwr_seq_o' New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl.sv:803 Output 'otp_obs_o' is driven by constant zeros by port 'u_otp.otp_obs_o' New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl.sv:1395 Output 'otp_keymgr_key_o.creator_seed' is driven by constant zeros New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl.sv:1395 Output 'otp_keymgr_key_o.owner_seed' is driven by constant zeros New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:208 Output 'scrmbl_mode_o' is driven by constant zeros New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:753 Output 'otp_size_o[0]' is driven by constant one New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_dai.sv:797 Output 'otp_addr_o[0]' is driven by constant zero New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv:385 Output 'scrmbl_mode_o' is driven by constant zeros New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_lci.sv:161 Output 'otp_cmd_o[0]' is driven by constant one in module 'otp_ctrl_lci' (Info=34'h2f5016004) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_lci.sv:161 Output 'otp_cmd_o[3:2]' is driven by constant 2'b01 in module 'otp_ctrl_lci' (Info=34'h2f5016004) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_lci.sv:261 Output 'otp_size_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_lci' (Info=34'h2f5016004) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_lci.sv:265 Output 'otp_wdata_o[63:16]' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_lci' (Info=34'h2f5016004) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:186 Output 'otp_wdata_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1cf012034,DataDefault=576'hf87bed95cfba3727df3888886bd10dc67abb319bda0529ae40119a3c6e63cdf358840e458e4029a663b9485a3856c417cf7a50a9a91ef7f7b3a5b4421f462370fff698183664dc7e) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:192 Output 'otp_cmd_o' is driven by constant 7'b1000101 in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1cf012034,DataDefault=576'hf87bed95cfba3727df3888886bd10dc67abb319bda0529ae40119a3c6e63cdf358840e458e4029a663b9485a3856c417cf7a50a9a91ef7f7b3a5b4421f462370fff698183664dc7e) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:220 Output 'scrmbl_mode_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h2f5016004,DataDefault=704'h93b61de417b9fb339605f051e74379cbcc6596c7174eba643e725e464f593c87a445c3c29f71a256a0d1e90e8c9fddfa01e46311fd36d95401136c663a36c3e3e817e760b27ae937bfcdf15a3429452a851b80674a2b6fbe) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:220 Output 'scrmbl_mode_o[1]' is driven by constant zero in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1da00a0bc,DataDefault=320'hbe193854e9ca60a0711d135f59a50322b6711db6f5d40a37b5ac1f53d00a08c3b28b5c0fee5f4c02) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:432 Output 'scrmbl_mode_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1cf012034,DataDefault=576'hf87bed95cfba3727df3888886bd10dc67abb319bda0529ae40119a3c6e63cdf358840e458e4029a663b9485a3856c417cf7a50a9a91ef7f7b3a5b4421f462370fff698183664dc7e) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:468 Output 'scrmbl_sel_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1cf012034,DataDefault=576'hf87bed95cfba3727df3888886bd10dc67abb319bda0529ae40119a3c6e63cdf358840e458e4029a663b9485a3856c417cf7a50a9a91ef7f7b3a5b4421f462370fff698183664dc7e) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:468 Output 'scrmbl_sel_o[0]' is driven by constant zero in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1ea0162be,DataDefault=704'h8cbbad02bb4ca928d68c96f0b3d1feed688098a43c33459f0279fc51cc7c626e315fd2b871d88819d0bac511d08ece0e2c0dbddedf7a854d5e58d0aa97a0f8f6d3d58610f485166794cd3ded94b578192a4d8b51f5d41c8a) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:468 Output 'scrmbl_sel_o[1]' is driven by constant zero in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1df0161bc,DataDefault=704'hc469c593e5dc0da8e00e9680bd9b70291c752824c7ddc896105733eaa3880c5a234729143f97b62a55d0320379a0d260426d99d374e699cadbc827839fe2dcc27e17d06b5d4e0ddddbb9844327f20fb5d396d1ce085bdc31) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:642 Output 'otp_addr_o[1:0]' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1cf012034,DataDefault=576'hf87bed95cfba3727df3888886bd10dc67abb319bda0529ae40119a3c6e63cdf358840e458e4029a663b9485a3856c417cf7a50a9a91ef7f7b3a5b4421f462370fff698183664dc7e) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_buf.sv:650 Output 'otp_size_o' is driven by constant ones in module 'otp_ctrl_part_buf' (Info=34'h1cf012034,DataDefault=576'hf87bed95cfba3727df3888886bd10dc67abb319bda0529ae40119a3c6e63cdf358840e458e4029a663b9485a3856c417cf7a50a9a91ef7f7b3a5b4421f462370fff698183664dc7e) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:142 