Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module : aon_timer
93.33 100.00 66.67 100.00 100.00 100.00

Source File(s) :

Module self-instances :
tb.dut 96.00 100.00 80.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Module Instance : tb.dut

Instance :
96.00 100.00 80.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Instance's subtree :
98.57 99.33 95.61 100.00 98.40 99.51

Parent :

Subtrees :
aon_timer_csr_assert 100.00 100.00
gen_alert_tx[0].u_prim_alert_sender 100.00 100.00
tlul_assert_device 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_aon_intr_flop 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_core 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_intr_hw 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_intr_sync 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_lc_sync_escalate_en 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_reg 98.26 99.26 95.74 100.00 98.30 98.00
u_sync_sleep_mode 100.00 100.00 100.00

Line Coverage for Module : aon_timer
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

80 81 1/1 assign = aon_wkup_count_reg_wr; Tests: T1 T2 T3  82 1/1 assign = aon_wkup_count_reg_wr; Tests: T1 T2 T3  83 1/1 assign hw2reg.wkup_count_lo.d = aon_wkup_count_wr_data[31:0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  84 1/1 assign hw2reg.wkup_count_hi.d = aon_wkup_count_wr_data[63:32]; Tests: T2 T4 T7  85 1/1 assign = aon_wdog_count_reg_wr; Tests: T1 T2 T5  86 1/1 assign hw2reg.wdog_count.d = aon_wdog_count_wr_data; Tests: T1 T2 T3  87 88 // registers instantiation 89 aon_timer_reg_top u_reg ( 90 .clk_i, 91 .rst_ni, 92 .clk_aon_i, 93 .rst_aon_ni, 94 95 .tl_i, 96 .tl_o, 97 98 .reg2hw, 99 .hw2reg, 100 101 // SEC_CM: BUS.INTEGRITY 102 .intg_err_o (alerts[0]) 103 ); 104 105 //////////// 106 // Alerts // 107 //////////// 108 109 1/1 assign alert_test = { Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 reg2hw.alert_test.q & 111 reg2hw.alert_test.qe 112 }; 113 114 for (genvar i = 0; i < NumAlerts; i++) begin : gen_alert_tx 115 prim_alert_sender #( 116 .AsyncOn(AlertAsyncOn[i]), 117 .IsFatal(1'b1) 118 ) u_prim_alert_sender ( 119 .clk_i, 120 .rst_ni, 121 .alert_test_i ( alert_test[i] ), 122 .alert_req_i ( alerts[0] ), 123 .alert_ack_o ( ), 124 .alert_state_o ( ), 125 .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx_i[i] ), 126 .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx_o[i] ) 127 ); 128 end 129 130 // Lifecycle sync 131 prim_lc_sync #( 132 .NumCopies(3) 133 ) u_lc_sync_escalate_en ( 134 .clk_i (clk_aon_i), 135 .rst_ni (rst_aon_ni), 136 .lc_en_i (lc_escalate_en_i), 137 .lc_en_o (lc_escalate_en) 138 ); 139 140 //////////////// 141 // Timer Core // 142 //////////////// 143 144 aon_timer_core u_core ( 145 .clk_aon_i, 146 .rst_aon_ni, 147 .sleep_mode_i (aon_sleep_mode), 148 .lc_escalate_en_i (lc_escalate_en), 149 .reg2hw_i (reg2hw), 150 .wkup_count_reg_wr_o (aon_wkup_count_reg_wr), 151 .wkup_count_wr_data_o (aon_wkup_count_wr_data), 152 .wdog_count_reg_wr_o (aon_wdog_count_reg_wr), 153 .wdog_count_wr_data_o (aon_wdog_count_wr_data), 154 .wkup_intr_o (aon_wkup_intr_set), 155 .wdog_intr_o (aon_wdog_intr_set), 156 .wdog_reset_req_o (aon_rst_req_set) 157 ); 158 159 //////////////////// 160 // Wakeup Signals // 161 //////////////////// 162 163 // Wakeup request is set by HW and cleared by SW 164 // The wakeup cause is always captured and only sent out when the system has entered sleep mode 165 1/1 assign = aon_wkup_intr_set | aon_wdog_intr_set; Tests: T2 T3 T4  166 assign hw2reg.wkup_cause.d = 1'b1; 167 168 // cause register resides in AON domain. 