dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts
Total Coverage Summary 
91.15 95.24 85.37 100.00 96.43 88.37 81.48

Total tests in report: 20
Tests are in graded order

Scores are accumulated (Total) and incremental (Incr) for each test.

86.13 86.13 92.38 92.38 82.93 82.93 100.00 100.00 78.57 78.57 81.40 81.40 81.48 81.48 /workspace/coverage/default/12.prim_esc_test.1970186906
88.27 2.14 93.33 0.95 85.37 2.44 100.00 0.00 85.71 7.14 83.72 2.33 81.48 0.00 /workspace/coverage/default/8.prim_esc_test.3260422817
89.41 1.14 94.29 0.95 85.37 0.00 100.00 0.00 89.29 3.57 86.05 2.33 81.48 0.00 /workspace/coverage/default/10.prim_esc_test.4017674809
90.55 1.14 95.24 0.95 85.37 0.00 100.00 0.00 92.86 3.57 88.37 2.33 81.48 0.00 /workspace/coverage/default/5.prim_esc_test.2576791310
91.15 0.60 95.24 0.00 85.37 0.00 100.00 0.00 96.43 3.57 88.37 0.00 81.48 0.00 /workspace/coverage/default/19.prim_esc_test.3547435353

Tests that do not contribute to grading


Total test records in report: 20
T1 /workspace/coverage/default/16.prim_esc_test.508574142 Jul 24 04:20:09 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:10 PM PDT 24 4557116 ps
T2 /workspace/coverage/default/12.prim_esc_test.1970186906 Jul 24 04:20:13 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:13 PM PDT 24 5441632 ps
T3 /workspace/coverage/default/15.prim_esc_test.2120689266 Jul 24 04:20:11 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24 4736487 ps
T4 /workspace/coverage/default/10.prim_esc_test.4017674809 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:02 PM PDT 24 5010014 ps
T5 /workspace/coverage/default/11.prim_esc_test.2661859515 Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:13 PM PDT 24 4804791 ps
T13 /workspace/coverage/default/3.prim_esc_test.2845865226 Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24 4942206 ps
T14 /workspace/coverage/default/0.prim_esc_test.375430604 Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24 5106373 ps
T7 /workspace/coverage/default/17.prim_esc_test.3769525929 Jul 24 04:20:00 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 4878566 ps
T6 /workspace/coverage/default/5.prim_esc_test.2576791310 Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24 4833150 ps
T15 /workspace/coverage/default/14.prim_esc_test.4153568041 Jul 24 04:20:17 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:17 PM PDT 24 4483386 ps
T8 /workspace/coverage/default/4.prim_esc_test.3477630302 Jul 24 04:20:00 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 5288843 ps
T10 /workspace/coverage/default/19.prim_esc_test.3547435353 Jul 24 04:20:11 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24 4737283 ps
T16 /workspace/coverage/default/6.prim_esc_test.1723137067 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 4460393 ps
T17 /workspace/coverage/default/9.prim_esc_test.609295782 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 4848368 ps
T11 /workspace/coverage/default/8.prim_esc_test.3260422817 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:02 PM PDT 24 5466040 ps
T12 /workspace/coverage/default/13.prim_esc_test.3092935183 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:02 PM PDT 24 5000382 ps
T9 /workspace/coverage/default/7.prim_esc_test.445958868 Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24 4733470 ps
T18 /workspace/coverage/default/18.prim_esc_test.2596733059 Jul 24 04:20:11 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24 4740874 ps
T19 /workspace/coverage/default/1.prim_esc_test.1639735597 Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24 4352459 ps
T20 /workspace/coverage/default/2.prim_esc_test.1966616018 Jul 24 04:20:00 PM PDT 24 Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24 4730799 ps

