RV_DM Lint Results

Saturday June 22 2024 23:02:20 UTC

GitHub Revision: 8fdb25c8d9

Branch: os_regression


Build Mode Flow Infos Flow Warnings Flow Errors Lint Infos Lint Warnings Lint Errors
default 0 0 0 294 0 0

Messages for Build Mode 'default'

Lint Infos

I   FSM_DEFAULT_REQ:   prim_sync_reqack.sv:99    Next state register 'gen_rz_hs_protocol.src_fsm_d' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine                 New                            

I   FSM_DEFAULT_REQ:   prim_sync_reqack.sv:151   Next state register 'gen_rz_hs_protocol.dst_fsm_d' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine                 New                            

I   FSM_DEFAULT_REQ:   prim_diff_decode.sv:158   Next state register 'gen_async.state_d' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine                            New                            

I   FSM_DEFAULT_REQ:   dm_mem.sv:201             Next state register 'state_d' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine                                      New                            

I   FSM_DEFAULT_REQ:   dmi_jtag.sv:223           Next state register 'state_d' is not always assigned in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine                                 New                            

I   FSM_DEFAULT_REQ:   dmi_jtag_tap.sv:297       Next state register 'tap_state_d' has no assignment in the default branch of the case statement for this finite state machine                                  New                            

I   NESTED_SUBPROG:   tlul_pkg.sv:143   Function 'prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_invalid' is called from within a function                 New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   prim_fifo_sync.sv:124   Variable index expression 'gen_normal_fifo.storage[gen_normal_fifo.fifo_wptr]' encountered                         New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_csrs.sv:372          Variable index expression 'data_d[dmi_req_i.addr[$clog2(dm::DataCount) - 1:0]]' encountered                        New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_csrs.sv:388          Variable index expression 'havereset_d_aligned[selected_hart]' encountered                                         New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_csrs.sv:441          Variable index expression 'progbuf_d[dmi_req_i.addr[$clog2(dm::ProgBufSize) - 1:0]]' encountered                   New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_csrs.sv:573          Variable index expression 'haltreq_o[selected_hart]' encountered                                                   New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_csrs.sv:574          Variable index expression 'resumereq_o[selected_hart]' encountered                                                 New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_mem.sv:254           Variable index expression 'resuming_d_aligned[hartsel]' encountered                                                New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_mem.sv:262           Variable index expression 'halted_aligned[wdata_hartsel]' encountered                                              New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_mem.sv:263           Variable index expression 'halted_d_aligned[wdata_hartsel]' encountered                                            New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_mem.sv:270           Variable index expression 'halted_d_aligned[wdata_hartsel]' encountered                                            New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_mem.sv:272           Variable index expression 'resuming_d_aligned[wdata_hartsel]' encountered                                          New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_mem.sv:349           Variable index expression 'rdata[DbgAddressBits'(hartsel) & DbgAddressBits'(3'b111)]' encountered                  New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_sba.sv:77            Variable index expression 'be_mask[be_idx]' encountered                                                            New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_sba.sv:80            Variable range select expression 'be_mask[int '({be_idx[$high(be_idx):1],1'b0}) +: 2]' encountered                 New                            

I   VAR_INDEX_WRITE:   dm_sba.sv:83            Variable range select expression 'be_mask[int '({be_idx[$high(be_idx)],2'h0}) +: 4]' encountered                   New                            

I   CASE_INC:   prim_alert_sender.sv:199   Case statement tag not specified for value 'b111                                             New                            

I   CASE_INC:   prim_diff_decode.sv:115    Case statement tag not specified for value 'b11                                              New                            

I   CASE_INC:   tlul_err.sv:62             Case statement tag not specified for value 'h3                                               New                            