169 1/1 assign wkup_req_o = reg2hw.wkup_cause.q; Tests: T2 T3 T4  170 171 //////////////////////// 172 // Interrupt Handling // 173 //////////////////////// 174 175 logic [1:0] aon_intr_set, intr_set; 176 177 prim_flop #( 178 .Width (2), 179 .ResetValue (2'b 00) 180 ) u_aon_intr_flop ( 181 .clk_i (clk_aon_i), 182 .rst_ni (rst_aon_ni), 183 .d_i ({aon_wdog_intr_set, aon_wkup_intr_set}), 184 .q_o (aon_intr_set) 185 ); 186 187 prim_edge_detector #( 188 .Width (2), 189 .ResetValue (2'b 00), 190 .EnSync (1'b 1) 191 ) u_intr_sync ( 192 .clk_i, 193 .rst_ni, 194 .d_i (aon_intr_set), 195 .q_sync_o (), 196 .q_posedge_pulse_o (intr_set), 197 .q_negedge_pulse_o () 198 ); 199 200 // Registers to interrupt 201 1/1 assign intr_test_qe = reg2hw.intr_test.wkup_timer_expired.qe | Tests: T20 T21 T22  202 reg2hw.intr_test.wdog_timer_bark.qe; 203 1/1 assign intr_test_q [AON_WKUP] = reg2hw.intr_test.wkup_timer_expired.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  204 1/1 assign intr_state_q[AON_WKUP] = reg2hw.intr_state.wkup_timer_expired.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  205 1/1 assign intr_test_q [AON_WDOG] = reg2hw.intr_test.wdog_timer_bark.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  206 1/1 assign intr_state_q[AON_WDOG] = reg2hw.intr_state.wdog_timer_bark.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  207 208 // Interrupts to registers 209 1/1 assign hw2reg.intr_state.wkup_timer_expired.d = intr_state_d[AON_WKUP]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  210 1/1 assign = intr_state_de; Tests: T1 T2 T3  211 1/1 assign hw2reg.intr_state.wdog_timer_bark.d = intr_state_d[AON_WDOG]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  212 1/1 assign = intr_state_de; Tests: T1 T2 T3  213 214 prim_intr_hw #( 215 .Width (2) 216 ) u_intr_hw ( 217 .clk_i, 218 .rst_ni, 219 .event_intr_i (intr_set), 220 .reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i (2'b11), 221 .reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (intr_test_q), 222 .reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (intr_test_qe), 223 .reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (intr_state_q), 224 .hw2reg_intr_state_de_o (intr_state_de), 225 .hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (intr_state_d), 226 227 .intr_o (intr_out) 228 ); 229 230 1/1 assign intr_wkup_timer_expired_o = intr_out[AON_WKUP]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  231 1/1 assign intr_wdog_timer_bark_o = intr_out[AON_WDOG]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  232 233 // The interrupt line can be routed as nmi as well. 234 1/1 assign nmi_wdog_timer_bark_o = intr_wdog_timer_bark_o; Tests: T1 T2 T3  235 236 /////////////////// 237 // Reset Request // 238 /////////////////// 239 240 // Once set, the reset request remains asserted until the next aon reset 241 1/1 assign aon_rst_req_d = aon_rst_req_set | aon_rst_req_q; Tests: T1 T2 T5  242 243 always_ff @(posedge clk_aon_i or negedge rst_aon_ni) begin 244 1/1 if (!rst_aon_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  245 1/1 aon_rst_req_q <= 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  246 end else begin 247 1/1 aon_rst_req_q <= aon_rst_req_d; Tests: T1 T2 T3  248 end 249 end 250 251 1/1 assign aon_timer_rst_req_o = aon_rst_req_q; Tests: T1 T2 T5 

