Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : edn_main_sm
88.21 98.18 100.00 48.15 94.74 100.00

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
tb.dut.u_edn_core.u_edn_main_sm 88.21 98.18 100.00 48.15 94.74 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_edn_core.u_edn_main_sm

Instance :
88.21 98.18 100.00 48.15 94.74 100.00

Instance's subtree :
88.29 98.32 100.00 48.15 95.00 100.00

Parent :
93.24 100.00 79.72 100.00 u_edn_core

Subtrees :
u_state_regs 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : edn_main_sm
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_edn_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_edn_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
62 3 3
64 1 1
66 1 1
70 1 1
71 1 1
72 1 1
73 1 1
74 1 1
75 1 1
76 1 1
77 1 1
78 1 1
79 1 1
80 1 1
81 1 1
82 1 1
83 1 1
84 1 1
85 1 1
87 1 1
88 1 1
89 1 1
90 1 1
91 1 1
92 1 1
93 1 1
97 1 1
98 1 1
101 1 1
102 1 1
105 1 1
106 1 1
110 1 1
111 1 1
114 1 1
115 1 1
116 1 1
120 1 1
121 1 1
125 1 1
126 1 1
132 1 1
133 1 1
134 1 1
135 1 1
139 1 1
140 1 1
141 1 1
142 1 1
146 1 1
147 1 1
148 1 1
149 1 1
153 1 1
154 1 1
155 1 1
156 0 1
157 0 1
159 1 1
160 1 1
162 1 1
167 1 1
168 1 1
169 1 1
170 1 1
173 1 1
174 1 1
175 1 1
176 1 1
177 1 1
181 1 1
182 1 1
183 1 1
184 1 1
187 1 1
188 1 1
189 1 1
190 1 1
191 1 1
197 1 1
205 1 1
206 1 1
208 1 1
209 1 1
210 1 1
211 1 1
212 1 1
213 1 1
214 1 1
215 1 1
216 1 1
217 1 1
218 1 1
219 1 1
220 1 1
229 1 1
231 1 1
232 1 1
233 1 1
234 1 1
235 1 1
236 1 1
237 1 1
238 1 1
239 1 1
240 1 1
241 1 1
242 1 1

Cond Coverage for Module : edn_main_sm

 LINE       66
 EXPRESSION ((state_q != Idle) && (state_q != BootPulse) && (state_q != BootDone) && (state_q != SWPortMode))
             --------1--------    -----------2----------    ----------3----------    -----------4-----------

 LINE       66
 SUB-EXPRESSION (state_q != Idle)

 LINE       66
 SUB-EXPRESSION (state_q != BootPulse)

 LINE       66
 SUB-EXPRESSION (state_q != BootDone)

 LINE       66
 SUB-EXPRESSION (state_q != SWPortMode)

 LINE       87
 EXPRESSION (boot_req_mode_i && edn_enable_i)
             -------1-------    ------2-----

 LINE       89
 EXPRESSION (auto_req_mode_i && edn_enable_i)
             -------1-------    ------2-----

 LINE       220
 Number  Term
      1  ((!edn_enable_i)) && 
      2  (state_q inside {BootLoadIns, BootLoadGen, BootInsAckWait, BootCaptGenCnt, BootSendGenCmd, BootGenAckWait, BootPulse, BootDone, AutoLoadIns, AutoFirstAckWait, AutoAckWait, AutoDispatch, AutoCaptGenCnt, AutoSendGenCmd, AutoCaptReseedCnt, AutoSendReseedCmd, SWPortMode}))

FSM Coverage for Module : edn_main_sm
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 19 19 100.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 54 26 48.15
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
AutoAckWait 177 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptGenCnt 162 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptReseedCnt 160 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoDispatch 142 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoFirstAckWait 135 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoLoadIns 90 Covered T19,T20,T21
AutoSendGenCmd 170 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendReseedCmd 184 Covered T22,T23,T24
BootCaptGenCnt 106 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootDone 126 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootGenAckWait 116 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootInsAckWait 102 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootLoadGen 98 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootLoadIns 88 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootPulse 121 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootSendGenCmd 111 Covered T14,T16,T17
Error 206 Covered T25,T26,T27
Idle 157 Covered T1,T11,T12
SWPortMode 93 Covered T1,T11,T2

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
AutoAckWait->AutoDispatch 149 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoAckWait->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoAckWait->Idle 229 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptGenCnt->AutoSendGenCmd 170 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptGenCnt->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoCaptGenCnt->Idle 229 Not Covered
AutoCaptReseedCnt->AutoSendReseedCmd 184 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptReseedCnt->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoCaptReseedCnt->Idle 229 Not Covered
AutoDispatch->AutoCaptGenCnt 162 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoDispatch->AutoCaptReseedCnt 160 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoDispatch->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoDispatch->Idle 157 Not Covered
AutoFirstAckWait->AutoDispatch 142 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoFirstAckWait->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoFirstAckWait->Idle 229 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoLoadIns->AutoFirstAckWait 135 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoLoadIns->Error 206 Covered T19,T20,T21
AutoLoadIns->Idle 229 Not Covered
AutoSendGenCmd->AutoAckWait 177 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendGenCmd->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoSendGenCmd->Idle 229 Not Covered
AutoSendReseedCmd->AutoAckWait 191 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendReseedCmd->Error 206 Not Covered
AutoSendReseedCmd->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootCaptGenCnt->BootSendGenCmd 111 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootCaptGenCnt->Error 206 Not Covered
BootCaptGenCnt->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootDone->Error 206 Not Covered
BootDone->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootGenAckWait->BootPulse 121 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootGenAckWait->Error 206 Not Covered
BootGenAckWait->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootInsAckWait->BootCaptGenCnt 106 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootInsAckWait->Error 206 Not Covered
BootInsAckWait->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootLoadGen->BootInsAckWait 102 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootLoadGen->Error 206 Not Covered
BootLoadGen->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootLoadIns->BootLoadGen 98 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootLoadIns->Error 206 Not Covered
BootLoadIns->Idle 229 Not Covered
BootPulse->BootDone 126 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootPulse->Error 206 Not Covered
BootPulse->Idle 229 Covered T18,T28,T29
BootSendGenCmd->BootGenAckWait 116 Covered T14,T16,T17
BootSendGenCmd->Error 206 Not Covered
BootSendGenCmd->Idle 229 Not Covered
Idle->AutoLoadIns 90 Covered T19,T20,T21
Idle->BootLoadIns 88 Covered T14,T16,T17
Idle->Error 206 Covered T30,T31,T32
Idle->SWPortMode 93 Covered T1,T11,T2
SWPortMode->Error 206 Covered T25,T26,T27
SWPortMode->Idle 229 Covered T1,T2,T15

