Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : prim_alert_sender
95.52 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.83 77.27

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
prim_alert_tb.i_alert_sender 95.52 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.83 77.27

Module Instance : prim_alert_tb.i_alert_sender

Instance :
95.52 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.83 77.27

Instance's subtree :
95.52 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.83 77.27

Parent :

Subtrees :
no children

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : prim_alert_sender
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_alert_0/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_alert_0/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
141 1 1
145 1 1
146 1 1
163 1 1
167 1 1
171 1 1
172 1 1
175 1 1
177 1 1
178 1 1
182 1 1
183 1 1
193 1 1
194 1 1
195 1 1
196 1 1
197 1 1
199 1 1
202 1 1
203 1 1
204 1 1
205 1 1
210 1 1
211 1 1
213 1 1
214 1 1
219 1 1
220 1 1
221 1 1
226 1 1
227 1 1
229 1 1
230 1 1
235 1 1
236 1 1
237 1 1
242 1 1
246 1 1
255 1 1
256 1 1
257 1 1
258 1 1
259 1 1
260 1 1
276 1 1
277 1 1
278 1 1
279 1 1
280 1 1
282 1 1
283 1 1
284 1 1
285 1 1

Cond Coverage for Module : prim_alert_sender

 LINE       141
 EXPRESSION (ack_sigint | ping_sigint)
             -----1----   -----2-----

 LINE       163
 EXPRESSION (alert_req | alert_set_q)
             ----1----   -----2-----

 LINE       167
 EXPRESSION (alert_clr ? 1'b0 : alert_req_trigger)

 LINE       171
 EXPRESSION (alert_test_i | alert_test_set_q)
             ------1-----   --------2-------

 LINE       172
 EXPRESSION (alert_clr ? 1'b0 : alert_test_trigger)

 LINE       175
 EXPRESSION (alert_req_trigger | alert_test_trigger)
             --------1--------   ---------2--------

 LINE       177
 EXPRESSION (ping_set_q | ping_event)
             -----1----   -----2----

 LINE       178
 EXPRESSION (ping_clr ? 1'b0 : ping_trigger)

 LINE       182
 EXPRESSION (alert_clr & alert_set_q)
             ----1----   -----2-----

 LINE       202
 EXPRESSION (alert_trigger || ping_trigger)
             ------1------    ------2-----

 LINE       203
 EXPRESSION (alert_trigger ? AlertHsPhase1 : PingHsPhase1)

Toggle Coverage for Module : prim_alert_sender
Totals 12 12 100.00
Total Bits 24 24 100.00
Total Bits 0->1 12 12 100.00
Total Bits 1->0 12 12 100.00

Ports 12 12 100.00
Port Bits 24 24 100.00
Port Bits 0->1 12 12 100.00
Port Bits 1->0 12 12 100.00

Port Details
NameToggleToggle 1->0TestsToggle 0->1TestsDirection
clk_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_ni Yes Yes T3,T7,T11 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_test_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_req_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_ack_o Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_state_o Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_rx_i.ack_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_rx_i.ack_p Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_rx_i.ping_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_rx_i.ping_p Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_tx_o.alert_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_tx_o.alert_p Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT

FSM Coverage for Module : prim_alert_sender
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 7 7 100.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 13 13 100.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
AlertHsPhase1 203 Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase2 211 Covered T1,T2,T3
Idle 246 Covered T1,T2,T3
Pause0 220 Covered T1,T2,T3
Pause1 242 Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase1 203 Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase2 227 Covered T1,T2,T3

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
AlertHsPhase1->AlertHsPhase2 211 Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase1->Idle 256 Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase2->Idle 256 Covered T1,T2,T8
AlertHsPhase2->Pause0 220 Covered T1,T2,T3
Idle->AlertHsPhase1 203 Covered T1,T2,T3
Idle->PingHsPhase1 203 Covered T1,T2,T3
Pause0->Idle 256 Covered T10,T24,T25
Pause0->Pause1 242 Covered T1,T2,T3
Pause1->Idle 246 Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase1->Idle 256 Covered T1,T3,T7
PingHsPhase1->PingHsPhase2 227 Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase2->Idle 256 Covered T1,T2,T8
PingHsPhase2->Pause0 237 Covered T1,T2,T3

Branch Coverage for Module : prim_alert_sender
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 24 23 95.83
TERNARY 172 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 178 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 167 2 2 100.00
CASE 199 14 13 92.86
IF 255 2 2 100.00
IF 276 2 2 100.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_prim_alert_0/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_prim_alert_0/rtl/ was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 172 (alert_clr) ?