Cond Coverage for Module : aon_timer

 LINE       109
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reg2hw.alert_test.q & reg2hw.alert_test.qe)
                 ---------1---------   ----------2---------
01Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       165
 EXPRESSION (aon_wkup_intr_set | aon_wdog_intr_set)
             --------1--------   --------2--------

 LINE       201
 EXPRESSION (reg2hw.intr_test.wkup_timer_expired.qe | reg2hw.intr_test.wdog_timer_bark.qe)
             -------------------1------------------   -----------------2-----------------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       241
 EXPRESSION (aon_rst_req_set | aon_rst_req_q)
             -------1-------   ------2------

Toggle Coverage for Module : aon_timer
Totals 35 35 100.00
Total Bits 356 356 100.00
Total Bits 0->1 178 178 100.00
Total Bits 1->0 178 178 100.00

Ports 35 35 100.00
Port Bits 356 356 100.00
Port Bits 0->1 178 178 100.00
Port Bits 1->0 178 178 100.00

Port Details
Name   Toggle   Toggle 1->0   Tests   Toggle 0->1   Tests   Direction   
clk_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
clk_aon_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_ni Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_aon_ni Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.d_ready Yes Yes T1,T3,T4 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.data_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.cmd_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.instr_type[3:0] Yes Yes T1,T3,T24 Yes T1,T3,T24 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.rsvd[4:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
tl_i.a_data[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_mask[3:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_address[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T3,T10 Yes T1,T3,T10 INPUT
tl_i.a_source[7:0] Yes Yes T1,T3,T4 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_size[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_param[2:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
tl_i.a_opcode[2:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_o.a_ready Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_error Yes Yes T20,T21,T22 Yes T20,T21,T22 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.data_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T2,T3,T4 Yes T2,T3,T4 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[5:0] Yes Yes *T1,*T2,*T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[6] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_data[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T10,T23 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_sink Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_source[7:0] Yes Yes T3,T4,T5 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_size[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_param[2:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_opcode[0] Yes Yes *T1,*T2,*T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_opcode[2:1] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ack_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ack_p Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T11,T25,T26 INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ping_n Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ping_p Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
alert_tx_o[0].alert_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_tx_o[0].alert_p Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T11,T25,T26 OUTPUT
lc_escalate_en_i[3:0] Yes Yes T4,T6,T7 Yes T27,T28,T29 INPUT
intr_wkup_timer_expired_o Yes Yes T2,T3,T4 Yes T2,T3,T4 OUTPUT
intr_wdog_timer_bark_o Yes Yes T2,T5,T24 Yes T2,T5,T7 OUTPUT
nmi_wdog_timer_bark_o Yes Yes T2,T5,T24 Yes T2,T5,T7 OUTPUT
wkup_req_o Yes Yes T2,T3,T4 Yes T2,T3,T4 OUTPUT
aon_timer_rst_req_o Yes Yes T20,T27,T30 Yes T1,T2,T5 OUTPUT
sleep_mode_i Yes Yes T2,T7,T9 Yes T27,T28,T29 INPUT

*Tests covering at least one bit in the range

Branch Coverage for Module : aon_timer
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 2 2 100.00
IF 244 2 2 100.00

244 if (!rst_aon_ni) begin -1- 245 aon_rst_req_q <= 1'b0; ==> 246 end else begin 247 aon_rst_req_q <= aon_rst_req_d; ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

Assert Coverage for Module : aon_timer
Assertions 8 8 100.00 8 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 8 8 100.00 8 100.00

Assertion Details

Name   Attempts   Real Successes   Failures   Incomplete   
AlertsKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
FpvSecCmRegWeOnehotCheck_A 503228069 80 0 0
IntrWdogKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
IntrWkupKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
RstReqKnown_A 2107495 2050219 0 0
TlOAReadyKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
TlODValidKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
WkupReqKnown_A 2107495 2050219 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 80 0 0
T8 3101 0 0 0
T9 39727 0 0 0
T10 21895 0 0 0
T11 56557 10 0 0
T12 6119 0 0 0
T13 49188 0 0 0
T14 41498 0 0 0
T23 56200 0 0 0
T24 52182 0 0 0
T25 385273 20 0 0
T26 0 10 0 0
T31 0 20 0 0
T32 0 20 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2107495 2050219 0 0
T1 110 41 0 0
T2 76 22 0 0
T3 89 25 0 0
T4 78 24 0 0
T5 96 26 0 0
T6 77 19 0 0
T7 108 18 0 0
T8 88 32 0 0
T9 81 23 0 0
T11 869 28 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2107495 2050219 0 0
T1 110 41 0 0
T2 76 22 0 0
T3 89 25 0 0
T4 78 24 0 0
T5 96 26 0 0
T6 77 19 0 0
T7 108 18 0 0
T8 88 32 0 0
T9 81 23 0 0
T11 869 28 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

