Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

Instance :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
76.67 90.00 40.00 100.00 u_host_arb

Subtrees :
no children

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

Instance :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
76.67 90.00 40.00 100.00 u_host_arb

Subtrees :
no children

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

Instance :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
96.67 90.00 100.00 100.00 u_host_arb

Subtrees :
no children

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

Instance :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
96.88 87.50 100.00 100.00 100.00

Parent :
96.67 90.00 100.00 100.00 u_host_arb

Subtrees :
no children

Line Coverage for Module : prim_arbiter_fixed
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

84 // forward path 85 2/2 assign req_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  86 assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset; 87 0/2 ==> assign data_tree[Pa] = data_i[offset]; 88 // backward (grant) path 89 2/2 assign gnt_o[offset] = gnt_tree[Pa]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  90 91 end else begin : gen_tie_off 92 // forward path 93 assign req_tree[Pa] = '0; 94 assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0; 95 assign data_tree[Pa] = '0; 96 logic unused_sigs; 97 assign unused_sigs = gnt_tree[Pa]; 98 end 99 // this creates the node assignments 100 end else begin : gen_nodes 101 // forward path 102 logic sel; // local helper variable 103 always_comb begin : p_node 104 // this always gives priority to the left child 105 1/1 sel = ~req_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  106 // propagate requests 107 1/1 req_tree[Pa] = req_tree[C0] | req_tree[C1]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  108 // data and index muxes 109 1/1 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 1/1 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  111 // propagate the grants back to the input 112 1/1 gnt_tree[C0] = gnt_tree[Pa] & ~sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  113 1/1 gnt_tree[C1] = gnt_tree[Pa] & sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  114 end 115 end 116 end : gen_level 117 end : gen_tree 118 119 // the results can be found at the tree root 120 if (EnDataPort) begin : gen_data_port 121 assign data_o = data_tree[0]; 122 end else begin : gen_no_dataport 123 logic [DW-1:0] unused_data; 124 1/1 assign unused_data = data_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  125 assign data_o = '1; 126 end 127 128 1/1 assign idx_o = idx_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  129 1/1 assign valid_o = req_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 131 // this propagates a grant back to the input 132 1/1 assign gnt_tree[0] = valid_o & ready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Module : prim_arbiter_fixed

 LINE       107
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0] | gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1])
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ----------------------------------2----------------------------------

 LINE       109
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       110
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       112
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & ((~gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)))
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   -----------------------------2-----------------------------

 LINE       113
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ---------------------------2--------------------------

 LINE       132
 EXPRESSION (valid_o & ready_i)
             ---1---   ---2---

Branch Coverage for Module : prim_arbiter_fixed
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 4 4 100.00
TERNARY 109 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 110 2 2 100.00