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

LineNo. Expression -1-: 178 (ping_clr) ?

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

LineNo. Expression -1-: 167 (alert_clr) ?

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

LineNo. Expression -1-: 199 case (state_q) -2-: 202 if ((alert_trigger || ping_trigger)) -3-: 203 (alert_trigger) ? -4-: 210 if (ack_level) -5-: 219 if ((!ack_level)) -6-: 226 if (ack_level) -7-: 235 if ((!ack_level))

Idle 1 1 - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
Idle 1 0 - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
Idle 0 - - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase1 - - 1 - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase1 - - 0 - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase2 - - - 1 - - Covered T1,T2,T3
AlertHsPhase2 - - - 0 - - Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase1 - - - - 1 - Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase1 - - - - 0 - Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase2 - - - - - 1 Covered T1,T2,T3
PingHsPhase2 - - - - - 0 Covered T1,T2,T3
Pause0 - - - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
Pause1 - - - - - - Covered T1,T2,T3
default - - - - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 255 if (sigint_detected)

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

LineNo. Expression -1-: 276 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

Assert Coverage for Module : prim_alert_sender
Assertions 22 22 100.00 17 77.27
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 22 22 100.00 17 77.27

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
AlertHs_A 150681 1077 0 0
AlertPKnownO_A 150681 114159 0 0
AlertState0_A 150681 114159 0 0
AlertTest1_A 150681 77 0 0
AlertTestHs_A 150681 77 0 0
gen_async_assert.DiffEncoding_A 76609 52340 0 3
gen_async_assert.InBandInitFsm_A 76609 111 0 144
gen_async_assert.InBandInitPing_A 76609 111 0 144
gen_async_assert.PingHs_A 76609 353 0 1
gen_async_assert.SigIntAck_A 76609 111 0 181
gen_async_assert.SigIntPing_A 76609 111 0 181
gen_fatal_assert.AlertState1_A 110761 6260 0 0
gen_fatal_assert.AlertState2_A 110761 44633 0 0
gen_fatal_assert.AlertState3_A 110761 4168 0 0
gen_recov_assert.AlertState1_A 39920 6325 0 0
gen_recov_assert.AlertState2_A 39920 0 0 0
gen_sync_assert.DiffEncoding_A 74072 51144 0 0
gen_sync_assert.InBandInitFsm_A 74072 0 0 0
gen_sync_assert.InBandInitPing_A 74072 0 0 0
gen_sync_assert.PingHs_A 74072 365 0 0
gen_sync_assert.SigIntAck_A 74072 0 0 0
gen_sync_assert.SigIntPing_A 74072 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 150681 1077 0 0
T1 1176 17 0 0
T2 1064 15 0 0
T3 1258 17 0 0
T7 1216 16 0 0
T8 1091 17 0 0
T9 1124 17 0 0
T10 1049 16 0 0
T11 1165 14 0 0
T18 1090 16 0 0
T19 1155 18 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 150681 114159 0 0
T1 1176 1114 0 0
T2 1064 987 0 0
T3 1258 1086 0 0
T7 1216 1050 0 0
T8 1091 1039 0 0
T9 1124 1040 0 0
T10 1049 994 0 0
T11 1165 1016 0 0
T18 1090 1039 0 0
T19 1155 1074 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 150681 114159 0 0
T1 1176 1114 0 0
T2 1064 987 0 0
T3 1258 1086 0 0
T7 1216 1050 0 0
T8 1091 1039 0 0
T9 1124 1040 0 0
T10 1049 994 0 0
T11 1165 1016 0 0
T18 1090 1039 0 0
T19 1155 1074 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 150681 77 0 0
T1 1176 1 0 0
T2 1064 1 0 0
T3 1258 1 0 0
T7 1216 1 0 0
T8 1091 1 0 0
T9 1124 1 0 0
T10 1049 1 0 0
T11 1165 1 0 0
T18 1090 1 0 0
T19 1155 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 150681 77 0 0
T1 1176 1 0 0
T2 1064 1 0 0
T3 1258 1 0 0
T7 1216 1 0 0
T8 1091 1 0 0
T9 1124 1 0 0
T10 1049 1 0 0
T11 1165 1 0 0
T18 1090 1 0 0
T19 1155 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 76609 52340 0 3
T1 1176 964 0 0
T2 1064 896 0 0
T3 1258 946 0 0
T7 1216 920 0 0
T8 1091 906 0 0
T9 1124 890 0 0
T10 1049 889 0 0
T11 1165 894 0 0
T18 1090 926 0 0
T19 1155 919 0 0
T37 0 0 0 3