80 81 1/1 assign = aon_wkup_count_reg_wr; Tests: T1 T2 T3  82 1/1 assign = aon_wkup_count_reg_wr; Tests: T1 T2 T3  83 1/1 assign hw2reg.wkup_count_lo.d = aon_wkup_count_wr_data[31:0]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  84 1/1 assign hw2reg.wkup_count_hi.d = aon_wkup_count_wr_data[63:32]; Tests: T2 T4 T7  85 1/1 assign = aon_wdog_count_reg_wr; Tests: T1 T2 T5  86 1/1 assign hw2reg.wdog_count.d = aon_wdog_count_wr_data; Tests: T1 T2 T3  87 88 // registers instantiation 89 aon_timer_reg_top u_reg ( 90 .clk_i, 91 .rst_ni, 92 .clk_aon_i, 93 .rst_aon_ni, 94 95 .tl_i, 96 .tl_o, 97 98 .reg2hw, 99 .hw2reg, 100 101 // SEC_CM: BUS.INTEGRITY 102 .intg_err_o (alerts[0]) 103 ); 104 105 //////////// 106 // Alerts // 107 //////////// 108 109 1/1 assign alert_test = { Tests: T1 T2 T3  110 reg2hw.alert_test.q & 111 reg2hw.alert_test.qe 112 }; 113 114 for (genvar i = 0; i < NumAlerts; i++) begin : gen_alert_tx 115 prim_alert_sender #( 116 .AsyncOn(AlertAsyncOn[i]), 117 .IsFatal(1'b1) 118 ) u_prim_alert_sender ( 119 .clk_i, 120 .rst_ni, 121 .alert_test_i ( alert_test[i] ), 122 .alert_req_i ( alerts[0] ), 123 .alert_ack_o ( ), 124 .alert_state_o ( ), 125 .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx_i[i] ), 126 .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx_o[i] ) 127 ); 128 end 129 130 // Lifecycle sync 131 prim_lc_sync #( 132 .NumCopies(3) 133 ) u_lc_sync_escalate_en ( 134 .clk_i (clk_aon_i), 135 .rst_ni (rst_aon_ni), 136 .lc_en_i (lc_escalate_en_i), 137 .lc_en_o (lc_escalate_en) 138 ); 139 140 //////////////// 141 // Timer Core // 142 //////////////// 143 144 aon_timer_core u_core ( 145 .clk_aon_i, 146 .rst_aon_ni, 147 .sleep_mode_i (aon_sleep_mode), 148 .lc_escalate_en_i (lc_escalate_en), 149 .reg2hw_i (reg2hw), 150 .wkup_count_reg_wr_o (aon_wkup_count_reg_wr), 151 .wkup_count_wr_data_o (aon_wkup_count_wr_data), 152 .wdog_count_reg_wr_o (aon_wdog_count_reg_wr), 153 .wdog_count_wr_data_o (aon_wdog_count_wr_data), 154 .wkup_intr_o (aon_wkup_intr_set), 155 .wdog_intr_o (aon_wdog_intr_set), 156 .wdog_reset_req_o (aon_rst_req_set) 157 ); 158 159 //////////////////// 160 // Wakeup Signals // 161 //////////////////// 162 163 // Wakeup request is set by HW and cleared by SW 164 // The wakeup cause is always captured and only sent out when the system has entered sleep mode 165 1/1 assign = aon_wkup_intr_set | aon_wdog_intr_set; Tests: T2 T3 T4  166 assign hw2reg.wkup_cause.d = 1'b1; 167 168 // cause register resides in AON domain. 