Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
52.96 52.96 u_region_cfg

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
52.96 52.96 u_region_cfg

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
52.96 52.96 u_region_cfg

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
52.96 52.96 u_region_cfg

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_lc_seed_hw_rd_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
97.50 97.12 93.60 98.44 100.00 98.33 dut

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.u_sync_rma_req

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
96.33 100.00 90.62 92.11 98.94 100.00 u_flash_hw_if

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_prog_tl_gate.u_err_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
78.37 100.00 88.89 57.14 95.83 50.00 u_prog_tl_gate

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_lc_escalation_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
97.50 97.12 93.60 98.44 100.00 98.33 dut

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_tl_gate.u_err_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
80.60 100.00 100.00 57.14 95.83 50.00 u_tl_gate

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.u_lc_nvm_debug_en_sync

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
95.89 97.67 90.00 100.00 u_eflash

Subtrees :
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[0].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[1].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[2].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[3].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[3].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[3].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[3].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[4].gen_bits[0].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[4].gen_bits[1].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[4].gen_bits[2].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_buffs[4].gen_bits[3].u_prim_buf 100.00 100.00
gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync 100.00 100.00 100.00

Line Coverage for Module : prim_lc_sync ( parameter NumCopies=1,AsyncOn=1,ResetValueIsOn=0,LcResetValue=10 )
Line Coverage for Module self-instances :
100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00

Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Line Coverage for Module : prim_lc_sync ( parameter NumCopies=3,AsyncOn=1,ResetValueIsOn=0,LcResetValue=10 )
Line Coverage for Module self-instances :
100.00 100.00

Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 3 3

Line Coverage for Module : prim_lc_sync ( parameter NumCopies=2,AsyncOn=0,ResetValueIsOn=0,LcResetValue=10 )
Line Coverage for Module self-instances :
100.00 100.00

100.00 100.00

Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
84 unreachable
85 unreachable
87 unreachable
93 1 1
106 2 2

Line Coverage for Module : prim_lc_sync ( parameter NumCopies=5,AsyncOn=1,ResetValueIsOn=0,LcResetValue=10 )
Line Coverage for Module self-instances :
100.00 100.00

Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 5 5

Assert Coverage for Module : prim_lc_sync
Assertions 4 4 100.00 4 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 4 4 100.00 4 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 10280 10280 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 2147483647 2147483647 0 21258
gen_no_flops.OutputDelay_A 735082458 733306518 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 10280 10280 0 0
T1 10 10 0 0
T2 10 10 0 0
T3 10 10 0 0
T4 10 10 0 0
T11 10 10 0 0
T12 10 10 0 0
T17 10 10 0 0
T18 10 10 0 0
T19 10 10 0 0
T20 10 10 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 3736820 3735860 0 0
T2 498620 497870 0 0
T3 3160 2470 0 0
T4 238380 227500 0 0
T11 4262970 4262810 0 0
T12 39950 32540 0 0
T17 19660 17910 0 0
T18 14110 12090 0 0
T19 853850 802140 0 0
T20 15100 13220 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 21258
T1 2989456 2988664 0 24
T2 398896 398272 0 24
T3 2528 1976 0 0
T4 190704 181664 0 24
T5 0 0 0 24
T11 3410376 3410248 0 24
T12 31960 25816 0 24
T17 15728 14280 0 24
T18 11288 9600 0 24
T19 683080 640080 0 24
T20 12080 10528 0 24

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 735082458 733306518 0 0
T1 747364 747172 0 0
T2 99724 99574 0 0
T3 632 494 0 0
T4 47676 45500 0 0
T11 852594 852562 0 0
T12 7990 6508 0 0
T17 3932 3582 0 0
T18 2822 2418 0 0
T19 170770 160428 0 0
T20 3020 2644 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541249 366653279 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541249 366618395 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366653279 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366618395 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541249 366653279 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541249 366618395 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366653279 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366618395 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541249 366653279 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541249 366618395 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366653279 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366618395 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_region_cfg.u_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541249 366653279 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541249 366618395 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366653279 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366618395 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_lc_seed_hw_rd_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_lc_seed_hw_rd_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541249 366653279 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541249 366618395 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366653279 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366618395 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.u_sync_rma_req
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 3 3

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.u_sync_rma_req
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541249 366653279 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541249 366618395 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366653279 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541249 366618395 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_prog_tl_gate.u_err_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
84 unreachable
85 unreachable
87 unreachable
93 1 1
106 2 2

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_prog_tl_gate.u_err_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541229 366653259 0 0
gen_no_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541229 366653259 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541229 366653259 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541229 366653259 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_lc_escalation_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 1 1

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_lc_escalation_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367522076 366634106 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367522076 366599372 0 2526

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367522076 366634106 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367522076 366599372 0 2526
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_tl_gate.u_err_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
84 unreachable
85 unreachable
87 unreachable
93 1 1
106 2 2

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_tl_gate.u_err_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541229 366653259 0 0
gen_no_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541229 366653259 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541229 366653259 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541229 366653259 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.u_lc_nvm_debug_en_sync
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_lc_sync_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
68 1 1
106 5 5

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.u_lc_nvm_debug_en_sync
Assertions 3 3 100.00 3 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 3 3 100.00 3 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
NumCopiesMustBeGreaterZero_A 1028 1028 0 0
OutputsKnown_A 367541229 366653259 0 0
gen_flops.OutputDelay_A 367541229 366618390 0 2676

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1028 1028 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T11 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0
T18 1 1 0 0
T19 1 1 0 0
T20 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541229 366653259 0 0
T1 373682 373586 0 0
T2 49862 49787 0 0
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22750 0 0
T11 426297 426281 0 0
T12 3995 3254 0 0
T17 1966 1791 0 0
T18 1411 1209 0 0
T19 85385 80214 0 0
T20 1510 1322 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 367541229 366618390 0 2676
T1 373682 373583 0 3
T2 49862 49784 0 3
T3 316 247 0 0
T4 23838 22708 0 3
T5 0 0 0 3
T11 426297 426281 0 3
T12 3995 3227 0 3
T17 1966 1785 0 3
T18 1411 1200 0 3
T19 85385 80010 0 3
T20 1510 1316 0 3

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%