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/12.prim_esc_test.1970186906
Short name T2
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 5441632 ps
CPU time 0.39 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:13 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:13 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 146284 kb
Host smart-ecb2a1c7-7405-4bfd-8fd2-096d00c31c47
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=1970186906 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 12.prim_esc_test.1970186906
Directory /workspace/12.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/8.prim_esc_test.3260422817
Short name T11
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 5466040 ps
CPU time 0.39 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:02 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145564 kb
Host smart-b518ddef-54ba-41ca-bbb5-7db4ca9a1167
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3260422817 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 8.prim_esc_test.3260422817
Directory /workspace/8.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/10.prim_esc_test.4017674809
Short name T4
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 5010014 ps
CPU time 0.41 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:02 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 146472 kb
Host smart-6cd288b7-b41e-4e55-bde0-c940c5a664cf
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=4017674809 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 10.prim_esc_test.4017674809
Directory /workspace/10.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/5.prim_esc_test.2576791310
Short name T6
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4833150 ps
CPU time 0.46 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 143976 kb
Host smart-52e9f70f-fdf3-4a9d-8289-5cd951358161
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2576791310 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 5.prim_esc_test.2576791310
Directory /workspace/5.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/19.prim_esc_test.3547435353
Short name T10
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4737283 ps
CPU time 0.36 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:11 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145604 kb
Host smart-e901c973-0657-47f4-bf1c-bd8a0ce77e24
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3547435353 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 19.prim_esc_test.3547435353
Directory /workspace/19.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/0.prim_esc_test.375430604
Short name T14
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 5106373 ps
CPU time 0.45 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 143780 kb
Host smart-f9cd4817-c26f-459c-99e2-7edee34b8d4a
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=375430604 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 0.prim_esc_test.375430604
Directory /workspace/0.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/1.prim_esc_test.1639735597
Short name T19
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4352459 ps
CPU time 0.48 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145820 kb
Host smart-f4f239be-913a-40bd-958c-291da21ea655
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=1639735597 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 1.prim_esc_test.1639735597
Directory /workspace/1.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/11.prim_esc_test.2661859515
Short name T5
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4804791 ps
CPU time 0.39 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:13 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145648 kb
Host smart-75d42b1b-c579-4cee-a8d5-81c78581300b
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2661859515 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 11.prim_esc_test.2661859515
Directory /workspace/11.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/13.prim_esc_test.3092935183
Short name T12
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 5000382 ps
CPU time 0.38 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:02 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145604 kb
Host smart-019df0f8-c061-4b2c-bedd-b5e3cff45fdc
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3092935183 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 13.prim_esc_test.3092935183
Directory /workspace/13.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/14.prim_esc_test.4153568041
Short name T15
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4483386 ps
CPU time 0.38 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:17 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:17 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 146024 kb
Host smart-7b5921ca-dedf-498f-a317-892f58491994
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=4153568041 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 14.prim_esc_test.4153568041
Directory /workspace/14.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/15.prim_esc_test.2120689266
Short name T3
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4736487 ps
CPU time 0.4 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:11 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 146196 kb
Host smart-e96379d6-f9cd-4d73-b1d8-31aee7b9a438
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2120689266 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 15.prim_esc_test.2120689266
Directory /workspace/15.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/16.prim_esc_test.508574142
Short name T1
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4557116 ps
CPU time 0.42 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:09 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:10 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145036 kb
Host smart-ba7037f6-a192-44ef-8654-92f51e202869
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=508574142 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 16.prim_esc_test.508574142
Directory /workspace/16.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/17.prim_esc_test.3769525929
Short name T7
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4878566 ps
CPU time 0.38 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:00 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145344 kb
Host smart-38175694-4be4-40cc-a375-62081b42433e
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3769525929 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 17.prim_esc_test.3769525929
Directory /workspace/17.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/18.prim_esc_test.2596733059
Short name T18
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4740874 ps
CPU time 0.36 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:11 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:12 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 146816 kb
Host smart-049a35f7-d70e-493a-893e-da94b542c53e
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2596733059 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 18.prim_esc_test.2596733059
Directory /workspace/18.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/2.prim_esc_test.1966616018
Short name T20
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4730799 ps
CPU time 0.38 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:00 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145228 kb
Host smart-c64159ff-70ce-4d51-8480-f48736075294
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=1966616018 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 2.prim_esc_test.1966616018
Directory /workspace/2.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/3.prim_esc_test.2845865226
Short name T13
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4942206 ps
CPU time 0.47 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 144856 kb
Host smart-09e4035a-76e9-46e8-a46b-b5c1b057e962
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2845865226 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 3.prim_esc_test.2845865226
Directory /workspace/3.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/4.prim_esc_test.3477630302
Short name T8
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 5288843 ps
CPU time 0.4 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:00 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 144256 kb
Host smart-ac0a0164-9f6b-4c1d-b92f-a559ed7f252e
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3477630302 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 4.prim_esc_test.3477630302
Directory /workspace/4.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/6.prim_esc_test.1723137067
Short name T16
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4460393 ps
CPU time 0.38 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 145180 kb
Host smart-0287ed20-30e8-4290-a3c9-adb868a8a1e4
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=1723137067 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 6.prim_esc_test.1723137067
Directory /workspace/6.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/7.prim_esc_test.445958868
Short name T9
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4733470 ps
CPU time 0.45 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:05 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:06 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 144736 kb
Host smart-9996f7f0-12df-4dd2-8776-782a35e34eb8
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=445958868 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 7.prim_esc_test.445958868
Directory /workspace/7.prim_esc_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/9.prim_esc_test.609295782
Short name T17
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 4848368 ps
CPU time 0.36 seconds
Started Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Finished Jul 24 04:20:01 PM PDT 24
Peak memory 146760 kb
Host smart-ab1efd28-67f1-4271-a417-3f805fd12868
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=609295782 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 9.prim_esc_test.609295782
Directory /workspace/9.prim_esc_test/latest
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%