Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : usb_fs_nb_in_pe
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
tb.dut.usbdev_impl.u_usb_fs_nb_pe.u_usb_fs_nb_in_pe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Module Instance : tb.dut.usbdev_impl.u_usb_fs_nb_pe.u_usb_fs_nb_in_pe

Instance :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Instance's subtree :
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Parent :
0.00 0.00 0.00 u_usb_fs_nb_pe

Subtrees :
no children

Since this is the module's only instance, the coverage report is the same as for the module.
Line Coverage for Module : usb_fs_nb_in_pe
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
WARNING: The source file '/workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/' was not found, so annotated line coverage report could not be generated.
Line No.CoveredStatements
118 0 1
132 0 1
133 0 1
135 0 1
141 0 1
145 0 1
149 0 1
154 0 1
160 0 1
161 0 1
168 0 1
169 0 1
172 0 1
178 0 1
180 0 1
186 0 1
188 0 1
189 0 1
199 0 1
200 0 1
201 0 1
202 0 1
203 0 1
204 0 1
205 0 1
207 0 1
208 0 1
211 0 1
216 0 1
218 0 1
223 0 1
224 0 1
225 0 1
226 0 1
227 0 1
228 0 1
229 0 1
230 0 1
232 0 1
233 0 1
239 0 1
240 0 1
241 0 1
242 0 1
244 0 1
245 0 1
247 0 1
251 0 1
256 0 1
257 0 1
265 0 1
267 0 1
268 0 1
269 0 1
270 0 1
271 0 1
273 0 1
278 0 1
279 0 1
280 0 1
281 0 1
283 0 1
284 0 1
285 0 1
287 0 1
288 0 1
290 0 1
303 0 1
304 0 1
306 0 1
311 0 1
312 0 1
314 0 1
319 0 1
320 0 1
321 0 1
322 0 1
323 0 1
324 0 1
326 0 1
327 0 1
332 0 1
333 0 1
335 0 1
336 0 1
337 0 1
338 0 1
344 0 1
345 0 1
346 0 1
347 0 1
349 0 1
350 0 1
351 0 1
352 0 1
354 0 1
361 0 1
363 0 1
364 0 1
365 0 1
366 0 1
369 0 1
370 0 1
375 0 1
378 0 1
379 0 1
380 0 1
381 0 1
383 0 1
388 0 1
389 0 1
391 0 1
392 0 1
394 0 1
405 0 1
412 0 1
422 0 2
423 0 1
425 0 1

Cond Coverage for Module : usb_fs_nb_in_pe

 LINE       135
 EXPRESSION (rx_pkt_end_i && rx_pkt_valid_i && (rx_pid_type == UsbPidTypeToken) && (rx_addr_i == dev_addr_i))
             ------1-----    -------2------    ----------------3---------------    ------------4------------
0111Not Covered
1011Not Covered
1101Not Covered
1110Not Covered
1111Not Covered

 LINE       135
 SUB-EXPRESSION (rx_pid_type == UsbPidTypeToken)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       135
 SUB-EXPRESSION (rx_addr_i == dev_addr_i)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       141
 EXPRESSION (token_received && (rx_pid == UsbPidSetup))
             -------1------    -----------2-----------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       141
 SUB-EXPRESSION (rx_pid == UsbPidSetup)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       145
 EXPRESSION (token_received && (rx_pid == UsbPidIn))
             -------1------    ----------2---------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       145
 SUB-EXPRESSION (rx_pid == UsbPidIn)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       149
 EXPRESSION (rx_pkt_end_i && rx_pkt_valid_i && (rx_pid == UsbPidAck))
             ------1-----    -------2------    ----------3----------
011Not Covered
101Not Covered
110Not Covered
111Not Covered

 LINE       149
 SUB-EXPRESSION (rx_pid == UsbPidAck)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       154
 EXPRESSION (rx_pkt_end_i && rx_pkt_valid_i && (rx_pid == UsbPidNak))
             ------1-----    -------2------    ----------3----------
011Not Covered
101Not Covered
110Not Covered
111Not Covered