109 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T6,T20

110 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T6,T20

Assert Coverage for Module : prim_arbiter_fixed
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CheckHotOne_A 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
CheckNGreaterZero_A 4104 4104 0 0
GntImpliesReady_A 1331501572 344136321 0 0
GntImpliesValid_A 1331501572 344136321 0 0
GrantKnown_A 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
IdxKnown_A 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
IndexIsCorrect_A 1331501572 344136321 0 0
NoReadyValidNoGrant_A 1331501572 172884599 0 0
Priority_A 1331501572 368260924 0 0
ReadyAndValidImplyGrant_A 1331501572 344136321 0 0
ReqAndReadyImplyGrant_A 1331501572 344136321 0 0
ReqImpliesValid_A 1331501572 368260924 0 0
ValidKnown_A 1331501572 1328034636 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
T1 5900 5444 0 0
T2 14776 14400 0 0
T3 9132 8776 0 0
T4 17500 15408 0 0
T5 5000 4604 0 0
T6 3492 3104 0 0
T8 205128 204928 0 0
T15 3796 3544 0 0
T16 7336 6980 0 0
T17 7380 6984 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 4104 4104 0 0
T1 4 4 0 0
T2 4 4 0 0
T3 4 4 0 0
T4 4 4 0 0
T5 4 4 0 0
T6 4 4 0 0
T8 4 4 0 0
T15 4 4 0 0
T16 4 4 0 0
T17 4 4 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 344136321 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 10 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 344136321 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 10 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
T1 5900 5444 0 0
T2 14776 14400 0 0
T3 9132 8776 0 0
T4 17500 15408 0 0
T5 5000 4604 0 0
T6 3492 3104 0 0
T8 205128 204928 0 0
T15 3796 3544 0 0
T16 7336 6980 0 0
T17 7380 6984 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
T1 5900 5444 0 0
T2 14776 14400 0 0
T3 9132 8776 0 0
T4 17500 15408 0 0
T5 5000 4604 0 0
T6 3492 3104 0 0
T8 205128 204928 0 0
T15 3796 3544 0 0
T16 7336 6980 0 0
T17 7380 6984 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 344136321 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 10 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 172884599 0 0
T1 2950 512 0 0
T2 7388 256 0 0
T3 4566 696 0 0
T4 8750 1536 0 0
T5 2500 256 0 0
T6 3492 306 0 0
T8 205128 3554 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 20 0 0
T11 936 8 0 0
T15 1898 256 0 0
T16 7336 992 0 0
T17 7380 696 0 0
T19 0 268 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 218 0 0
T33 3308 0 0 0
T34 0 52 0 0
T36 0 1116 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 356 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 368260924 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 14 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 344136321 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 10 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 344136321 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 10 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 368260924 0 0
T1 2950 148 0 0
T2 7388 4438 0 0
T3 4566 356 0 0
T4 17500 576 0 0
T5 5000 520 0 0
T6 3492 96 0 0
T8 205128 2244 0 0
T9 4220 0 0 0
T10 2526 14 0 0
T11 0 6 0 0
T15 1898 64 0 0
T16 7336 356 0 0
T17 7380 356 0 0
T20 2210 0 0 0
T27 0 640 0 0
T33 0 888 0 0
T34 0 150 0 0
T59 2338 0 0 0
T64 0 200 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1331501572 1328034636 0 0
T1 5900 5444 0 0
T2 14776 14400 0 0
T3 9132 8776 0 0
T4 17500 15408 0 0
T5 5000 4604 0 0
T6 3492 3104 0 0
T8 205128 204928 0 0
T15 3796 3544 0 0
T16 7336 6980 0 0
T17 7380 6984 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

84 // forward path 85 2/2 assign req_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  86 assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset; 87 0/2 ==> assign data_tree[Pa] = data_i[offset]; 88 // backward (grant) path 89 2/2 assign gnt_o[offset] = gnt_tree[Pa]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  90 91 end else begin : gen_tie_off 92 // forward path 93 assign req_tree[Pa] = '0; 94 assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0; 95 assign data_tree[Pa] = '0; 96 logic unused_sigs; 97 assign unused_sigs = gnt_tree[Pa]; 98 end 99 // this creates the node assignments 100 end else begin : gen_nodes 101 // forward path 102 logic sel; // local helper variable 103 always_comb begin : p_node 104 // this always gives priority to the left child 105 1/1 sel = ~req_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  106 // propagate requests 107 1/1 req_tree[Pa] = req_tree[C0] | req_tree[C1]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  108 // data and index muxes 109 1/1 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 1/1 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  111 // propagate the grants back to the input 112 1/1 gnt_tree[C0] = gnt_tree[Pa] & ~sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  113 1/1 gnt_tree[C1] = gnt_tree[Pa] & sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  114 end 115 end 116 end : gen_level 117 end : gen_tree 118 119 // the results can be found at the tree root 120 if (EnDataPort) begin : gen_data_port 121 assign data_o = data_tree[0]; 122 end else begin : gen_no_dataport 123 logic [DW-1:0] unused_data; 124 1/1 assign unused_data = data_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  125 assign data_o = '1; 126 end 127 128 1/1 assign idx_o = idx_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  129 1/1 assign valid_o = req_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 131 // this propagates a grant back to the input 132 1/1 assign gnt_tree[0] = valid_o & ready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

 LINE       107
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0] | gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1])
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ----------------------------------2----------------------------------

