Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : usb_fs_tx
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
tb.dut.usbdev_impl.u_usb_fs_nb_pe.u_usb_fs_tx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.usbdev_impl.u_usb_fs_nb_pe.u_usb_fs_tx

Instance :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Instance's subtree :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Parent :
0.00 0.00 0.00 u_usb_fs_nb_pe

Subtrees :
u_oe_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00
u_usb_d_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00
u_usb_d_o_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00
u_usb_dn_o_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00
u_usb_dp_o_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00
u_usb_se0_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00
u_usb_se0_o_flop 0.00 0.00 0.00

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : usb_fs_tx
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
87 0 1
88 0 1
90 0 1
91 0 1
93 0 1
98 0 1
101 0 1
102 0 1
103 0 1
107 0 1
108 0 1
111 0 1
112 0 1
113 0 1
114 0 1
115 0 1
117 0 1
118 0 1
119 0 1
120 0 1
121 0 1
123 0 1
124 0 1
125 0 1
126 0 1
131 0 1
132 0 1
140 0 1
141 0 1
142 0 1
143 0 1
144 0 1
145 0 1
146 0 1
147 0 1
148 0 1
150 0 1
152 0 1
153 0 1
154 0 1
155 0 1
156 0 1
161 0 1
162 0 1
163 0 1
164 0 1
165 0 1
170 0 1
171 0 1
172 0 1
174 0 1
177 0 1
178 0 1
179 0 1
184 0 1
185 0 1
186 0 1
187 0 1
188 0 1
189 0 1
190 0 1
191 0 1
193 0 1
194 0 1
195 0 1
196 0 1
198 0 1
199 0 1
202 0 1
207 0 1
208 0 1
209 0 1
211 0 1
212 0 1
217 0 1
218 0 1
219 0 1
220 0 1
226 0 1
227 0 1
228 0 1
229 0 1
230 0 1
231 0 1
232 0 1
240 0 1
245 0 1
246 0 1
248 0 1
250 0 1
251 0 1
252 0 1
256 0 1
258 0 1
259 0 1
260 0 1
262 0 1
270 0 1
271 0 1
273 0 1
278 0 1
281 0 1
284 0 1
286 0 1
287 0 1
290 0 1
291 0 1
300 0 1
301 0 1
302 0 1
303 0 1
304 0 1
305 0 1
306 0 1
307 0 1
308 0 1
309 0 1
310 0 1
312 0 1
313 0 1
314 0 1
315 0 1
316 0 1
317 0 1
318 0 1
319 0 1
320 0 1
321 0 1
322 0 1
324 0 1
325 0 1
326 0 1
327 0 1
328 0 1
329 0 1
330 0 1
331 0 1
332 0 1
333 0 1
344 0 1
345 0 1
347 0 1
349 0 1
350 0 1
355 0 1
356 0 1
361 0 1
362 0 1
363 0 1
374 0 1
375 0 1
376 0 1
377 0 1
379 0 1
380 0 1
381 0 1
383 0 1
384 0 1
386 0 1
388 0 1
390 0 1
392 0 1
393 0 1
396 0 1
399 0 1
403 0 1
409 0 1
410 0 1
415 0 1
416 0 1
417 0 1
419 0 1
420 0 1
421 0 1
423 0 1
424 0 1
458 0 1
459 0 1
460 0 1
461 0 1
463 0 1
464 0 1
465 0 1
506 0 1

Cond Coverage for Module : usb_fs_tx

 LINE       98
 EXPRESSION (pkt_start_i ? pid_i : pid_q)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       108
 EXPRESSION (bit_history == 6'b111111)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       131
 EXPRESSION (bit_strobe_i && (se0_shift_reg_q[1:0] == 2'b1))
             ------1-----    ---------------2--------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       131
 SUB-EXPRESSION (se0_shift_reg_q[1:0] == 2'b1)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       171
 EXPRESSION (pid_q[1:0] == 2'b11)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       226
 EXPRESSION (((!tx_osc_test_mode_i)) && byte_strobe_q)
             -----------1-----------    ------2------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       270
 EXPRESSION (bit_strobe_i && ((!bitstuff)) && ((!pkt_start_i)))
             ------1-----    ------2------    --------3-------
011Not Covered
101Not Covered
110Not Covered
111Not Covered

 LINE       271
 EXPRESSION (bit_count_q == 3'b0)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       281
 EXPRESSION (serial_tx_data ^ crc16_q[15])
             -------1------   -----2-----
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       290
 EXPRESSION (bit_strobe_i && data_payload_q && ((!bitstuff_q4)) && ((!pkt_start_i)))
             ------1-----    -------2------    --------3-------    --------4-------
0111Not Covered
1011Not Covered
1101Not Covered
1110Not Covered
1111Not Covered

 LINE       349
 EXPRESSION (pkt_start_i || test_mode_start)
             -----1-----    -------2-------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       362
 EXPRESSION (bit_strobe_i && ((!serial_tx_oe)))
             ------1-----    --------2--------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       383
 EXPRESSION (bit_strobe_i && out_nrzi_en)
             ------1-----    -----2-----
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       430
 EXPRESSION (link_reset_i ? 1'b0 : oe_d)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       439
 EXPRESSION (link_reset_i ? 1'b1 : usb_d_d)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       446
 EXPRESSION (link_reset_i ? 1'b0 : usb_se0_d)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       464
 EXPRESSION ((cfg_pinflip_i ? ((~usb_d_d)) : usb_d_d) & ((~usb_se0_d)))
             --------------------1-------------------   -------2------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       464
 SUB-EXPRESSION (cfg_pinflip_i ? ((~usb_d_d)) : usb_d_d)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       465
 EXPRESSION ((cfg_pinflip_i ? usb_d_d : ((~usb_d_d))) & ((~usb_se0_d)))
             --------------------1-------------------   -------2------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       465
 SUB-EXPRESSION (cfg_pinflip_i ? usb_d_d : ((~usb_d_d)))
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

