dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts
Total Coverage Summary 
95.87 98.41 86.21 100.00 92.31 98.31 100.00

Total tests in report: 10
Tests are in graded order

Scores are accumulated (Total) and incremental (Incr) for each test.

91.71 91.71 98.41 98.41 86.21 86.21 100.00 100.00 92.31 92.31 98.31 98.31 75.00 75.00 /workspace/coverage/default/1.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.167160281

Tests that do not contribute to grading


Total test records in report: 10
T1 /workspace/coverage/default/1.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.167160281 Jan 10 12:23:25 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:23:31 PM PST 24 11070535712 ps
T2 /workspace/coverage/default/9.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.267553014 Jan 10 12:22:18 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:22:21 PM PST 24 9684081636 ps
T3 /workspace/coverage/default/6.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.980663029 Jan 10 12:31:25 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:32:15 PM PST 24 8990991979 ps
T4 /workspace/coverage/default/5.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.1759822898 Jan 10 12:29:05 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:29:28 PM PST 24 9271482337 ps
T5 /workspace/coverage/default/0.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3290585359 Jan 10 12:27:44 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:27:59 PM PST 24 9113265631 ps
T6 /workspace/coverage/default/4.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3797510447 Jan 10 12:27:53 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:28:09 PM PST 24 9429372253 ps
T7 /workspace/coverage/default/3.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.2144241206 Jan 10 12:23:59 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:24:08 PM PST 24 9129844756 ps
T8 /workspace/coverage/default/7.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.2776470622 Jan 10 12:31:26 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:32:17 PM PST 24 9969251669 ps
T9 /workspace/coverage/default/8.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3651757216 Jan 10 12:26:48 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:26:56 PM PST 24 9812294574 ps
T10 /workspace/coverage/default/2.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3969320228 Jan 10 12:22:18 PM PST 24 Jan 10 12:22:21 PM PST 24 9684362224 ps

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/1.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.167160281
Short name T1
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 11070535712 ps
CPU time 3.01 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:23:25 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:23:31 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162516 kb
Host smart-fc4f88d3-eead-45de-b345-d388d4fe848e
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=167160281 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 1.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.167160281
Directory /workspace/1.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/0.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3290585359
Short name T5
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9113265631 ps
CPU time 2.62 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:27:44 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:27:59 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162528 kb
Host smart-2220488c-4484-4977-82f1-f3cff1e245e0
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3290585359 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 0.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3290585359
Directory /workspace/0.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/2.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3969320228
Short name T10
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9684362224 ps
CPU time 2.82 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:22:18 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:22:21 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162424 kb
Host smart-7ad930f6-be33-4ee4-ad8d-914e039b5134
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3969320228 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 2.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3969320228
Directory /workspace/2.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/3.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.2144241206
Short name T7
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9129844756 ps
CPU time 2.64 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:23:59 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:24:08 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162772 kb
Host smart-596b57d1-6fc6-4b55-98b8-93a3b613b87f
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2144241206 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 3.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.2144241206
Directory /workspace/3.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/4.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3797510447
Short name T6
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9429372253 ps
CPU time 2.73 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:27:53 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:28:09 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162748 kb
Host smart-73a40981-e332-464e-828a-339d0cf7cdf2
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3797510447 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 4.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3797510447
Directory /workspace/4.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/5.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.1759822898
Short name T4
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9271482337 ps
CPU time 2.65 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:29:05 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:29:28 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162324 kb
Host smart-3f7d916e-b146-44e0-81dd-0f6cc309c084
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=1759822898 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 5.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.1759822898
Directory /workspace/5.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/6.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.980663029
Short name T3
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 8990991979 ps
CPU time 2.61 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:31:25 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:32:15 PM PST 24
Peak memory 161908 kb
Host smart-b3ab5ecf-1a08-423e-9fa1-b2a837479a6f
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=980663029 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 6.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.980663029
Directory /workspace/6.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/7.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.2776470622
Short name T8
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9969251669 ps
CPU time 2.72 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:31:26 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:32:17 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162236 kb
Host smart-f5a02bcb-5d7f-4cc5-916f-fa964191d35e
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=2776470622 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 7.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.2776470622
Directory /workspace/7.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/8.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3651757216
Short name T9
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9812294574 ps
CPU time 2.83 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:26:48 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:26:56 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162536 kb
Host smart-fe62b27a-2d31-47e1-b19e-8e00b5f0b038
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=3651757216 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /works
pace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 8.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.3651757216
Directory /workspace/8.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest

Test location /workspace/coverage/default/9.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.267553014
Short name T2
Test name
Test status
Simulation time 9684081636 ps
CPU time 2.93 seconds
Started Jan 10 12:22:18 PM PST 24
Finished Jan 10 12:22:21 PM PST 24
Peak memory 162180 kb
Host smart-d8c6000d-a571-40be-8db8-dfb50be5d664
User root
Command /workspace/default/simv +cdc_instrumentation_enabled=1 +UVM_NO_RELNOTES +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW -licqueue -ucli -do /workspace/mnt/repo_top/hw/dv/tools
/sim.tcl +ntb_random_seed=267553014 -assert nopostproc +UVM_TESTNAME= +UVM_TEST_SEQ= +en_cov=1 -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir /worksp
ace/coverage/default.vdb -cm_log /dev/null -cm_name 9.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test.267553014
Directory /workspace/9.rstmgr_cnsty_chk_test/latest
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%