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 76609 111 0 144
T1 1176 3 0 4
T2 1064 4 0 4
T3 1258 3 0 4
T7 1216 3 0 4
T8 1091 3 0 4
T9 1124 2 0 4
T10 1049 4 0 4
T11 1165 2 0 4
T18 1090 4 0 4
T19 1155 3 0 4

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 76609 111 0 144
T1 1176 3 0 4
T2 1064 4 0 4
T3 1258 3 0 4
T7 1216 3 0 4
T8 1091 3 0 4
T9 1124 2 0 4
T10 1049 4 0 4
T11 1165 2 0 4
T18 1090 4 0 4
T19 1155 3 0 4

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 76609 353 0 1
T1 1176 11 0 0
T2 1064 9 0 0
T3 1258 10 0 0
T7 1216 9 0 0
T8 1091 8 0 0
T9 1124 8 0 0
T10 1049 10 0 0
T11 1165 9 0 0
T18 1090 11 0 0
T19 1155 10 0 0
T37 0 0 0 1

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 76609 111 0 181
T1 1176 3 0 5
T2 1064 4 0 5
T3 1258 3 0 5
T7 1216 3 0 5
T8 1091 3 0 5
T9 1124 2 0 5
T10 1049 4 0 5
T11 1165 2 0 5
T18 1090 4 0 5
T19 1155 3 0 5

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 76609 111 0 181
T1 1176 3 0 5
T2 1064 4 0 5
T3 1258 3 0 5
T7 1216 3 0 5
T8 1091 3 0 5
T9 1124 2 0 5
T10 1049 4 0 5
T11 1165 2 0 5
T18 1090 4 0 5
T19 1155 3 0 5

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 110761 6260 0 0
T4 2838 240 0 0
T12 3087 242 0 0
T22 3095 256 0 0
T23 2908 262 0 0
T37 3166 254 0 0
T38 2969 289 0 0
T39 3062 213 0 0
T40 3239 250 0 0
T41 2966 215 0 0
T42 3185 291 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 110761 44633 0 0
T4 2838 1126 0 0
T12 3087 1259 0 0
T22 3095 1407 0 0
T23 2908 1237 0 0
T37 3166 1342 0 0
T38 2969 1280 0 0
T39 3062 1322 0 0
T40 3239 1379 0 0
T41 2966 1304 0 0
T42 3185 1408 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 110761 4168 0 0
T4 2838 58 0 0
T12 3087 64 0 0
T22 3095 71 0 0
T23 2908 61 0 0
T37 3166 68 0 0
T38 2969 63 0 0
T39 3062 70 0 0
T40 3239 70 0 0
T41 2966 68 0 0
T42 3185 70 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 39920 6325 0 0
T1 1176 268 0 0
T2 1064 223 0 0
T3 1258 278 0 0
T7 1216 259 0 0
T8 1091 285 0 0
T9 1124 270 0 0
T10 1049 265 0 0
T11 1165 225 0 0
T18 1090 247 0 0
T19 1155 277 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 39920 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 74072 51144 0 0
T24 888 763 0 0
T25 1005 827 0 0
T26 963 769 0 0
T27 827 725 0 0
T28 943 724 0 0
T29 923 752 0 0
T30 931 753 0 0
T34 1015 848 0 0
T35 944 732 0 0
T36 861 753 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 74072 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 74072 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 74072 365 0 0
T24 888 9 0 0
T25 1005 8 0 0
T26 963 9 0 0
T27 827 9 0 0
T28 943 8 0 0
T29 923 8 0 0
T30 931 9 0 0
T34 1015 10 0 0
T35 944 10 0 0
T36 861 9 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 74072 0 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 74072 0 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%