 LINE       109
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       110
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       112
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & ((~gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)))
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   -----------------------------2-----------------------------

 LINE       113
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ---------------------------2--------------------------

 LINE       132
 EXPRESSION (valid_o & ready_i)
             ---1---   ---2---

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 4 4 100.00
TERNARY 109 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 110 2 2 100.00

109 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T6,T20

110 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T6,T20

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CheckHotOne_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
CheckNGreaterZero_A 1026 1026 0 0
GntImpliesReady_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
GntImpliesValid_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
GrantKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IdxKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IndexIsCorrect_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
NoReadyValidNoGrant_A 332875393 45095570 0 0
Priority_A 332875393 100971592 0 0
ReadyAndValidImplyGrant_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
ReqAndReadyImplyGrant_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
ReqImpliesValid_A 332875393 100971592 0 0
ValidKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1026 1026 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T15 1 1 0 0
T16 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 45095570 0 0
T1 1475 256 0 0
T2 3694 128 0 0
T3 2283 348 0 0
T4 4375 768 0 0
T5 1250 128 0 0
T6 873 153 0 0
T8 51282 836 0 0
T15 949 128 0 0
T16 1834 128 0 0
T17 1845 128 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 100971592 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 100971592 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

84 // forward path 85 2/2 assign req_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  86 assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset; 87 0/2 ==> assign data_tree[Pa] = data_i[offset]; 88 // backward (grant) path 89 2/2 assign gnt_o[offset] = gnt_tree[Pa]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  90 91 end else begin : gen_tie_off 92 // forward path 93 assign req_tree[Pa] = '0; 94 assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0; 95 assign data_tree[Pa] = '0; 96 logic unused_sigs; 97 assign unused_sigs = gnt_tree[Pa]; 98 end 99 // this creates the node assignments 100 end else begin : gen_nodes 101 // forward path 102 logic sel; // local helper variable 103 always_comb begin : p_node 104 // this always gives priority to the left child 105 1/1 sel = ~req_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  106 // propagate requests 107 1/1 req_tree[Pa] = req_tree[C0] | req_tree[C1]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  108 // data and index muxes 109 1/1 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 1/1 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  111 // propagate the grants back to the input 112 1/1 gnt_tree[C0] = gnt_tree[Pa] & ~sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  113 1/1 gnt_tree[C1] = gnt_tree[Pa] & sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  114 end 115 end 116 end : gen_level 117 end : gen_tree 118 119 // the results can be found at the tree root 120 if (EnDataPort) begin : gen_data_port 121 assign data_o = data_tree[0]; 122 end else begin : gen_no_dataport 123 logic [DW-1:0] unused_data; 124 1/1 assign unused_data = data_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  125 assign data_o = '1; 126 end 127 128 1/1 assign idx_o = idx_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  129 1/1 assign valid_o = req_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 131 // this propagates a grant back to the input 132 1/1 assign gnt_tree[0] = valid_o & ready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

 LINE       107
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0] | gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1])
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ----------------------------------2----------------------------------

 LINE       109
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       110
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       112
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & ((~gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)))
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   -----------------------------2-----------------------------

 LINE       113
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ---------------------------2--------------------------

 LINE       132
 EXPRESSION (valid_o & ready_i)
             ---1---   ---2---

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 4 4 100.00
TERNARY 109 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 110 2 2 100.00

109 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T6,T20

110 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T6,T20

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CheckHotOne_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
CheckNGreaterZero_A 1026 1026 0 0
GntImpliesReady_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
GntImpliesValid_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
GrantKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IdxKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IndexIsCorrect_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
NoReadyValidNoGrant_A 332875393 45095570 0 0
Priority_A 332875393 100971592 0 0
ReadyAndValidImplyGrant_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
ReqAndReadyImplyGrant_A 332875393 94983029 0 0
ReqImpliesValid_A 332875393 100971592 0 0
ValidKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1026 1026 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T15 1 1 0 0
T16 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 45095570 0 0
T1 1475 256 0 0
T2 3694 128 0 0
T3 2283 348 0 0
T4 4375 768 0 0
T5 1250 128 0 0
T6 873 153 0 0
T8 51282 836 0 0
T15 949 128 0 0
T16 1834 128 0 0
T17 1845 128 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 100971592 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 94983029 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 100971592 0 0
T1 1475 74 0 0
T2 3694 2219 0 0
T3 2283 178 0 0
T4 4375 216 0 0
T5 1250 260 0 0
T6 873 48 0 0
T8 51282 502 0 0
T15 949 32 0 0
T16 1834 32 0 0
T17 1845 32 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

