Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : adc_ctrl
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
tb.dut 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut

Instance :
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
98.82 99.07 96.67 100.00 100.00 98.83 98.33

Parent :

Subtrees :
adc_ctrl_csr_assert 96.00 96.00
gen_alert_tx[0].u_prim_alert_sender 100.00 100.00
tlul_assert_device 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_adc_ctrl_core 99.83 100.00 99.76 100.00 99.37 100.00
u_reg 97.96 98.97 96.02 100.00 98.76 96.05

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : adc_ctrl
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_adc_ctrl_1.0/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_adc_ctrl_1.0/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
49 1 1

Cond Coverage for Module : adc_ctrl

 LINE       49
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reg2hw.alert_test.q & reg2hw.alert_test.qe)
                 ---------1---------   ----------2---------

Toggle Coverage for Module : adc_ctrl
Totals 34 34 100.00
Total Bits 368 368 100.00
Total Bits 0->1 184 184 100.00
Total Bits 1->0 184 184 100.00

Ports 34 34 100.00
Port Bits 368 368 100.00
Port Bits 0->1 184 184 100.00
Port Bits 1->0 184 184 100.00

Port Details
NameToggleToggle 1->0TestsToggle 0->1TestsDirection
clk_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
clk_aon_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_ni Yes Yes T11,T13,T14 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_aon_ni Yes Yes T11,T13,T14 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.d_ready Yes Yes T1,T3,T4 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.data_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.cmd_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.instr_type[3:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.rsvd[4:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
tl_i.a_data[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_mask[3:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_address[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_source[7:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_size[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_param[2:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
tl_i.a_opcode[2:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_o.a_ready Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_error Yes Yes T14,T15,T16 Yes T14,T15,T16 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.data_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[5:0] Yes Yes *T1,*T2,*T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[6] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_data[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_sink Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_source[7:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_size[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_param[2:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_opcode[0] Yes Yes *T1,*T2,*T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_opcode[2:1] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ack_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ack_p Yes Yes T29,T31,T61 Yes T29,T31,T61 INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ping_n Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ping_p Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
alert_tx_o[0].alert_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_tx_o[0].alert_p Yes Yes T29,T31,T61 Yes T29,T31,T61 OUTPUT
adc_o.pd Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
adc_o.channel_sel[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
adc_i.data_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT[9:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
intr_match_pending_o Yes Yes T4,T5,T8 Yes T4,T5,T8 OUTPUT
wkup_req_o Yes Yes T2,T4,T5 Yes T2,T4,T5 OUTPUT

*Tests covering at least one bit in the range

Assert Coverage for Module : adc_ctrl
Assertions 7 7 100.00 7 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 7 7 100.00 7 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
AdcKnown_A 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
AlertsKnown_A 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
FpvSecCmRegWeOnehotCheck_A 2147483647 70 0 0
IntrKnown 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
TlOAReadyKnown 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
TlODValidKnown 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
WakeKnown 2147483647 2147483647 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 327603 327602 0 0
T2 406197 406190 0 0
T3 719101 719094 0 0
T4 282669 282668 0 0
T5 863634 863628 0 0
T6 381899 381892 0 0
T7 153673 153664 0 0
T8 161936 161936 0 0
T9 60011 59946 0 0
T10 102412 102412 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 327603 327602 0 0
T2 406197 406190 0 0
T3 719101 719094 0 0
T4 282669 282668 0 0
T5 863634 863628 0 0
T6 381899 381892 0 0
T7 153673 153664 0 0
T8 161936 161936 0 0
T9 60011 59946 0 0
T10 102412 102412 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 70 0 0
T55 366099 10 0 0
T56 0 10 0 0
T57 0 20 0 0
T68 0 20 0 0
T69 0 10 0 0
T70 372291 0 0 0
T71 558527 0 0 0
T72 186330 0 0 0
T73 32530 0 0 0
T74 678234 0 0 0
T75 506498 0 0 0
T76 159980 0 0 0
T77 562877 0 0 0
T78 755455 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 327603 327602 0 0
T2 406197 406190 0 0
T3 719101 719094 0 0
T4 282669 282668 0 0
T5 863634 863628 0 0
T6 381899 381892 0 0
T7 153673 153664 0 0
T8 161936 161936 0 0
T9 60011 59946 0 0
T10 102412 102412 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 327603 327602 0 0
T2 406197 406190 0 0
T3 719101 719094 0 0
T4 282669 282668 0 0
T5 863634 863628 0 0
T6 381899 381892 0 0
T7 153673 153664 0 0
T8 161936 161936 0 0
T9 60011 59946 0 0
T10 102412 102412 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 327603 327602 0 0
T2 406197 406190 0 0
T3 719101 719094 0 0
T4 282669 282668 0 0
T5 863634 863628 0 0
T6 381899 381892 0 0
T7 153673 153664 0 0
T8 161936 161936 0 0
T9 60011 59946 0 0
T10 102412 102412 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2147483647 2147483647 0 0
T1 327603 327602 0 0
T2 406197 406190 0 0
T3 719101 719094 0 0
T4 282669 282668 0 0
T5 863634 863628 0 0
T6 381899 381892 0 0
T7 153673 153664 0 0
T8 161936 161936 0 0
T9 60011 59946 0 0
T10 102412 102412 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%