dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pre

Instance :
99.05 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.24 100.00

Instance's subtree :
99.05 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.24 100.00

Parent :
96.15 100.00 92.31 u_sysrst_ctrl_combo

Subtrees :
no children

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect

Instance :
99.05 100.00 95.24 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
99.05 100.00 95.24 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
96.15 100.00 92.31 u_sysrst_ctrl_combo

Subtrees :
no children

Go back
Module Instances:
Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pre
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
60 1 1
79 1 1
92 1 1
99 1 1
101 1 1
104 1 1
105 1 1
107 1 1
125 1 1
128 1 1
129 1 1
132 1 1
133 1 1
138 1 1
140 1 1
147 1 1
148 1 1
149 1 1
160 1 1
162 1 1
163 1 1
164 1 1
165 1 1
166 1 1
167 1 1
168 1 1
170 1 1
181 1 1
182 1 1
185 1 1
186 1 1
187 1 1
190 1 1
191 1 1
192 1 1
193 1 1
194 1 1
205 1 1
206 1 1
209 1 1
219 1 1
220 1 1
222 1 1

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pre

 LINE       60
 EXPRESSION (trigger_i == 1'b1)

 LINE       92
 EXPRESSION (cnt_clr ? '0 : (cnt_en ? ((cnt_q + 1'b1)) : cnt_q))

 LINE       92
 SUB-EXPRESSION (cnt_en ? ((cnt_q + 1'b1)) : cnt_q)

 LINE       99
 EXPRESSION (thresh_sel ? (32'(cfg_detect_timer_i)) : (32'(cfg_debounce_timer_i)))

 LINE       147
 EXPRESSION (trigger_event && cfg_enable_i)
             ------1------    ------2-----

 LINE       185
 EXPRESSION (((!cfg_enable_i)) || ((!trigger_active)))
             --------1--------    ---------2---------

 LINE       205
 EXPRESSION (((!cfg_enable_i)) || (((!trigger_active)) && ((!Sticky))))
             --------1--------    ------------------2-----------------

 LINE       205
 SUB-EXPRESSION (((!trigger_active)) && ((!Sticky)))
                 ---------1---------    -----2-----

FSM Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pre
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 4 4 100.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 6 6 100.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
DebounceSt 148 Covered T4,T12,T23
DetectSt 168 Covered T4,T12,T23
IdleSt 163 Covered T1,T2,T4
StableSt 191 Covered T23,T41,T42

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
DebounceSt->DetectSt 168 Covered T4,T12,T23
DebounceSt->IdleSt 163 Covered T87,T241,T70
DetectSt->IdleSt 186 Covered T4,T12,T49
DetectSt->StableSt 191 Covered T23,T41,T42
IdleSt->DebounceSt 148 Covered T4,T12,T23
StableSt->IdleSt 206 Covered T23,T41,T42

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pre
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 21 20 95.24
TERNARY 92 3 3 100.00
TERNARY 99 2 2 100.00
IF 104 2 2 100.00
CASE 140 12 11 91.67
IF 219 2 2 100.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 92 (cnt_clr) ? -2-: 92 (cnt_en) ?

1 - Covered T4,T12,T23
0 1 Covered T4,T12,T23
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T4

LineNo. Expression -1-: 99 (thresh_sel) ?

1 Covered T4,T12,T23
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

LineNo. Expression -1-: 104 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T2,T4
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

LineNo. Expression -1-: 140 case (state_q) -2-: 147 if ((trigger_event && cfg_enable_i)) -3-: 162 if ((!cfg_enable_i)) -4-: 165 if (cnt_done) -5-: 167 if (trigger_active) -6-: 185 if (((!cfg_enable_i) || (!trigger_active))) -7-: 190 if (cnt_done) -8-: 205 if (((!cfg_enable_i) || ((!trigger_active) && (!Sticky))))