I   CASE_INC:   tlul_lc_gate.sv:171        Case statement tag not specified for value 'b000000000 and many other values                 New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dm_mem.sv:440              Case statement tag not specified for value 'b00000100 and many other values                  New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dm_sba.sv:75               Case statement tag not specified for value 'b100 and 3 other values                          New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dm_sba.sv:114              Case statement tag not specified for value 'b101 and 2 other values                          New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dmi_jtag.sv:157            Case statement tag not specified for value 'b101 and 2 other values                          New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dmi_jtag.sv:183            Case statement tag not specified for value 'b01                                              New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dmi_jtag.sv:214            Case statement tag not specified for value 'b00 and 1 other value                            New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dmi_jtag_tap.sv:155        Case statement tag not specified for value 'b00010 and 26 other values                       New                            

I   CASE_INC:   dmi_jtag_tap.sv:176        Case statement tag not specified for value 'b00000 and 28 other values                       New                            

I   CASE_SEL_CONST:   rv_dm_regs_reg_top.sv:253   Constant value '1'b1' found as case statement selector                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:18                     Declaration range '[NumAlerts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'AlertAsyncOn' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NumAlerts=1)                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:44                     Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'debug_req_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                                    New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:45                     Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'unavailable_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                                  New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:61                     Declaration range '[NumAlerts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'alert_rx_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NumAlerts=1)                                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:62                     Declaration range '[NumAlerts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'alert_tx_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NumAlerts=1)                                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:90                     Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'hartinfo' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                                       New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:98                     Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'SelectableHarts' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                                New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:126                    Declaration range '[NumAlerts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'alert_test' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NumAlerts=1)                                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:434                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'debug_req_en' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm.sv:435                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'debug_req' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm' of module 'rv_dm' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   rv_dm_regs_reg_top.sv:135       Declaration range '[0:0]' of 'alert_test_flds_we' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_buf.sv:24                  Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'in_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf' of module 'prim_buf' (Width=1)                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_buf.sv:25                  Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'out_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf' of module 'prim_buf' (Width=1)                                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_flop.sv:22                 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_sync_1' of module 'prim_flop' (Width=1)                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_flop.sv:27                 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_sync_1' of module 'prim_flop' (Width=1)                                                                        New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_flop.sv:28                 Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_sync_1' of module 'prim_flop' (Width=1)                                                                        New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_flop_2sync.sv:19           Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_flop_2sync.sv:25           Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_flop_2sync.sv:26           Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert' of module 'prim_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_fifo_sync.sv:63            Declaration range '[gen_normal_fifo.PtrW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'gen_normal_fifo.fifo_wptr' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs.i_fifo' of module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Depth=2,gen_normal_fifo.PtrW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)'))                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:25        Declaration range '[PtrW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wptr_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs.i_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt' of module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=2,PtrW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)'))                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:26        Declaration range '[PtrW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'rptr_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs.i_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt' of module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=2,PtrW=1 ('prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)'))                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_buf.sv:10          Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'in_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_buf' (Width=1)                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_buf.sv:11          Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'out_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_buf' (Width=1)                  New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_buf.sv:14          Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'inv' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf.u_secure_anchor_buf.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_buf' (Width=1)                    New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop.sv:9          Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop' (Width=1)                              New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop.sv:13         Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop' (Width=1)                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop.sv:14         Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop' (Width=1)                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop_2sync.sv:9    Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ResetValue' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                            New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop_2sync.sv:14   Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop_2sync.sv:15   Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop_2sync.sv:18   Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_generic_flop_2sync.sv:19   Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'intq' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_flop_2sync_lc_rst_assert.gen_generic.u_impl_generic' of module 'prim_generic_flop_2sync' (Width=1)                                                                  New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_lc_sync.sv:30              Declaration range '[NumCopies - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'lc_en_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en' of module 'prim_lc_sync' (NumCopies=1)                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_sec_anchor_buf.sv:10       Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'in_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf' of module 'prim_sec_anchor_buf' (Width=1)                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_sec_anchor_buf.sv:11       Declaration range '[Width - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'out_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_hw_debug_en.gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf' of module 'prim_sec_anchor_buf' (Width=1)                                                              New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:12               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'RESVAL' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                       New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:21               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wd' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                           New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:25               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                            New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:29               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                            New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:34               