 LINE       154
 SUB-EXPRESSION (rx_pid == UsbPidNak)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       161
 EXPRESSION (ep_in_hw ? rx_endp_i : '0)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       172
 EXPRESSION (in_ep_enabled_i[in_ep_index_d] & ep_in_hw)
             ---------------1--------------   ----2---
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       178
 EXPRESSION (has_data_q & ((~in_ep_data_done_i[in_ep_index])))
             -----1----   -----------------2-----------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       180
 EXPRESSION ((logic'((in_xact_state == StSendData))) & more_data_to_send)
             -------------------1-------------------   --------2--------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       186
 EXPRESSION (((in_xact_state == StIdle) || (in_xact_state == StWaitAck)) && in_token_received)
             -----------------------------1-----------------------------    --------2--------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       186
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StIdle) || (in_xact_state == StWaitAck))
                 ------------1------------    --------------2-------------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       186
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StIdle)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       186
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StWaitAck)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       188
 EXPRESSION (in_starting & ep_active)
             -----1-----   ----2----
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       207
 EXPRESSION (ep_active && in_token_received)
             ----1----    --------2--------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       239
 EXPRESSION (((!more_data_to_send)) || (((&in_ep_get_addr_o)) && tx_data_get_i))
             -----------1----------    --------------------2-------------------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       239
 SUB-EXPRESSION (((&in_ep_get_addr_o)) && tx_data_get_i)
                 ----------1----------    ------2------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       269
 EXPRESSION (timeout_cntdown_q == '0)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       283
 EXPRESSION (ep_active ? StRcvdIn : StIdle)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       322
 EXPRESSION (link_reset_i || ((!link_active_i)))
             ------1-----    ---------2--------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       335
 EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StIdle)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       337
 EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StSendData) && tx_data_get_i)
             --------------1--------------    ------2------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       337
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StSendData)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       363
 EXPRESSION (setup_token_received && ep_active)
             ----------1---------    ----2----
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       365
 EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StWaitAck) && ack_received)
             --------------1-------------    ------2-----
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       365
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StWaitAck)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       391
 EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StSendData) && tx_data_get_i)
             --------------1--------------    ------2------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       391
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StSendData)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       405
 EXPRESSION (((in_xact_state == StWaitAckStart) || ((in_xact_state == StWaitAck) && rx_pkt_end_i && ((!nak_received)))) & rollback_in_xact)
             -----------------------------------------------------1----------------------------------------------------   --------2-------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       405
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StWaitAckStart) || ((in_xact_state == StWaitAck) && rx_pkt_end_i && ((!nak_received))))
                 ----------------1----------------    ---------------------------------2---------------------------------
00Not Covered
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       405
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StWaitAckStart)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       405
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StWaitAck) && rx_pkt_end_i && ((!nak_received)))
                 --------------1-------------    ------2-----    --------3--------
011Not Covered
101Not Covered
110Not Covered
111Not Covered

 LINE       405
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StWaitAck)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       412
 EXPRESSION ((in_xact_state == StWaitAck) && nak_received)
             --------------1-------------    ------2-----
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       412
 SUB-EXPRESSION (in_xact_state == StWaitAck)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

 LINE       423
 EXPRESSION (in_starting & (ep_in_hw ? ((!in_ep_has_data_i[in_ep_index_d])) : 1'b0))
             -----1-----   ----------------------------2---------------------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       423
 SUB-EXPRESSION (ep_in_hw ? ((!in_ep_has_data_i[in_ep_index_d])) : 1'b0)
0Not Covered
1Not Covered

FSM Coverage for Module : usb_fs_nb_in_pe
Summary for FSM :: in_xact_state
States 6 0 0.00 (Not included in score)
Transitions 12 0 0.00
Sequences 0 0