FSM Coverage for Module : usb_fs_tx
Summary for FSM :: state_q
States 7 0 0.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 13 0 0.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
Crc161 193 Not Covered
DataOrCrc160 172 Not Covered
Eop 174 Not Covered
Idle 313 Not Covered
OscTest 153 Not Covered
Pid 162 Not Covered
Sync 156 Not Covered

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
Crc161->Eop 208 Not Covered
Crc161->Idle 313 Not Covered
DataOrCrc160->Crc161 193 Not Covered
DataOrCrc160->Idle 313 Not Covered
Eop->Idle 313 Not Covered
Idle->OscTest 153 Not Covered
Idle->Sync 156 Not Covered
OscTest->Idle 313 Not Covered
Pid->DataOrCrc160 172 Not Covered
Pid->Eop 174 Not Covered
Pid->Idle 313 Not Covered
Sync->Idle 313 Not Covered
Sync->Pid 162 Not Covered

Summary for FSM :: out_state_q
States 3 0 0.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 4 0 0.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: out_state_q
statesLine No.CoveredTests
OsIdle 421 Not Covered
OsTransmit 356 Not Covered
OsWaitByte 350 Not Covered

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
OsIdle->OsWaitByte 350 Not Covered
OsTransmit->OsIdle 421 Not Covered
OsWaitByte->OsIdle 421 Not Covered
OsWaitByte->OsTransmit 356 Not Covered

Branch Coverage for Module : usb_fs_tx
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 66 0 0.00
TERNARY 98 2 0 0.00
TERNARY 430 2 0 0.00
TERNARY 439 2 0 0.00
TERNARY 446 2 0 0.00
IF 87 3 0 0.00
IF 111 3 0 0.00
CASE 150 19 0 0.00
IF 240 4 0 0.00
IF 270 2 0 0.00
IF 286 2 0 0.00
IF 290 2 0 0.00
IF 300 3 0 0.00
CASE 347 7 0 0.00
IF 379 6 0 0.00
IF 409 2 0 0.00
IF 415 3 0 0.00
IF 458 2 0 0.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/ was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 98 (pkt_start_i) ?

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 430 (link_reset_i) ?

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 439 (link_reset_i) ?

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 446 (link_reset_i) ?

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 87 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 90 if (link_reset_i)

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 111 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 117 if (link_reset_i)

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 150 case (state_q) -2-: 152 if (tx_osc_test_mode_i) -3-: 155 if (pkt_start_i) -4-: 161 if (byte_strobe_q) -5-: 170 if (byte_strobe_q) -6-: 171 if ((pid_q[1:0] == 2'b11)) -7-: 184 if (byte_strobe_q) -8-: 185 if (tx_data_avail_i) -9-: 207 if (byte_strobe_q) -10-: 217 if (byte_strobe_q) -11-: 226 if (((!tx_osc_test_mode_i) && byte_strobe_q)) -12-: 229 if (byte_strobe_q)

Idle 1 - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
Idle 0 1 - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
Idle 0 0 - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
Sync - - 1 - - - - - - - - Not Covered
Sync - - 0 - - - - - - - - Not Covered
Pid - - - 1 1 - - - - - - Not Covered
Pid - - - 1 0 - - - - - - Not Covered
Pid - - - 0 - - - - - - - Not Covered
DataOrCrc160 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - Not Covered
DataOrCrc160 - - - - - 1 0 - - - - Not Covered
DataOrCrc160 - - - - - 0 - - - - - Not Covered
Crc161 - - - - - - - 1 - - - Not Covered
Crc161 - - - - - - - 0 - - - Not Covered
Eop - - - - - - - - 1 - - Not Covered
Eop - - - - - - - - 0 - - Not Covered
OscTest - - - - - - - - - 1 - Not Covered
OscTest - - - - - - - - - 0 1 Not Covered
OscTest - - - - - - - - - 0 0 Not Covered
default - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 240 if (pkt_start_i) -2-: 248 if (bit_strobe_i) -3-: 250 if (bitstuff)

1 - - Not Covered
0 1 1 Not Covered
0 1 0 Not Covered
0 0 - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 270 if (((bit_strobe_i && (!bitstuff)) && (!pkt_start_i)))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 286 if (pkt_start_i)

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 290 if ((((bit_strobe_i && data_payload_q) && (!bitstuff_q4)) && (!pkt_start_i)))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 300 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 312 if (link_reset_i)

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 347 case (out_state_q) -2-: 349 if ((pkt_start_i || test_mode_start)) -3-: 355 if (byte_strobe_q) -4-: 362 if ((bit_strobe_i && (!serial_tx_oe)))

OsIdle 1 - - Not Covered
OsIdle 0 - - Not Covered
OsWaitByte - 1 - Not Covered
OsWaitByte - 0 - Not Covered
OsTransmit - - 1 Not Covered
OsTransmit - - 0 Not Covered
default - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 379 if (pkt_start_i) -2-: 383 if ((bit_strobe_i && out_nrzi_en)) -3-: 386 if (serial_tx_se0) -4-: 390 if (dp_eop_q[0]) -5-: 399 if (serial_tx_data)

1 - - - - Not Covered
0 1 1 1 - Not Covered
0 1 1 0 - Not Covered
0 1 0 - 1 Not Covered
0 1 0 - 0 Not Covered
0 0 - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 409 if ((!oe_d))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 415 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 419 if (link_reset_i)

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 458 if (link_reset_i)

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%