Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_ctrl_arb

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
94.85 97.12 94.40 98.44 100.00 84.29 dut

Subtrees :
u_state_regs 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : flash_ctrl_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

119 logic sw_req; 120 1/1 assign sw_req = sw_ctrl_i.start.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  121 122 // SEC_CM: CTRL.FSM.SPARSE 123 3/3 `PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, state_d, state_q, arb_state_e, StReset) Tests: T1 T2 T3  | T1 T2 T3  | T1 T2 T3 
PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, state_d, state_q, arb_state_e, StReset): 123.1 `ifdef SIMULATION 123.2 prim_sparse_fsm_flop #( 123.3 .StateEnumT(arb_state_e), 123.4 .Width($bits(arb_state_e)), 123.5 .ResetValue($bits(arb_state_e)'(StReset)), 123.6 .EnableAlertTriggerSVA(1), 123.7 .CustomForceName("state_q") 123.8 ) u_state_regs ( 123.9 .clk_i ( clk_i ), 123.10 .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), 123.11 .state_i ( state_d ), 123.12 .state_o ( ) 123.13 ); 123.14 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 123.15 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  123.16 1/1 state_q <= StReset; Tests: T1 T2 T3  123.17 end else begin 123.18 1/1 state_q <= state_d; Tests: T1 T2 T3  123.19 end 123.20 end 123.21 u_state_regs_A: assert property (@(posedge clk_i) disable iff ((!rst_ni) !== '0) (state_q === u_state_regs.state_o)) 123.22 else begin 123.23 `ifdef UVM 123.24 uvm_pkg::uvm_report_error("ASSERT FAILED", "u_state_regs_A", uvm_pkg::UVM_NONE, 123.25 "../src/lowrisc_opentitan_top_earlgrey_flash_ctrl_0.1/rtl/", 123, "", 1); 123.26 `else 123.27 $error("%0t: (%0s:%0d) [%m] [ASSERT FAILED] %0s", $time, `__FILE__, `__LINE__, 123.28 `PRIM_STRINGIFY(u_state_regs_A)); 123.29 `endif 123.30 end 123.31 `else 123.32 prim_sparse_fsm_flop #( 123.33 .StateEnumT(arb_state_e), 123.34 .Width($bits(arb_state_e)), 123.35 .ResetValue($bits(arb_state_e)'(StReset)), 123.36 .EnableAlertTriggerSVA(1) 123.37 ) u_state_regs ( 123.38 .clk_i ( `PRIM_FLOP_CLK ), 123.39 .rst_ni ( `PRIM_FLOP_RST ), 123.40 .state_i ( state_d ), 123.41 .state_o ( state_q ) 123.42 ); 123.43 `endif124 125 always_comb begin 126 127 1/1 func_sel = NoneSel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  128 1/1 fifo_clr_o = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  129 1/1 state_d = state_q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 1/1 fsm_err_o = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  131 132 1/1 unique case (state_q) Tests: T1 T2 T3  133 StReset: begin 134 // until the flash phy is done with its own initialization, 135 // no flash controller activity is allowed to commence 136 1/1 if (!flash_phy_busy_i) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  137 // after flash is ready, the HW interface always takes 138 // precedence for flash control initialization 139 1/1 state_d = StHw; Tests: T1 T2 T3  140 end MISSING_ELSE 141 end 142 143 StHw: begin 144 1/1 func_sel = HwSel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  145 146 1/1 if (!hw_req_i) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  147 1/1 state_d = StSwIdle; Tests: T1 T2 T3  148 end MISSING_ELSE 149 end 150 151 StSwIdle: begin 152 // software is still selected to enable access to Fifos 153 1/1 func_sel = SwSel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  154 155 1/1 if (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_loose(disable_i)) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  156 // Do not randomly switch unless idle as it may cause stateful operations to be 157 // disturbed 158 1/1 state_d = StDisabled; Tests: T8 T9 T10  159 1/1 end else if (hw_req_i) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  160 // if hardware request comes in the middle, wipe fifos and enable 161 // switch to hardware interface 162 1/1 fifo_clr_o = 1'b1; Tests: T1 T2 T3  163 1/1 state_d = StHw; Tests: T1 T2 T3  164 1/1 end else if (sw_req) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  165 1/1 state_d = StSwActive; Tests: T1 T2 T3  166 end MISSING_ELSE 167 end 168 169 StSwActive: begin 170 1/1 func_sel = SwSel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  171 172 // Stay in software active mode until operation completes. 173 // While operations are ongoing, the interface cannot be switched 174 1/1 if (prog_ack_i || rd_ack_i || erase_ack_i) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  175 1/1 state_d = StSwIdle; Tests: T1 T2 T3  176 end MISSING_ELSE 177 end 178 179 StDisabled: begin 180 1/1 state_d = StDisabled; Tests: T8 T9 T10  181 end 182 183 default: begin 184 fsm_err_o = 1'b1; 185 end 186 endcase // unique case (state_q) 187 188 end // always_comb 189 190 logic ctrl_ack; 191 flash_ctrl_err_t ctrl_err; 192 193 always_comb begin 194 1/1 muxed_ctrl_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  195 1/1 muxed_addr_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  196 1/1 sw_ack_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  197 1/1 sw_err_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  198 1/1 sw_wready_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  199 1/1 hw_ack_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  200 1/1 hw_err_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  201 202 1/1 hw_wready_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  203 1/1 prog_fifo_wvalid_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  204 1/1 prog_fifo_wdata_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  205 206 1/1 unique case (func_sel) Tests: T1 T2 T3  207 HwSel: begin 208 // ctrl related muxing 209 1/1 muxed_ctrl_o = hw_ctrl_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  210 1/1 muxed_addr_o = hw_addr_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  211 1/1 hw_ack_o = ctrl_ack; Tests: T1 T2 T3  212 1/1 hw_err_o = ctrl_err; Tests: T1 T2 T3  213 214 // fifo related muxing 215 1/1 hw_wready_o = prog_fifo_wready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  216 1/1 prog_fifo_wvalid_o = hw_wvalid_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  217 1/1 prog_fifo_wdata_o = hw_wdata_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  218 end 219 220 SwSel: begin 221 222 // ctrl related muxing 223 1/1 muxed_ctrl_o = sw_ctrl_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  224 1/1 muxed_addr_o = sw_addr_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  225 1/1 sw_ack_o = ctrl_ack; Tests: T1 T2 T3  226 1/1 sw_err_o = ctrl_err; Tests: T1 T2 T3  227 228 // fifo related muxing 229 1/1 sw_wready_o = prog_fifo_wready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  230 1/1 prog_fifo_wvalid_o = sw_wvalid_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  231 1/1 prog_fifo_wdata_o = sw_wdata_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  232 end 233 234 default:; 235 endcase // unique case (func_sel) 236 end 237 238 // pick appropriate feedback 239 always_comb begin 240 1/1 ctrl_ack = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  241 1/1 ctrl_err = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  242 1/1 ctrl_err_addr_o = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  243 244 1/1 unique case (muxed_ctrl_o.op.q) Tests: T1 T2 T3  245 FlashOpProgram: begin 246 1/1 ctrl_ack = prog_ack_i; Tests: T1 T7 T14  247 1/1 ctrl_err = prog_err_i; Tests: T1 T7 T14  248 1/1 ctrl_err_addr_o = prog_err_addr_i; Tests: T1 T7 T14  249 end 250 251 FlashOpErase: begin 252 1/1 ctrl_ack = erase_ack_i; Tests: T7 T15 T23  253 1/1 ctrl_err = erase_err_i; Tests: T7 T15 T23  254 1/1 ctrl_err_addr_o = erase_err_addr_i; Tests: T7 T15 T23  255 end 256 257 FlashOpRead: begin 258 1/1 ctrl_ack = rd_ack_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  259 1/1 ctrl_err = rd_err_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  260 1/1 ctrl_err_addr_o = rd_err_addr_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  261 end 262 263 default: begin 264 // if operation is started but does not match 265 // any valid operation, error back 266 if (muxed_ctrl_o.start) begin 267 ctrl_ack = 1'b1; 268 ctrl_err.invalid_op_err = 1'b1; 269 end MISSING_ELSE 270 end 271 272 endcase // unique case (muxed_ctrl_o.op.q) 273 end 274 275 1/1 assign sel_o = func_sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  276 277 // At the moment there is no software control indicating phase. 278 1/1 assign phase_o = func_sel == SwSel ? PhaseInvalid : hw_phase_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Module : flash_ctrl_arb