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ds' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                           New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:35               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'qs' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                           New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg.sv:39               Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wr_data' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen' of module 'prim_subreg' (DW=1)                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_arb.sv:17           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wd' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1)                                                                                        New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_arb.sv:21           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1)                                                                                         New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_arb.sv:24           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1)                                                                                         New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_arb.sv:28           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wr_data' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_late_debug_enable_regwen.wr_en_data_arb' of module 'prim_subreg_arb' (DW=1)                                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:12           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'wd' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_alert_test' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1)                                                                                                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:14           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_alert_test' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1)                                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:19           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'q' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_alert_test' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1)                                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:20           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'ds' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_alert_test' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1)                                                                                                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:21           Declaration range '[DW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'qs' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_reg_regs.u_alert_test' of module 'prim_subreg_ext' (DW=1)                                                                                                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'd_sink' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'mem_tl_d_o' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'mem_tl_win_d2h' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                         New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'mem_tl_win_d2h_gated' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'regs_tl_d_o' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                            New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'sba_tl_h_i' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'sba_tl_h_i_int' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                         New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                                     New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_error' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                           New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_i' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_int' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_o' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_d2h_t' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_h_o' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_h_o_int' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_i' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_o' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_o_pre' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   tlul_pkg.sv:111                 Declaration range '[top_pkg::TL_DIW - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'tl_reg_d2h' has a length of one                                                                                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:21                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'SelectableHarts' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                           New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:42                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'hartinfo_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:43                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                  New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:44                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'unavailable_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:45                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resumeack_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:48                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'haltreq_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:49                   Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resumereq_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:97                   Declaration range '[(NrHarts - 1) / 2 ** 5:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted_reshaped0' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:98                   Declaration range '[(NrHarts - 1) / 2 ** 10:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted_reshaped1' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                              New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:99                   Declaration range '[(NrHarts - 1) / 2 ** 15:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted_reshaped2' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                              New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:172                  Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'havereset_d' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_csrs.sv:177                  Declaration range '[HartSelLen - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'selected_hart' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_csrs' of module 'dm_csrs' (HartSelLen=1 ('(NrHarts == 1) ? 1 : $clog2(NrHarts)'),NrHarts=1)                                                    New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:22                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'SelectableHarts' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                             New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:29                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'debug_req_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:33                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'haltreq_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                   New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:34                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resumereq_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                 New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:38                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                    New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:39                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resuming_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                  New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:97                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted_d' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                    New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:98                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resuming_d' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                  New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_mem.sv:110                   Declaration range '[HartSelLen - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'hartsel' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top.i_dm_mem' of module 'dm_mem' (HartSelLen=1 ('(NrHarts == 1) ? 1 : $clog2(NrHarts)'),NrHarts=1)                                                            New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:26                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'SelectableHarts' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                      New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:43                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'debug_req_o' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                          New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:45                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'unavailable_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                        New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:46                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'hartinfo_i' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                           New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:81                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'halted' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                               New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:83                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resumeack' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                            New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:84                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'haltreq' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                              New                            

