Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : i2c_bus_monitor
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
tb.dut.i2c_core.u_i2c_bus_monitor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.i2c_core.u_i2c_bus_monitor

Instance :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Instance's subtree :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Parent :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i2c_core

Subtrees :
no children

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : i2c_bus_monitor
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_i2c_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_i2c_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
37 0 1
40 0 1
41 0 1
43 0 1
50 0 1
51 0 1
52 0 1
54 0 1
55 0 1
82 0 1
83 0 1
84 0 1
85 0 1
86 0 1
87 0 1
92 0 1
93 0 1
94 0 1
95 0 1
96 0 1
97 0 1
102 0 1
103 0 1
104 0 1
105 0 1
106 0 1
107 0 1
112 0 1
113 0 1
114 0 1
117 0 1
118 0 1
119 0 1
127 0 1
137 0 1
147 0 1
148 0 1
150 0 1
158 0 1
159 0 1
160 0 1
163 0 1
166 0 1
168 0 1
169 0 1
170 0 1
171 0 1
189 0 1
190 0 1
191 0 1
192 0 1
193 0 1
194 0 1
196 0 1
198 0 1
200 0 1
201 0 1
202 0 1
203 0 1
208 0 1
210 0 1
211 0 1
212 0 1
213 0 1
214 0 1
215 0 1
216 0 1
217 0 1
218 0 1
219 0 1
220 0 1
221 0 1
223 0 1
225 0 1
230 0 1
235 0 1
237 0 1
238 0 1
239 0 1
240 0 1
241 0 1
242 0 1
243 0 1
244 0 1
245 0 1
251 0 1
252 0 1
253 0 1
259 0 1
261 0 1
262 0 1
263 0 1
264 0 1
275 0 1
276 0 1
277 0 1
278 0 1
279 0 1
280 0 1
283 0 1
285 0 1
288 0 1
293 0 1
294 0 1
299 0 1
303 0 1
304 0 1

Cond Coverage for Module : i2c_bus_monitor

 LINE       37
 EXPRESSION (controller_enable_i | target_enable_i | multi_controller_enable_i)
             ---------1---------   -------2-------   ------------3------------
000Not Covered
001Not Covered
010Not Covered
100Not Covered

 LINE       84
 EXPRESSION (start_det_trigger || stop_det_trigger)
             --------1--------    --------2-------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       86
 EXPRESSION (start_det_pending || stop_det_pending)
             --------1--------    --------2-------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       96
 EXPRESSION (((!monitor_enable)) || ((!scl_i)) || start_det || stop_det_trigger)
             ---------1---------    -----2----    ----3----    --------4-------
0000Not Covered
0001Not Covered
0010Not Covered
0100Not Covered
1000Not Covered

 LINE       106
 EXPRESSION (((!monitor_enable)) || ((!scl_i)) || stop_det || start_det_trigger)
             ---------1---------    -----2----    ----3---    --------4--------
0000Not Covered
0001Not Covered
0010Not Covered
0100Not Covered
1000Not Covered

 LINE       112
 EXPRESSION (monitor_enable && ((scl_i_q && scl_i) & (sda_i_q && ((!sda_i)))))
             -------1------    -----------------------2----------------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       112
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((scl_i_q && scl_i) & (sda_i_q && ((!sda_i))))
                 ---------1--------   -----------2-----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       112
 SUB-EXPRESSION (scl_i_q && scl_i)
                 ---1---    --2--
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       112
 SUB-EXPRESSION (sda_i_q && ((!sda_i)))
                 ---1---    -----2----
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       113
 EXPRESSION (monitor_enable && start_det_pending && (ctrl_det_count >= 14'(thd_dat_i)))
             -------1------    --------2--------    -----------------3----------------
011Not Covered
101Not Covered
110Not Covered
111Not Covered

 LINE       117
 EXPRESSION (monitor_enable && ((scl_i_q && scl_i) & (((!sda_i_q)) && sda_i)))
             -------1------    -----------------------2----------------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       117
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((scl_i_q && scl_i) & (((!sda_i_q)) && sda_i))
                 ---------1--------   -----------2-----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       117
 SUB-EXPRESSION (scl_i_q && scl_i)
                 ---1---    --2--
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       117
 SUB-EXPRESSION (((!sda_i_q)) && sda_i)
                 ------1-----    --2--
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       118
 EXPRESSION (monitor_enable && stop_det_pending && (ctrl_det_count >= 14'(thd_dat_i)))
             -------1------    --------2-------    -----------------3----------------
011Not Covered
101Not Covered
110Not Covered
111Not Covered

