Wednesday December 13 2023 20:03:11 UTC

GitHub Revision: 68d971643b

Branch: os_regression


Build Mode Flow Warnings Flow Errors Lint Warnings Lint Errors
default 0 2 5 0

Messages for Build Mode 'default'

Flow Errors

ERROR: %Warning-WIDTH: ../src/lowrisc_ip_alert_handler_component_0.1/rtl/ Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS's SEL generates 7 bits.

ERROR: Failed to build lowrisc:opentitan:top_earlgrey_alert_handler:0.1 : '['make', '']' exited with an error: 2

Lint Warnings

%Warning-WIDTH: ../src/lowrisc_ip_alert_handler_component_0.1/rtl/ Operator SUB expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS's SEL generates 7 bits.

%Warning-WIDTH: ../src/lowrisc_ip_alert_handler_component_0.1/rtl/ Operator COND expects 32 bits on the Conditional False, but Conditional False's SEL generates 7 bits.

%Warning-WIDTH: ../src/lowrisc_ip_alert_handler_component_0.1/rtl/ Operator ASSIGNW expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS's COND generates 32 bits.

%Warning-WIDTH: ../src/lowrisc_ip_alert_handler_component_0.1/rtl/ Logical operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS's VARREF 'lpg_used' generates 24 bits.

%Warning-UNUSED: ../src/lowrisc_prim_subreg_0/rtl/ Parameter is not used: 'Mubi'

Past Results