84 // forward path 85 2/2 assign req_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  86 assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset; 87 0/2 ==> assign data_tree[Pa] = data_i[offset]; 88 // backward (grant) path 89 2/2 assign gnt_o[offset] = gnt_tree[Pa]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  90 91 end else begin : gen_tie_off 92 // forward path 93 assign req_tree[Pa] = '0; 94 assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0; 95 assign data_tree[Pa] = '0; 96 logic unused_sigs; 97 assign unused_sigs = gnt_tree[Pa]; 98 end 99 // this creates the node assignments 100 end else begin : gen_nodes 101 // forward path 102 logic sel; // local helper variable 103 always_comb begin : p_node 104 // this always gives priority to the left child 105 1/1 sel = ~req_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  106 // propagate requests 107 1/1 req_tree[Pa] = req_tree[C0] | req_tree[C1]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  108 // data and index muxes 109 1/1 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 1/1 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  111 // propagate the grants back to the input 112 1/1 gnt_tree[C0] = gnt_tree[Pa] & ~sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  113 1/1 gnt_tree[C1] = gnt_tree[Pa] & sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  114 end 115 end 116 end : gen_level 117 end : gen_tree 118 119 // the results can be found at the tree root 120 if (EnDataPort) begin : gen_data_port 121 assign data_o = data_tree[0]; 122 end else begin : gen_no_dataport 123 logic [DW-1:0] unused_data; 124 1/1 assign unused_data = data_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  125 assign data_o = '1; 126 end 127 128 1/1 assign idx_o = idx_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  129 1/1 assign valid_o = req_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 131 // this propagates a grant back to the input 132 1/1 assign gnt_tree[0] = valid_o & ready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

 LINE       107
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0] | gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1])
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ----------------------------------2----------------------------------

 LINE       109
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       110
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       112
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & ((~gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)))
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   -----------------------------2-----------------------------

 LINE       113
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ---------------------------2--------------------------

 LINE       132
 EXPRESSION (valid_o & ready_i)
             ---1---   ---2---

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 4 4 100.00
TERNARY 109 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 110 2 2 100.00

109 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T10,T11

110 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T10,T11

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[0].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CheckHotOne_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
CheckNGreaterZero_A 1026 1026 0 0
GntImpliesReady_A 332875393 77085226 0 0
GntImpliesValid_A 332875393 77085226 0 0
GrantKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IdxKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IndexIsCorrect_A 332875393 77085226 0 0
NoReadyValidNoGrant_A 332875393 41346758 0 0
Priority_A 332875393 83158936 0 0
ReadyAndValidImplyGrant_A 332875393 77085226 0 0
ReqAndReadyImplyGrant_A 332875393 77085226 0 0
ReqImpliesValid_A 332875393 83158936 0 0
ValidKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1026 1026 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T15 1 1 0 0
T16 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085226 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085226 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085226 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 41346758 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 941 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 10 0 0
T11 468 4 0 0
T16 1834 368 0 0
T17 1845 220 0 0
T19 0 134 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 109 0 0
T33 1654 0 0 0
T34 0 26 0 0
T36 0 558 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 178 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 83158936 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 7 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085226 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085226 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 83158936 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 7 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