 LINE       127
 EXPRESSION (scl_i && (sda_i == sda_i_q))
             --1--    ---------2--------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       127
 SUB-EXPRESSION (sda_i == sda_i_q)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       160
 EXPRESSION (monitor_enable && ((!monitor_enable_q)))
             -------1------    ----------2----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       170
 EXPRESSION (bus_release_cnt_dec && (bus_release_cnt != '0))
             ---------1---------    -----------2-----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       170
 SUB-EXPRESSION (bus_release_cnt != '0)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       200
 EXPRESSION (((!scl_i)) || ((!sda_i)))
             -----1----    -----2----
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       214
 EXPRESSION (bus_idling && bus_inactive_timeout_en)
             -----1----    -----------2-----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       225
 EXPRESSION (bus_release_cnt == 30'b1)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       245
 EXPRESSION (bus_release_cnt == 30'b1)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       261
 EXPRESSION (((!scl_i)) || ((!sda_i)))
             -----1----    -----2----
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       263
 EXPRESSION (bus_release_cnt == 30'b1)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       279
 EXPRESSION (monitor_enable && ((!monitor_enable_q)))
             -------1------    ----------2----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       294
 EXPRESSION (state_q == StBusFree)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       299
 EXPRESSION (state_q != StBusBusyStop)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       303
 EXPRESSION (bus_active_timeout_det_d && ((!bus_active_timeout_det_q)))
             ------------1-----------    --------------2--------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       304
 EXPRESSION (((!target_idle_i)) && bus_inactive_timeout_det)
             ---------1--------    ------------2-----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

FSM Coverage for Module : i2c_bus_monitor
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 4 0 0.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 11 0 0.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
StBusBusyHigh 283 Not Covered
StBusBusyLow 201 Not Covered
StBusBusyStop 211 Not Covered
StBusFree 278 Not Covered

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
StBusBusyHigh->StBusBusyLow 242 Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh->StBusBusyStop 238 Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh->StBusFree 278 Not Covered
StBusBusyLow->StBusBusyHigh 283 Not Covered
StBusBusyLow->StBusBusyStop 211 Not Covered
StBusBusyLow->StBusFree 278 Not Covered
StBusBusyStop->StBusBusyHigh 283 Not Covered
StBusBusyStop->StBusBusyLow 262 Not Covered
StBusBusyStop->StBusFree 278 Not Covered
StBusFree->StBusBusyHigh 283 Not Covered
StBusFree->StBusBusyLow 201 Not Covered

Branch Coverage for Module : i2c_bus_monitor
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 48 0 0.00
IF 40 2 0 0.00
IF 50 2 0 0.00
IF 82 4 0 0.00
IF 92 4 0 0.00
IF 102 4 0 0.00
IF 147 2 0 0.00
IF 158 6 0 0.00
CASE 196 17 0 0.00
IF 275 5 0 0.00
IF 293 2 0 0.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_i2c_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_i2c_0.1/rtl/ was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 40 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 50 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 82 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 84 if ((start_det_trigger || stop_det_trigger)) -3-: 86 if ((start_det_pending || stop_det_pending))

1 - - Not Covered
0 1 - Not Covered
0 0 1 Not Covered
0 0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 92 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 94 if (start_det_trigger) -3-: 96 if (((((!monitor_enable) || (!scl_i)) || start_det) || stop_det_trigger))

1 - - Not Covered
0 1 - Not Covered
0 0 1 Not Covered
0 0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 102 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 104 if (stop_det_trigger) -3-: 106 if (((((!monitor_enable) || (!scl_i)) || stop_det) || start_det_trigger))

1 - - Not Covered
0 1 - Not Covered
0 0 1 Not Covered
0 0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 147 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 158 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 160 if ((monitor_enable && (!monitor_enable_q))) -3-: 163 if (multi_controller_enable_i) -4-: 168 if (bus_release_cnt_load) -5-: 170 if ((bus_release_cnt_dec && (bus_release_cnt != '0)))

1 - - - - Not Covered
0 1 1 - - Not Covered
0 1 0 - - Not Covered
0 0 - 1 - Not Covered
0 0 - 0 1 Not Covered
0 0 - 0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 196 case (state_q) -2-: 200 if (((!scl_i) || (!sda_i))) -3-: 210 if (stop_det) -4-: 214 if ((bus_idling && bus_inactive_timeout_en)) -5-: 218 if (scl_i) -6-: 221 if (bus_active_timeout_det_q) -7-: 225 if ((bus_release_cnt == 30'b1)) -8-: 237 if (stop_det) -9-: 241 if ((!bus_idling)) -10-: 245 if ((bus_release_cnt == 30'b1)) -11-: 252 if (sda_i) -12-: 261 if (((!scl_i) || (!sda_i))) -13-: 263 if ((bus_release_cnt == 30'b1))

StBusFree 1 - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusFree 0 - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyLow - 1 - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyLow - 0 1 - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyLow - 0 0 1 1 - - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyLow - 0 0 1 0 - - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyLow - 0 0 0 - 1 - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyLow - 0 0 0 - 0 - - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh - - - - - - 1 - - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh - - - - - - 0 1 - - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh - - - - - - 0 0 1 1 - - Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh - - - - - - 0 0 1 0 - - Not Covered
StBusBusyHigh - - - - - - 0 0 0 - - - Not Covered
StBusBusyStop - - - - - - - - - - 1 - Not Covered
StBusBusyStop - - - - - - - - - - 0 1 Not Covered
StBusBusyStop - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 Not Covered
default - - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 275 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 277 if ((!monitor_enable)) -3-: 279 if ((monitor_enable && (!monitor_enable_q))) -4-: 280 if (multi_controller_enable_i)

1 - - - Not Covered
0 1 - - Not Covered
0 0 1 1 Not Covered
0 0 1 0 Not Covered
0 0 0 - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 293 if (multi_controller_enable_i)

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%