 LINE       174
 EXPRESSION (prog_ack_i || rd_ack_i || erase_ack_i)
             -----1----    ----2---    -----3-----

 LINE       278
 EXPRESSION ((func_sel == SwSel) ? PhaseInvalid : hw_phase_i)

 LINE       278
 SUB-EXPRESSION (func_sel == SwSel)

FSM Coverage for Module : flash_ctrl_arb
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 5 5 100.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 6 6 100.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
StDisabled 158 Covered T8,T9,T10
StHw 139 Covered T1,T2,T3
StReset 133 Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwActive 165 Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwIdle 147 Covered T1,T2,T3

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
StHw->StSwIdle 147 Covered T1,T2,T3
StReset->StHw 139 Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwActive->StSwIdle 175 Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwIdle->StDisabled 158 Covered T8,T9,T10
StSwIdle->StHw 163 Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwIdle->StSwActive 165 Covered T1,T2,T3

Branch Coverage for Module : flash_ctrl_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 24 24 100.00
TERNARY 278 2 2 100.00
IF 123 2 2 100.00
CASE 132 12 12 100.00
CASE 206 3 3 100.00
CASE 244 5 5 100.00

278 assign phase_o = func_sel == SwSel ? PhaseInvalid : hw_phase_i; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

123 `PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, state_d, state_q, arb_state_e, StReset) -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