I   ONE_BIT_VEC:   dm_top.sv:85                    Declaration range '[NrHarts - 1:0]' ([0:0]) of 'resumereq' has a length of one, instance 'rv_dm.u_dm_top' of module 'dm_top' (NrHarts=1)                                                                                                                            New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:51   Bit length not specified for constant '1'                   New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:52   Bit length not specified for constant '1'                   New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   prim_util_pkg.sv:85        Bit length not specified for constant '1'                   New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   tlul_err.sv:69             Bit length not specified for constant "'h1"                 New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   tlul_err.sv:77             Bit length not specified for constant "'h2"                 New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   dm_csrs.sv:554             Bit length not specified for constant '1'                   New                            

I   EXPLICIT_BITLEN:   dm_csrs.sv:554             Bit length not specified for constant '2'                   New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   rv_dm_reg_pkg.sv:22     Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   rv_dm_reg_pkg.sv:27     Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:80     Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:80     Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:85     Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:106    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:106    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:111    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:124    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:124    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:131    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:131    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:212    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:212    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:217    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:238    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:238    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:243    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:256    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:256    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:263    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:263    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:344    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:344    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:349    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:370    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:370    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:375    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:388    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:388    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:395    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:395    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:476    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:476    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:481    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:502    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:502    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:507    Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:520    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:520    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:527    Name 'a' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_mubi_pkg.sv:527    Name 'b' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_subreg.sv:25       Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_subreg.sv:29       Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_subreg_arb.sv:21   Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_subreg_arb.sv:24   Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:14   Name 'd' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   prim_subreg_ext.sv:19   Name 'q' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   dm_csrs.sv:124          Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   dm_csrs.sv:141          Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   dm_csrs.sv:154          Name 'k' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   MIN_NAME_LEN:   dm_mem.sv:281           Name 'i' is shorter than minimum length 2                 New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:102   Declaration range '[31:23]' of 'dmstatus' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:102   Declaration range '[31:23]' of 'dmstatus_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:102   Declaration range '[31:23]' of 'zero1' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:104   Declaration range '[21:20]' of 'dmstatus' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:104   Declaration range '[21:20]' of 'dmstatus_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:104   Declaration range '[21:20]' of 'zero0' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:131   Declaration range '[25:16]' of 'dmcontrol_d' is not zero-based                      New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:131   Declaration range '[25:16]' of 'dmcontrol_t' is not zero-based                      New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:131   Declaration range '[25:16]' of 'hartsello' is not zero-based                        New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:132   Declaration range '[15:6]' of 'dmcontrol_d' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:132   Declaration range '[15:6]' of 'dmcontrol_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:132   Declaration range '[15:6]' of 'hartselhi' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:133   Declaration range '[5:4]' of 'dmcontrol_d' is not zero-based                        New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:133   Declaration range '[5:4]' of 'dmcontrol_t' is not zero-based                        New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:133   Declaration range '[5:4]' of 'zero0' is not zero-based                              New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:141   Declaration range '[31:24]' of 'DebugHartInfo' is not zero-based                    New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:141   Declaration range '[31:24]' of 'hartinfo' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:141   Declaration range '[31:24]' of 'hartinfo_aligned' is not zero-based                 New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:141   Declaration range '[31:24]' of 'hartinfo_i' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:141   Declaration range '[31:24]' of 'hartinfo_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:141   Declaration range '[31:24]' of 'zero1' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:142   Declaration range '[23:20]' of 'DebugHartInfo' is not zero-based                    New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:142   Declaration range '[23:20]' of 'hartinfo' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:142   Declaration range '[23:20]' of 'hartinfo_aligned' is not zero-based                 New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:142   Declaration range '[23:20]' of 'hartinfo_i' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:142   Declaration range '[23:20]' of 'hartinfo_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:142   Declaration range '[23:20]' of 'nscratch' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:143   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'DebugHartInfo' is not zero-based                    New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:143   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'hartinfo' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:143   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'hartinfo_aligned' is not zero-based                 New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:143   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'hartinfo_i' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:143   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'hartinfo_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:143   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'zero0' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:145   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'DebugHartInfo' is not zero-based                    New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:145   