Output 'otp_wdata_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'otp_ctrl_part_unbuf' (Info=34'h10050) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:148 Output 'otp_cmd_o' is driven by constant 7'b1000101 in module 'otp_ctrl_part_unbuf' (Info=34'h8068054) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:151 Output 'otp_cmd_o' is driven by constant 7'b1111001 in module 'otp_ctrl_part_unbuf' (Info=34'h10050) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:350 Output 'otp_addr_o[0]' is driven by constant zero in module 'otp_ctrl_part_unbuf' (Info=34'h10050) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: otp_ctrl_part_unbuf.sv:358 Output 'otp_size_o[0]' is driven by constant one in module 'otp_ctrl_part_unbuf' (Info=34'h10050) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_otp.sv:79 Output 'otp_obs_o' is driven by constant zeros by port 'gen_generic.u_impl_generic.otp_obs_o' in module 'prim_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_otp.sv:79 Output 'pwr_seq_o' is driven by constant zeros by port 'gen_generic.u_impl_generic.pwr_seq_o' in module 'prim_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_otp.sv:79 Output 'recov_alert_o' is driven by constant zero by port 'gen_generic.u_impl_generic.recov_alert_o' in module 'prim_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_otp.sv:79 Output 'test_status_o' is driven by constant zeros by port 'gen_generic.u_impl_generic.test_status_o' in module 'prim_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_otp.sv:79 Output 'test_vect_o' is driven by constant zeros by port 'gen_generic.u_impl_generic.test_vect_o' in module 'prim_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_arbiter_fixed.sv:125 Output 'data_o' is driven by constant ones in module 'prim_arbiter_fixed' (N=11,EnDataPort=0) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_arbiter_tree.sv:175 Output 'data_o' is driven by constant ones in module 'prim_arbiter_tree' (N=2,EnDataPort=0) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_edn_req.sv:112 Output 'err_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'prim_edn_req' (OutWidth=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_fifo_sync.sv:41 Output 'depth_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Width=32'h6c,Depth=32'h0) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_fifo_sync.sv:56 Output 'err_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Width=32'h6c,Depth=32'h0) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_fifo_sync.sv:98 Output 'err_o' is driven by constant zero by port 'gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.err_o' in module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Width=32'h11,Pass=1'h0,Depth=32'h1) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:136 Output 'err_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=32'h1) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_generic_otp.sv:77 Output 'pwr_seq_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'prim_generic_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_generic_otp.sv:81 Output 'otp_obs_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'prim_generic_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_generic_otp.sv:93 Output 'recov_alert_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'prim_generic_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_generic_otp.sv:95 Output 'test_vect_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'prim_generic_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: prim_generic_otp.sv:96 Output 'test_status_o' is driven by constant zeros in module 'prim_generic_otp' (VendorTestSize=64) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: tlul_adapter_reg.sv:91 Output 'addr_o[1:0]' is driven by constant zeros in module 'tlul_adapter_reg' (RegAw=12) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: tlul_adapter_reg.sv:195 Output 'intg_error_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'tlul_adapter_reg' (RegAw=12) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:109 Output 'readback_error_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (SramAw=9,ByteAccess=0,ErrOnWrite=1) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: tlul_adapter_sram.sv:193 Output 'compound_txn_in_progress_o' is driven by constant zero by port 'u_sram_byte.compound_txn_in_progress_o' in module 'tlul_adapter_sram' (SramAw=9,ByteAccess=0,ErrOnWrite=1) New
I CONST_OUTPUT: tlul_sram_byte.sv:699 Output 'alert_o' is driven by constant zero New
I CONST_OUTPUT: tlul_sram_byte.sv:700 Output 'compound_txn_in_progress_o' is driven by constant zero New