IdleSt 1 - - - - - - Covered T4,T12,T23
IdleSt 0 - - - - - - Covered T4,T12,T23
DebounceSt - 1 - - - - - Covered T70,T71
DebounceSt - 0 1 1 - - - Covered T4,T12,T23
DebounceSt - 0 1 0 - - - Covered T87,T241,T70
DebounceSt - 0 0 - - - - Covered T4,T12,T23
DetectSt - - - - 1 - - Covered T4,T12,T49
DetectSt - - - - 0 1 - Covered T23,T41,T42
DetectSt - - - - 0 0 - Covered T4,T12,T23
StableSt - - - - - - 1 Covered T23,T41,T42
StableSt - - - - - - 0 Covered T23,T41,T42
default - - - - - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 219 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T2,T4
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pre
Assertions 16 16 100.00 16 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 16 16 100.00 16 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CntClr_A 8886315 2824 0 0
CntIncr_A 8886315 96757 0 0
CntNoWrap_A 8886315 8211276 0 0
DetectStDropOut_A 8886315 343 0 0
DetectedOut_A 8886315 76806 0 0
DetectedPulseOut_A 8886315 807 0 0
DisabledIdleSt_A 8886315 7757278 0 0
DisabledNoDetection_A 8886315 7759512 0 0
EnterDebounceSt_A 8886315 1427 0 0
EnterDetectSt_A 8886315 1398 0 0
EnterStableSt_A 8886315 807 0 0
PulseIsPulse_A 8886315 807 0 0
StayInStableSt 8886315 75891 0 0
gen_high_event_sva.HighLevelEvent_A 8886315 8216536 0 0
gen_high_level_sva.HighLevelEvent_A 8886315 8216536 0 0
gen_not_sticky_sva.StableStDropOut_A 8886315 695 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 2824 0 0
T3 12717 0 0 0
T4 4882 52 0 0
T5 13605 0 0 0
T6 17688 0 0 0
T12 7140 22 0 0
T13 421 0 0 0
T14 2065 0 0 0
T15 781 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T23 0 26 0 0
T41 0 24 0 0
T42 0 44 0 0
T43 0 10 0 0
T44 0 52 0 0
T49 0 50 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T65 0 52 0 0
T66 0 54 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 96757 0 0
T3 12717 0 0 0
T4 4882 1141 0 0
T5 13605 0 0 0
T6 17688 0 0 0
T12 7140 656 0 0
T13 421 0 0 0
T14 2065 0 0 0
T15 781 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T23 0 806 0 0
T41 0 672 0 0
T42 0 968 0 0
T43 0 475 0 0
T44 0 1274 0 0
T49 0 1423 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T65 0 2328 0 0
T66 0 1538 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 8211276 0 0
T1 1604 1203 0 0
T2 1739 1338 0 0
T3 12717 5874 0 0
T4 4882 4429 0 0
T5 13605 13178 0 0
T6 17688 8412 0 0
T12 7140 6717 0 0
T13 421 20 0 0
T14 2065 61 0 0
T15 781 380 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 343 0 0
T3 12717 0 0 0
T4 4882 26 0 0
T5 13605 0 0 0
T6 17688 0 0 0
T12 7140 0 0 0
T13 421 0 0 0
T14 2065 0 0 0
T15 781 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T49 0 25 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T65 0 9 0 0
T66 0 27 0 0
T86 0 9 0 0
T87 0 16 0 0
T91 0 9 0 0
T92 0 26 0 0
T93 0 9 0 0
T95 0 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 76806 0 0
T23 7818 1294 0 0
T27 2312 0 0 0
T30 505 0 0 0
T41 26234 311 0 0
T42 0 2017 0 0
T43 0 131 0 0
T44 0 1735 0 0
T58 494 0 0 0
T63 503 0 0 0
T64 1764 0 0 0
T65 0 4 0 0
T103 0 64 0 0
T104 905 0 0 0
T105 586 0 0 0
T106 1646 0 0 0
T242 0 2832 0 0
T243 0 3672 0 0
T244 0 2012 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 807 0 0
T23 7818 13 0 0
T27 2312 0 0 0
T30 505 0 0 0
T41 26234 12 0 0
T42 0 22 0 0
T43 0 5 0 0
T44 0 26 0 0
T58 494 0 0 0
T63 503 0 0 0
T64 1764 0 0 0
T65 0 4 0 0
T103 0 4 0 0
T104 905 0 0 0
T105 586 0 0 0
T106 1646 0 0 0
T242 0 20 0 0
T243 0 24 0 0