169 1/1 assign wkup_req_o = reg2hw.wkup_cause.q; Tests: T2 T3 T4  170 171 //////////////////////// 172 // Interrupt Handling // 173 //////////////////////// 174 175 logic [1:0] aon_intr_set, intr_set; 176 177 prim_flop #( 178 .Width (2), 179 .ResetValue (2'b 00) 180 ) u_aon_intr_flop ( 181 .clk_i (clk_aon_i), 182 .rst_ni (rst_aon_ni), 183 .d_i ({aon_wdog_intr_set, aon_wkup_intr_set}), 184 .q_o (aon_intr_set) 185 ); 186 187 prim_edge_detector #( 188 .Width (2), 189 .ResetValue (2'b 00), 190 .EnSync (1'b 1) 191 ) u_intr_sync ( 192 .clk_i, 193 .rst_ni, 194 .d_i (aon_intr_set), 195 .q_sync_o (), 196 .q_posedge_pulse_o (intr_set), 197 .q_negedge_pulse_o () 198 ); 199 200 // Registers to interrupt 201 1/1 assign intr_test_qe = reg2hw.intr_test.wkup_timer_expired.qe | Tests: T20 T21 T22  202 reg2hw.intr_test.wdog_timer_bark.qe; 203 1/1 assign intr_test_q [AON_WKUP] = reg2hw.intr_test.wkup_timer_expired.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  204 1/1 assign intr_state_q[AON_WKUP] = reg2hw.intr_state.wkup_timer_expired.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  205 1/1 assign intr_test_q [AON_WDOG] = reg2hw.intr_test.wdog_timer_bark.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  206 1/1 assign intr_state_q[AON_WDOG] = reg2hw.intr_state.wdog_timer_bark.q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  207 208 // Interrupts to registers 209 1/1 assign hw2reg.intr_state.wkup_timer_expired.d = intr_state_d[AON_WKUP]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  210 1/1 assign = intr_state_de; Tests: T1 T2 T3  211 1/1 assign hw2reg.intr_state.wdog_timer_bark.d = intr_state_d[AON_WDOG]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  212 1/1 assign = intr_state_de; Tests: T1 T2 T3  213 214 prim_intr_hw #( 215 .Width (2) 216 ) u_intr_hw ( 217 .clk_i, 218 .rst_ni, 219 .event_intr_i (intr_set), 220 .reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i (2'b11), 221 .reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (intr_test_q), 222 .reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (intr_test_qe), 223 .reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (intr_state_q), 224 .hw2reg_intr_state_de_o (intr_state_de), 225 .hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (intr_state_d), 226 227 .intr_o (intr_out) 228 ); 229 230 1/1 assign intr_wkup_timer_expired_o = intr_out[AON_WKUP]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  231 1/1 assign intr_wdog_timer_bark_o = intr_out[AON_WDOG]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  232 233 // The interrupt line can be routed as nmi as well. 234 1/1 assign nmi_wdog_timer_bark_o = intr_wdog_timer_bark_o; Tests: T1 T2 T3  235 236 /////////////////// 237 // Reset Request // 238 /////////////////// 239 240 // Once set, the reset request remains asserted until the next aon reset 241 1/1 assign aon_rst_req_d = aon_rst_req_set | aon_rst_req_q; Tests: T1 T2 T5  242 243 always_ff @(posedge clk_aon_i or negedge rst_aon_ni) begin 244 1/1 if (!rst_aon_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  245 1/1 aon_rst_req_q <= 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  246 end else begin 247 1/1 aon_rst_req_q <= aon_rst_req_d; Tests: T1 T2 T3  248 end 249 end 250 251 1/1 assign aon_timer_rst_req_o = aon_rst_req_q; Tests: T1 T2 T5 