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'datasize' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:145   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'hartinfo' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:145   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'hartinfo_aligned' is not zero-based                 New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:145   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'hartinfo_i' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:145   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'hartinfo_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:156   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'a_abstractcs' is not zero-based                     New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:156   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'abstractcs' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:156   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'abstractcs_t' is not zero-based                     New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:156   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'zero3' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:157   Declaration range '[28:24]' of 'a_abstractcs' is not zero-based                     New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:157   Declaration range '[28:24]' of 'abstractcs' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:157   Declaration range '[28:24]' of 'abstractcs_t' is not zero-based                     New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:157   Declaration range '[28:24]' of 'progbufsize' is not zero-based                      New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:158   Declaration range '[23:13]' of 'a_abstractcs' is not zero-based                     New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:158   Declaration range '[23:13]' of 'abstractcs' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:158   Declaration range '[23:13]' of 'abstractcs_t' is not zero-based                     New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:158   Declaration range '[23:13]' of 'zero2' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:162   Declaration range '[7:4]' of 'a_abstractcs' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:162   Declaration range '[7:4]' of 'abstractcs' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:162   Declaration range '[7:4]' of 'abstractcs_t' is not zero-based                       New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:162   Declaration range '[7:4]' of 'zero0' is not zero-based                              New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:178   Declaration range '[31:16]' of 'abstractauto_d' is not zero-based                   New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:178   Declaration range '[31:16]' of 'abstractauto_t' is not zero-based                   New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:178   Declaration range '[31:16]' of 'autoexecprogbuf' is not zero-based                  New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:179   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'abstractauto_d' is not zero-based                   New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:179   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'abstractauto_t' is not zero-based                   New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:179   Declaration range '[15:12]' of 'zero0' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:185   Declaration range '[22:20]' of 'aarsize' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:185   Declaration range '[22:20]' of 'ac_ar' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:185   Declaration range '[22:20]' of 'ac_ar_cmd_t' is not zero-based                      New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:207   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'sbcs' is not zero-based                             New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:207   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'sbcs_d' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:207   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'sbcs_t' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:207   Declaration range '[31:29]' of 'sbversion' is not zero-based                        New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:208   Declaration range '[28:23]' of 'sbcs' is not zero-based                             New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:208   Declaration range '[28:23]' of 'sbcs_d' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:208   Declaration range '[28:23]' of 'sbcs_t' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:208   Declaration range '[28:23]' of 'zero0' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:212   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'sbaccess' is not zero-based                         New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:212   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'sbcs' is not zero-based                             New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:212   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'sbcs_d' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:212   Declaration range '[19:17]' of 'sbcs_t' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:215   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'sbcs' is not zero-based                             New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:215   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'sbcs_d' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:215   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'sbcs_t' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:215   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'sberror' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:216   Declaration range '[11:5]' of 'sbasize' is not zero-based                           New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:216   Declaration range '[11:5]' of 'sbcs' is not zero-based                              New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:216   Declaration range '[11:5]' of 'sbcs_d' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:216   Declaration range '[11:5]' of 'sbcs_t' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:236   Declaration range '[31:18]' of 'dtmcs_d' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:236   Declaration range '[31:18]' of 'dtmcs_t' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:236   Declaration range '[31:18]' of 'zero1' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:240   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'dtmcs_d' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:240   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'dtmcs_t' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:240   Declaration range '[14:12]' of 'idle' is not zero-based                             New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:241   Declaration range '[11:10]' of 'dmistat' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:241   Declaration range '[11:10]' of 'dtmcs_d' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:241   Declaration range '[11:10]' of 'dtmcs_t' is not zero-based                          New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:242   Declaration range '[9:4]' of 'abits' is not zero-based                              New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:242   Declaration range '[9:4]' of 'dtmcs_d' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   ZERO_BASED:   dm_pkg.sv:242   Declaration range '[9:4]' of 'dtmcs_t' is not zero-based                            New                            

I   CONST_OUTPUT:   prim_fifo_sync.sv:98        Output 'err_o' is driven by constant zero by port 'gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.err_o' in module 'prim_fifo_sync' (Width=32'h22,Pass=1'h0,Depth=2)                 New                            

I   CONST_OUTPUT:   prim_fifo_sync_cnt.sv:136   Output 'err_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'prim_fifo_sync_cnt' (Depth=32'h2)                                                                           New                            

I   CONST_OUTPUT:   tlul_adapter_reg.sv:91      Output 'addr_o[1:0]' is driven by constant zeros in module 'tlul_adapter_reg' (RegAw=4)                                                                          New                            

I   CONST_OUTPUT:   tlul_adapter_reg.sv:195     Output 'intg_error_o' is driven by constant zero in module 'tlul_adapter_reg' (RegAw=4)                                                                          New                            

Past Results