T244 0 25 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 7757278 0 0
T1 1604 1203 0 0
T2 1739 1338 0 0
T3 12717 5874 0 0
T4 4882 2017 0 0
T5 13605 13178 0 0
T6 17688 8412 0 0
T12 7140 3593 0 0
T13 421 20 0 0
T14 2065 61 0 0
T15 781 380 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 7759512 0 0
T1 1604 1204 0 0
T2 1739 1339 0 0
T3 12717 5899 0 0
T4 4882 2017 0 0
T5 13605 13183 0 0
T6 17688 8439 0 0
T12 7140 3593 0 0
T13 421 21 0 0
T14 2065 65 0 0
T15 781 381 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 1427 0 0
T3 12717 0 0 0
T4 4882 26 0 0
T5 13605 0 0 0
T6 17688 0 0 0
T12 7140 11 0 0
T13 421 0 0 0
T14 2065 0 0 0
T15 781 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T23 0 13 0 0
T41 0 12 0 0
T42 0 22 0 0
T43 0 5 0 0
T44 0 26 0 0
T49 0 25 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T65 0 26 0 0
T66 0 27 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 1398 0 0
T3 12717 0 0 0
T4 4882 26 0 0
T5 13605 0 0 0
T6 17688 0 0 0
T12 7140 11 0 0
T13 421 0 0 0
T14 2065 0 0 0
T15 781 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T23 0 13 0 0
T41 0 12 0 0
T42 0 22 0 0
T43 0 5 0 0
T44 0 26 0 0
T49 0 25 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T65 0 26 0 0
T66 0 27 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 807 0 0
T23 7818 13 0 0
T27 2312 0 0 0
T30 505 0 0 0
T41 26234 12 0 0
T42 0 22 0 0
T43 0 5 0 0
T44 0 26 0 0
T58 494 0 0 0
T63 503 0 0 0
T64 1764 0 0 0
T65 0 4 0 0
T103 0 4 0 0
T104 905 0 0 0
T105 586 0 0 0
T106 1646 0 0 0
T242 0 20 0 0
T243 0 24 0 0
T244 0 25 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 807 0 0
T23 7818 13 0 0
T27 2312 0 0 0
T30 505 0 0 0
T41 26234 12 0 0
T42 0 22 0 0
T43 0 5 0 0
T44 0 26 0 0
T58 494 0 0 0
T63 503 0 0 0
T64 1764 0 0 0
T65 0 4 0 0
T103 0 4 0 0
T104 905 0 0 0
T105 586 0 0 0
T106 1646 0 0 0
T242 0 20 0 0
T243 0 24 0 0
T244 0 25 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 75891 0 0
T23 7818 1281 0 0
T27 2312 0 0 0
T30 505 0 0 0
T41 26234 297 0 0
T42 0 1989 0 0
T43 0 126 0 0
T44 0 1709 0 0
T58 494 0 0 0
T63 503 0 0 0
T64 1764 0 0 0
T103 0 60 0 0
T104 905 0 0 0
T105 586 0 0 0
T106 1646 0 0 0
T242 0 2807 0 0
T243 0 3643 0 0
T244 0 1982 0 0
T245 0 1262 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 8216536 0 0
T1 1604 1204 0 0
T2 1739 1339 0 0
T3 12717 5899 0 0
T4 4882 4482 0 0
T5 13605 13183 0 0
T6 17688 8439 0 0
T12 7140 6740 0 0
T13 421 21 0 0
T14 2065 65 0 0
T15 781 381 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 8216536 0 0
T1 1604 1204 0 0
T2 1739 1339 0 0
T3 12717 5899 0 0
T4 4882 4482 0 0
T5 13605 13183 0 0
T6 17688 8439 0 0
T12 7140 6740 0 0
T13 421 21 0 0
T14 2065 65 0 0
T15 781 381 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 695 0 0
T23 7818 13 0 0
T27 2312 0 0 0
T30 505 0 0 0
T41 26234 10 0 0
T42 0 16 0 0
T43 0 5 0 0
T44 0 26 0 0
T58 494 0 0 0
T63 503 0 0 0
T64 1764 0 0 0
T103 0 4 0 0
T104 905 0 0 0
T105 586 0 0 0
T106 1646 0 0 0
T242 0 15 0 0
T243 0 19 0 0
T244 0 20 0 0
T245 0 18 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
60 1 1
69 1 1
70 1 1
72 1 1
76 1 1
92 1 1
99 1 1
101 1 1
104 1 1
105 1 1
107 1 1
125 1 1
128 1 1
129 1 1
132 1 1
133 1 1
138 1 1
140 1 1
147 1 1
148 1 1
149 1 1
160 1 1
162 1 1
163 1 1
164 1 1
165 1 1
166 1 1
167 1 1
168 1 1
170 1 1
181 1 1
182 1 1
185 1 1
186 1 1
187 1 1
190 1 1
191 1 1
192 1 1
193 1 1
194 1 1
205 1 1
206 1 1
209 1 1
Exclude Annotation: VC_COV_UNR
219 1 1
220 1 1
222 1 1