132 unique case (state_q) -1- 133 StReset: begin 134 // until the flash phy is done with its own initialization, 135 // no flash controller activity is allowed to commence 136 if (!flash_phy_busy_i) begin -2- 137 // after flash is ready, the HW interface always takes 138 // precedence for flash control initialization 139 state_d = StHw; ==> 140 end MISSING_ELSE ==> 141 end 142 143 StHw: begin 144 func_sel = HwSel; 145 146 if (!hw_req_i) begin -3- 147 state_d = StSwIdle; ==> 148 end MISSING_ELSE ==> 149 end 150 151 StSwIdle: begin 152 // software is still selected to enable access to Fifos 153 func_sel = SwSel; 154 155 if (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_loose(disable_i)) begin -4- 156 // Do not randomly switch unless idle as it may cause stateful operations to be 157 // disturbed 158 state_d = StDisabled; ==> 159 end else if (hw_req_i) begin -5- 160 // if hardware request comes in the middle, wipe fifos and enable 161 // switch to hardware interface 162 fifo_clr_o = 1'b1; ==> 163 state_d = StHw; 164 end else if (sw_req) begin -6- 165 state_d = StSwActive; ==> 166 end MISSING_ELSE ==> 167 end 168 169 StSwActive: begin 170 func_sel = SwSel; 171 172 // Stay in software active mode until operation completes. 173 // While operations are ongoing, the interface cannot be switched 174 if (prog_ack_i || rd_ack_i || erase_ack_i) begin -7- 175 state_d = StSwIdle; ==> 176 end MISSING_ELSE ==> 177 end 178 179 StDisabled: begin 180 state_d = StDisabled; ==> 181 end 182 183 default: begin 184 fsm_err_o = 1'b1; ==>

StReset 1 - - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
StReset 0 - - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
StHw - 1 - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
StHw - 0 - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwIdle - - 1 - - - Covered T8,T9,T10
StSwIdle - - 0 1 - - Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwIdle - - 0 0 1 - Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwIdle - - 0 0 0 - Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwActive - - - - - 1 Covered T1,T2,T3
StSwActive - - - - - 0 Covered T1,T2,T3
StDisabled - - - - - - Covered T8,T9,T10
default - - - - - - Covered T12,T18,T19

206 unique case (func_sel) -1- 207 HwSel: begin 208 // ctrl related muxing 209 muxed_ctrl_o = hw_ctrl_i; ==> 210 muxed_addr_o = hw_addr_i; 211 hw_ack_o = ctrl_ack; 212 hw_err_o = ctrl_err; 213 214 // fifo related muxing 215 hw_wready_o = prog_fifo_wready_i; 216 prog_fifo_wvalid_o = hw_wvalid_i; 217 prog_fifo_wdata_o = hw_wdata_i; 218 end 219 220 SwSel: begin 221 222 // ctrl related muxing 223 muxed_ctrl_o = sw_ctrl_i; ==> 224 muxed_addr_o = sw_addr_i; 225 sw_ack_o = ctrl_ack; 226 sw_err_o = ctrl_err; 227 228 // fifo related muxing 229 sw_wready_o = prog_fifo_wready_i; 230 prog_fifo_wvalid_o = sw_wvalid_i; 231 prog_fifo_wdata_o = sw_wdata_i; 232 end 233 234 default:; ==>

HwSel Covered T1,T2,T3
SwSel Covered T1,T2,T3
default Covered T1,T2,T3

244 unique case (muxed_ctrl_o.op.q) -1- 245 FlashOpProgram: begin 246 ctrl_ack = prog_ack_i; ==> 247 ctrl_err = prog_err_i; 248 ctrl_err_addr_o = prog_err_addr_i; 249 end 250 251 FlashOpErase: begin 252 ctrl_ack = erase_ack_i; ==> 253 ctrl_err = erase_err_i; 254 ctrl_err_addr_o = erase_err_addr_i; 255 end 256 257 FlashOpRead: begin 258 ctrl_ack = rd_ack_i; ==> 259 ctrl_err = rd_err_i; 260 ctrl_err_addr_o = rd_err_addr_i; 261 end 262 263 default: begin 264 // if operation is started but does not match 265 // any valid operation, error back 266 if (muxed_ctrl_o.start) begin -2- 267 ctrl_ack = 1'b1; ==> 268 ctrl_err.invalid_op_err = 1'b1; 269 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

FlashOpProgram - Covered T1,T7,T14
FlashOpErase - Covered T7,T15,T23
FlashOpRead - Covered T1,T2,T3
default 1 Covered T15,T152,T125
default 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

Assert Coverage for Module : flash_ctrl_arb
Assertions 1 1 100.00 1 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 1 1 100.00 1 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
u_state_regs_A 386976916 386115487 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 386976916 386115487 0 0
T1 3874 3797 0 0
T2 10675 10588 0 0
T3 2553 2458 0 0
T7 2265 2173 0 0
T13 1325 1232 0 0
T14 55235 55146 0 0
T15 96557 96464 0 0
T20 1473 1410 0 0
T21 1922 1860 0 0
T22 179002 178938 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%