State, Transition and Sequence Details for FSM :: in_xact_state
statesLine No.CoveredTests
StIdle 323 Not Covered
StRcvdIn 208 Not Covered
StSendData 223 Not Covered
StWaitAck 268 Not Covered
StWaitAckStart 245 Not Covered
StWaitTxEnd 247 Not Covered

transitionsLine No.CoveredTests
StIdle->StRcvdIn 208 Not Covered
StRcvdIn->StIdle 323 Not Covered
StRcvdIn->StSendData 223 Not Covered
StSendData->StIdle 323 Not Covered
StSendData->StWaitAckStart 245 Not Covered
StSendData->StWaitTxEnd 247 Not Covered
StWaitAck->StIdle 323 Not Covered
StWaitAck->StRcvdIn 283 Not Covered
StWaitAckStart->StIdle 323 Not Covered
StWaitAckStart->StWaitAck 268 Not Covered
StWaitTxEnd->StIdle 323 Not Covered
StWaitTxEnd->StWaitAckStart 257 Not Covered

Branch Coverage for Module : usb_fs_nb_in_pe
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 50 0 0.00
TERNARY 161 2 0 0.00
CASE 205 21 0 0.00
IF 303 2 0 0.00
IF 311 2 0 0.00
IF 319 3 0 0.00
IF 332 4 0 0.00
IF 344 3 0 0.00
IF 363 3 0 0.00
IF 369 2 0 0.00
IF 378 3 0 0.00
IF 388 3 0 0.00
IF 422 2 0 0.00

WARNING: The source file /workspace/default/sim-vcs/../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/' or '../src/lowrisc_ip_usb_fs_nb_pe_0.1/rtl/ was not found/opened, so annotated branch coverage report could not be generated.

LineNo. Expression -1-: 161 (ep_in_hw) ?

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 205 case (in_xact_state) -2-: 207 if ((ep_active && in_token_received)) -3-: 218 if (in_ep_iso_i[in_ep_index]) -4-: 225 if (in_ep_stall_i[in_ep_index]) -5-: 228 if (has_data_q) -6-: 239 if (((!more_data_to_send) || ((&in_ep_get_addr_o) && tx_data_get_i))) -7-: 240 if (in_ep_iso_i[in_ep_index]) -8-: 244 if (tx_pkt_end_i) -9-: 256 if (tx_pkt_end_i) -10-: 267 if (rx_pkt_start_i) -11-: 269 if ((timeout_cntdown_q == '0)) -12-: 278 if (ack_received) -13-: 281 if (in_token_received) -14-: 283 (ep_active) ? -15-: 285 if (rx_pkt_end_i)

StIdle 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StIdle 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StRcvdIn - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StRcvdIn - 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StRcvdIn - 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StRcvdIn - 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StSendData - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StSendData - - - - 1 0 1 - - - - - - - Not Covered
StSendData - - - - 1 0 0 - - - - - - - Not Covered
StSendData - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - Not Covered
StWaitTxEnd - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - Not Covered
StWaitTxEnd - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - Not Covered
StWaitAckStart - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - Not Covered
StWaitAckStart - - - - - - - - 0 1 - - - - Not Covered
StWaitAckStart - - - - - - - - 0 0 - - - - Not Covered
StWaitAck - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - Not Covered
StWaitAck - - - - - - - - - - 0 1 1 - Not Covered
StWaitAck - - - - - - - - - - 0 1 0 - Not Covered
StWaitAck - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 - 1 Not Covered
StWaitAck - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 - 0 Not Covered
default - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 303 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 311 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 319 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 322 if ((link_reset_i || (!link_active_i)))

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 332 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 335 if ((in_xact_state == StIdle)) -3-: 337 if (((in_xact_state == StSendData) && tx_data_get_i))

1 - - Not Covered
0 1 - Not Covered
0 0 1 Not Covered
0 0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 344 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 349 if (in_token_received)

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 363 if ((setup_token_received && ep_active)) -2-: 365 if (((in_xact_state == StWaitAck) && ack_received))

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 369 if (in_datatog_we_i)

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 378 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 380 if (link_reset_i)

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 388 if ((!rst_ni)) -2-: 391 if (((in_xact_state == StSendData) && tx_data_get_i))

1 - Not Covered
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Not Covered

LineNo. Expression -1-: 422 if ((!rst_ni))

1 Not Covered
0 Not Covered

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%