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect

 LINE       60
 EXPRESSION (trigger_i == 1'b1)

 LINE       76
 EXPRESSION (trigger_active & ((~gen_trigger_event_edge.trigger_active_q)))
             -------1------   ----------------------2---------------------

 LINE       92
 EXPRESSION (cnt_clr ? '0 : (cnt_en ? ((cnt_q + 1'b1)) : cnt_q))

 LINE       92
 SUB-EXPRESSION (cnt_en ? ((cnt_q + 1'b1)) : cnt_q)
-1-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
0ExcludedT1,T2,T4 VC_COV_UNR

 LINE       99
 EXPRESSION (thresh_sel ? (32'(cfg_detect_timer_i)) : (32'(cfg_debounce_timer_i)))

 LINE       147
 EXPRESSION (trigger_event && cfg_enable_i)
             ------1------    ------2-----

 LINE       185
 EXPRESSION (((!cfg_enable_i)) || ((!trigger_active)))
             --------1--------    ---------2---------

 LINE       205
 EXPRESSION (((!cfg_enable_i)) || (((!trigger_active)) && ((!Sticky))))
             --------1--------    ------------------2-----------------
10Not Covered

 LINE       205
 SUB-EXPRESSION (((!trigger_active)) && ((!Sticky)))
                 ---------1---------    -----2-----

FSM Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 4 4 100.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 6 6 100.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
DebounceSt 148 Covered T5,T6,T7
DetectSt 168 Covered T5,T6,T7
IdleSt 163 Covered T1,T2,T4
StableSt 191 Covered T5,T6,T7

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
DebounceSt->DetectSt 168 Covered T5,T6,T7
DebounceSt->IdleSt 163 Covered T6,T11,T28
DetectSt->IdleSt 186 Covered T268,T94,T261
DetectSt->StableSt 191 Covered T5,T6,T7
IdleSt->DebounceSt 148 Covered T5,T6,T7
StableSt->IdleSt 206 Covered T5,T6,T7

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 21 21 100.00
TERNARY 92 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 99 2 2 100.00
IF 104 2 2 100.00
CASE 140 11 11 100.00
IF 219 2 2 100.00
IF 69 2 2 100.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_sysrst_ctrl_1.0/rtl/sysrst_ctrl_detect.sv was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 92 (cnt_clr) ? -2-: 92 (cnt_en) ?