84 // forward path 85 2/2 assign req_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  86 assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset; 87 0/2 ==> assign data_tree[Pa] = data_i[offset]; 88 // backward (grant) path 89 2/2 assign gnt_o[offset] = gnt_tree[Pa]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  | T1 T2 T3  90 91 end else begin : gen_tie_off 92 // forward path 93 assign req_tree[Pa] = '0; 94 assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0; 95 assign data_tree[Pa] = '0; 96 logic unused_sigs; 97 assign unused_sigs = gnt_tree[Pa]; 98 end 99 // this creates the node assignments 100 end else begin : gen_nodes 101 // forward path 102 logic sel; // local helper variable 103 always_comb begin : p_node 104 // this always gives priority to the left child 105 1/1 sel = ~req_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  106 // propagate requests 107 1/1 req_tree[Pa] = req_tree[C0] | req_tree[C1]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  108 // data and index muxes 109 1/1 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 1/1 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  111 // propagate the grants back to the input 112 1/1 gnt_tree[C0] = gnt_tree[Pa] & ~sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  113 1/1 gnt_tree[C1] = gnt_tree[Pa] & sel; Tests: T1 T2 T3  114 end 115 end 116 end : gen_level 117 end : gen_tree 118 119 // the results can be found at the tree root 120 if (EnDataPort) begin : gen_data_port 121 assign data_o = data_tree[0]; 122 end else begin : gen_no_dataport 123 logic [DW-1:0] unused_data; 124 1/1 assign unused_data = data_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  125 assign data_o = '1; 126 end 127 128 1/1 assign idx_o = idx_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T4  129 1/1 assign valid_o = req_tree[0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 131 // this propagates a grant back to the input 132 1/1 assign gnt_tree[0] = valid_o & ready_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb

 LINE       107
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0] | gen_normal_case.req_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1])
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ----------------------------------2----------------------------------

 LINE       109
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.idx_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       110
 Number  Term
      1  gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel ? gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C1] : gen_normal_case.data_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].C0])

 LINE       112
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & ((~gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)))
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   -----------------------------2-----------------------------

 LINE       113
 EXPRESSION (gen_normal_case.gnt_tree[gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].Pa] & gen_normal_case.gen_tree[0].gen_level[0].gen_nodes.sel)
             ----------------------------------1----------------------------------   ---------------------------2--------------------------

 LINE       132
 EXPRESSION (valid_o & ready_i)
             ---1---   ---2---

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 4 4 100.00
TERNARY 109 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 110 2 2 100.00

109 idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T10,T11

110 data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0]; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T8,T10,T11

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_host_arb.gen_input_bufs[1].gen_fixed_arbiter.u_arb
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
CheckHotOne_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
CheckNGreaterZero_A 1026 1026 0 0
GntImpliesReady_A 332875393 77085037 0 0
GntImpliesValid_A 332875393 77085037 0 0
GrantKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IdxKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0
IndexIsCorrect_A 332875393 77085037 0 0
NoReadyValidNoGrant_A 332875393 41346701 0 0
Priority_A 332875393 83158804 0 0
ReadyAndValidImplyGrant_A 332875393 77085037 0 0
ReqAndReadyImplyGrant_A 332875393 77085037 0 0
ReqImpliesValid_A 332875393 83158804 0 0
ValidKnown_A 332875393 332008659 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1026 1026 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T15 1 1 0 0
T16 1 1 0 0
T17 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085037 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085037 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085037 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 41346701 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 941 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 10 0 0
T11 468 4 0 0
T16 1834 368 0 0
T17 1845 220 0 0
T19 0 134 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 109 0 0
T33 1654 0 0 0
T34 0 26 0 0
T36 0 558 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 178 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 83158804 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 7 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085037 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 77085037 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 5 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 83158804 0 0
T4 4375 72 0 0
T5 1250 0 0 0
T6 873 0 0 0
T8 51282 620 0 0
T9 2110 0 0 0
T10 1263 7 0 0
T11 0 3 0 0
T16 1834 146 0 0
T17 1845 146 0 0
T20 1105 0 0 0
T27 0 320 0 0
T33 0 444 0 0
T34 0 75 0 0
T59 1169 0 0 0
T64 0 100 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 332875393 332008659 0 0
T1 1475 1361 0 0
T2 3694 3600 0 0
T3 2283 2194 0 0
T4 4375 3852 0 0
T5 1250 1151 0 0
T6 873 776 0 0
T8 51282 51232 0 0
T15 949 886 0 0
T16 1834 1745 0 0
T17 1845 1746 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%