Branch Coverage for Module : edn_main_sm
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 38 36 94.74
IF 62 2 2 100.00
CASE 85 33 31 93.94
IF 205 3 3 100.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_edn_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_edn_0.1/rtl/ was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 62 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T11,T12
0 Covered T1,T11,T12

LineNo. Expression -1-: 85 case (state_q) -2-: 87 if ((boot_req_mode_i && edn_enable_i)) -3-: 89 if ((auto_req_mode_i && edn_enable_i)) -4-: 91 if (edn_enable_i) -5-: 105 if (csrng_cmd_ack_i) -6-: 115 if (cmd_sent_i) -7-: 120 if (csrng_cmd_ack_i) -8-: 134 if (sw_cmd_req_load_i) -9-: 140 if (csrng_cmd_ack_i) -10-: 148 if (csrng_cmd_ack_i) -11-: 155 if ((!auto_req_mode_i)) -12-: 159 if (max_reqs_cnt_zero_i) -13-: 176 if (cmd_sent_i) -14-: 190 if (cmd_sent_i)

Idle 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
Idle 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T19,T20,T21
Idle 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - Covered T1,T11,T2
Idle 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - Covered T1,T11,T12
BootLoadIns - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootLoadGen - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootInsAckWait - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootInsAckWait - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootCaptGenCnt - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootSendGenCmd - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootSendGenCmd - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - Not Covered
BootGenAckWait - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootGenAckWait - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootPulse - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
BootDone - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T14,T16,T17
AutoLoadIns - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoLoadIns - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - Covered T19,T20,T21
AutoFirstAckWait - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoFirstAckWait - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoAckWait - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoAckWait - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoDispatch - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - Not Covered
AutoDispatch - - - - - - - - - 0 1 - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoDispatch - - - - - - - - - 0 0 - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptGenCnt - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendGenCmd - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendGenCmd - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoCaptReseedCnt - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendReseedCmd - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Covered T22,T23,T24
AutoSendReseedCmd - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Covered T22,T23,T24
SWPortMode - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T1,T11,T2
Error - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T25,T26,T27
default - - - - - - - - - - - - - Covered T30,T31,T32

LineNo. Expression -1-: 205 if (local_escalate_i) -2-: 220 if (((!edn_enable_i) && (state_q inside {BootLoadIns, BootLoadGen, BootInsAckWait, BootCaptGenCnt, BootSendGenCmd, BootGenAckWait, BootPulse, BootDone, AutoLoadIns, AutoFirstAckWait, AutoAckWait, AutoDispatch, AutoCaptGenCnt, AutoSendGenCmd, AutoCaptReseedCnt, AutoSendReseedCmd, SWPortMode})))

1 - Covered T25,T26,T27
0 1 Covered T18,T28,T29
0 0 Covered T1,T11,T12

Assert Coverage for Module : edn_main_sm
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
ErrorStStable_A 210598660 171190 0 0
FpvSecCmErrorStEscalate_A 210598660 172240 0 0
u_state_regs_A 210579860 210405350 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 210598660 171190 0 0
T19 0 530 0 0
T20 0 530 0 0
T21 0 530 0 0
T25 1841 1108 0 0
T26 1841 1108 0 0
T27 1841 1108 0 0
T28 1219 0 0 0
T33 1841 1108 0 0
T34 0 530 0 0
T35 0 530 0 0
T36 0 1108 0 0
T37 1797 0 0 0
T38 1303 0 0 0
T39 1797 0 0 0
T40 1797 0 0 0
T41 1797 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 210598660 172240 0 0
T19 0 531 0 0
T20 0 531 0 0
T21 0 531 0 0
T25 1841 1109 0 0
T26 1841 1109 0 0
T27 1841 1109 0 0
T28 1219 0 0 0
T33 1841 1109 0 0
T34 0 531 0 0
T35 0 531 0 0
T36 0 1109 0 0
T37 1797 0 0 0
T38 1303 0 0 0
T39 1797 0 0 0
T40 1797 0 0 0
T41 1797 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 210579860 210405350 0 0
T1 417080 417069 0 0
T2 417080 417069 0 0
T11 1823 1761 0 0
T12 1352 1290 0 0
T13 1352 1290 0 0
T14 1797 1735 0 0
T15 15446 14624 0 0
T16 1797 1735 0 0
T17 1797 1735 0 0
T18 1219 1159 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%