-1--2-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
1 - Covered T5,T6,T7
0 1 Covered T5,T6,T7
0 0 Excluded T1,T2,T4 VC_COV_UNR

LineNo. Expression -1-: 99 (thresh_sel) ?

1 Covered T5,T6,T7
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

LineNo. Expression -1-: 104 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T2,T4
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

LineNo. Expression -1-: 140 case (state_q) -2-: 147 if ((trigger_event && cfg_enable_i)) -3-: 162 if ((!cfg_enable_i)) -4-: 165 if (cnt_done) -5-: 167 if (trigger_active) -6-: 185 if (((!cfg_enable_i) || (!trigger_active))) -7-: 190 if (cnt_done) -8-: 205 if (((!cfg_enable_i) || ((!trigger_active) && (!Sticky))))

-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
IdleSt 1 - - - - - - Covered T5,T6,T7
IdleSt 0 - - - - - - Covered T1,T2,T4
DebounceSt - 1 - - - - - Covered T70,T71
DebounceSt - 0 1 1 - - - Covered T5,T6,T7
DebounceSt - 0 1 0 - - - Covered T6,T11,T28
DebounceSt - 0 0 - - - - Covered T5,T6,T7
DetectSt - - - - 1 - - Covered T268,T94,T261
DetectSt - - - - 0 1 - Covered T5,T6,T7
DetectSt - - - - 0 0 - Covered T5,T6,T7
StableSt - - - - - - 1 Covered T5,T6,T7
StableSt - - - - - - 0 Covered T5,T6,T7
default - - - - - - - Excluded VC_COV_UNR

LineNo. Expression -1-: 219 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T2,T4
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

LineNo. Expression -1-: 69 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T2,T4
0 Covered T1,T2,T4

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_sysrst_ctrl_combo.gen_combo_trigger[3].u_sysrst_ctrl_detect
Assertions 15 15 100.00 15 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 15 15 100.00 15 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CntClr_A 8886315 901 0 0
CntIncr_A 8886315 51306 0 0
CntNoWrap_A 8886315 8213199 0 0
DetectStDropOut_A 8886315 86 0 0
DetectedOut_A 8886315 15958 0 0
DetectedPulseOut_A 8886315 334 0 0
DisabledIdleSt_A 8886315 7845791 0 0
DisabledNoDetection_A 8886315 7847544 0 0
EnterDebounceSt_A 8886315 478 0 0
EnterDetectSt_A 8886315 423 0 0
EnterStableSt_A 8886315 334 0 0
PulseIsPulse_A 8886315 334 0 0
StayInStableSt 8886315 15598 0 0
gen_high_level_sva.HighLevelEvent_A 8886315 8216536 0 0
gen_not_sticky_sva.StableStDropOut_A 8886315 306 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 901 0 0
T5 13605 6 0 0
T6 17688 3 0 0
T7 17691 2 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T11 0 1 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 6 0 0
T26 0 6 0 0
T28 0 9 0 0
T42 0 4 0 0
T48 0 2 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 25 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 51306 0 0
T5 13605 306 0 0
T6 17688 273 0 0
T7 17691 154 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T11 0 32 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 207 0 0
T26 0 375 0 0
T28 0 270 0 0
T42 0 58 0 0
T48 0 101 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 979 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 8213199 0 0
T1 1604 1203 0 0
T2 1739 1338 0 0
T3 12717 5874 0 0
T4 4882 4481 0 0
T5 13605 13172 0 0
T6 17688 8409 0 0
T12 7140 6739 0 0
T13 421 20 0 0
T14 2065 61 0 0
T15 781 380 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 86 0 0
T70 0 1 0 0
T80 523 0 0 0
T94 0 3 0 0
T185 0 3 0 0
T244 21887 0 0 0
T261 0 3 0 0
T262 0 12 0 0
T268 31229 4 0 0
T269 0 5 0 0
T270 0 5 0 0
T271 0 2 0 0
T272 0 3 0 0
T273 503 0 0 0
T274 502 0 0 0
T275 402 0 0 0
T276 422 0 0 0
T277 490 0 0 0
T278 422 0 0 0
T279 436 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 15958 0 0
T5 13605 72 0 0
T6 17688 20 0 0
T7 17691 42 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 361 0 0
T26 0 71 0 0
T28 0 120 0 0
T42 0 132 0 0
T48 0 93 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 740 0 0
T258 0 106 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 334 0 0
T5 13605 3 0 0
T6 17688 1 0 0
T7 17691 1 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 3 0 0
T26 0 3 0 0
T28 0 4 0 0
T42 0 2 0 0
T48 0 1 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 12 0 0
T258 0 2 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 7845791 0 0
T1 1604 1203 0 0
T2 1739 1338 0 0
T3 12717 5500 0 0
T4 4882 4481 0 0
T5 13605 10073 0 0
T6 17688 7427 0 0
T12 7140 6739 0 0
T13 421 20 0 0
T14 2065 61 0 0
T15 781 380 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 7847544 0 0
T1 1604 1204 0 0
T2 1739 1339 0 0
T3 12717 5524 0 0
T4 4882 4482 0 0
T5 13605 10073 0 0
T6 17688 7452 0 0
T12 7140 6740 0 0
T13 421 21 0 0
T14 2065 65 0 0
T15 781 381 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 478 0 0
T5 13605 3 0 0
T6 17688 2 0 0
T7 17691 1 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T11 0 1 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 3 0 0
T26 0 3 0 0
T28 0 5 0 0
T42 0 2 0 0
T48 0 1 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 13 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 423 0 0
T5 13605 3 0 0
T6 17688 1 0 0
T7 17691 1 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 3 0 0
T26 0 3 0 0
T28 0 4 0 0
T42 0 2 0 0
T48 0 1 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 12 0 0
T258 0 2 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 334 0 0
T5 13605 3 0 0
T6 17688 1 0 0
T7 17691 1 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 3 0 0
T26 0 3 0 0
T28 0 4 0 0
T42 0 2 0 0
T48 0 1 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 12 0 0
T258 0 2 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 334 0 0
T5 13605 3 0 0
T6 17688 1 0 0
T7 17691 1 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 3 0 0
T26 0 3 0 0
T28 0 4 0 0
T42 0 2 0 0
T48 0 1 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 12 0 0
T258 0 2 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 15598 0 0
T5 13605 69 0 0
T6 17688 19 0 0
T7 17691 41 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 358 0 0
T26 0 68 0 0
T28 0 116 0 0
T42 0 130 0 0
T48 0 92 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 728 0 0
T258 0 104 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 8216536 0 0
T1 1604 1204 0 0
T2 1739 1339 0 0
T3 12717 5899 0 0
T4 4882 4482 0 0
T5 13605 13183 0 0
T6 17688 8439 0 0
T12 7140 6740 0 0
T13 421 21 0 0
T14 2065 65 0 0
T15 781 381 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 8886315 306 0 0
T5 13605 3 0 0
T6 17688 1 0 0
T7 17691 1 0 0
T8 1736 0 0 0
T9 1090 0 0 0
T10 889 0 0 0
T20 503 0 0 0
T22 610 0 0 0
T23 0 3 0 0
T26 0 3 0 0
T28 0 4 0 0
T42 0 2 0 0
T48 0 1 0 0
T52 79762 0 0 0
T53 423 0 0 0
T81 0 12 0 0
T258 0 2 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%