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut

 LINE       109
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reg2hw.alert_test.q & reg2hw.alert_test.qe)
                 ---------1---------   ----------2---------
01Not Covered
11Not Covered

 LINE       165
 EXPRESSION (aon_wkup_intr_set | aon_wdog_intr_set)
             --------1--------   --------2--------

 LINE       201
 EXPRESSION (reg2hw.intr_test.wkup_timer_expired.qe | reg2hw.intr_test.wdog_timer_bark.qe)
             -------------------1------------------   -----------------2-----------------
-1--2-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
01Excluded VC_COV_UNR
10Excluded VC_COV_UNR

 LINE       241
 EXPRESSION (aon_rst_req_set | aon_rst_req_q)
             -------1-------   ------2------

Toggle Coverage for Instance : tb.dut
Totals 35 35 100.00
Total Bits 356 356 100.00
Total Bits 0->1 178 178 100.00
Total Bits 1->0 178 178 100.00

Ports 35 35 100.00
Port Bits 356 356 100.00
Port Bits 0->1 178 178 100.00
Port Bits 1->0 178 178 100.00

Port Details
Name   Toggle   Toggle 1->0   Tests   Toggle 0->1   Tests   Direction   
clk_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
clk_aon_i Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_ni Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
rst_aon_ni Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.d_ready Yes Yes T1,T3,T4 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.data_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.cmd_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.instr_type[3:0] Yes Yes T1,T3,T24 Yes T1,T3,T24 INPUT
tl_i.a_user.rsvd[4:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
tl_i.a_data[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_mask[3:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_address[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T3,T10 Yes T1,T3,T10 INPUT
tl_i.a_source[7:0] Yes Yes T1,T3,T4 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_size[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_param[2:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
tl_i.a_opcode[2:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_i.a_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
tl_o.a_ready Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_error Yes Yes T20,T21,T22 Yes T20,T21,T22 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.data_intg[6:0] Yes Yes T2,T3,T4 Yes T2,T3,T4 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[5:0] Yes Yes *T1,*T2,*T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[6] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_data[31:0] Yes Yes T1,T10,T23 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_sink Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_source[7:0] Yes Yes T3,T4,T5 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_size[1:0] Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_param[2:0] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_opcode[0] Yes Yes *T1,*T2,*T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
tl_o.d_opcode[2:1] Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable OUTPUT
tl_o.d_valid Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ack_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ack_p Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T11,T25,T26 INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ping_n Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
alert_rx_i[0].ping_p Unreachable Unreachable Unreachable INPUT
alert_tx_o[0].alert_n Yes Yes T1,T2,T3 Yes T1,T2,T3 OUTPUT
alert_tx_o[0].alert_p Yes Yes T11,T25,T26 Yes T11,T25,T26 OUTPUT
lc_escalate_en_i[3:0] Yes Yes T4,T6,T7 Yes T27,T28,T29 INPUT
intr_wkup_timer_expired_o Yes Yes T2,T3,T4 Yes T2,T3,T4 OUTPUT
intr_wdog_timer_bark_o Yes Yes T2,T5,T24 Yes T2,T5,T7 OUTPUT
nmi_wdog_timer_bark_o Yes Yes T2,T5,T24 Yes T2,T5,T7 OUTPUT
wkup_req_o Yes Yes T2,T3,T4 Yes T2,T3,T4 OUTPUT
aon_timer_rst_req_o Yes Yes T20,T27,T30 Yes T1,T2,T5 OUTPUT
sleep_mode_i Yes Yes T2,T7,T9 Yes T27,T28,T29 INPUT

*Tests covering at least one bit in the range

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 2 2 100.00
IF 244 2 2 100.00

244 if (!rst_aon_ni) begin -1- 245 aon_rst_req_q <= 1'b0; ==> 246 end else begin 247 aon_rst_req_q <= aon_rst_req_d; ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut
Assertions 8 8 100.00 8 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 8 8 100.00 8 100.00

Assertion Details

Name   Attempts   Real Successes   Failures   Incomplete   
AlertsKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
FpvSecCmRegWeOnehotCheck_A 503228069 80 0 0
IntrWdogKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
IntrWkupKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
RstReqKnown_A 2107495 2050219 0 0
TlOAReadyKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
TlODValidKnown_A 503228069 503101919 0 0
WkupReqKnown_A 2107495 2050219 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 80 0 0
T8 3101 0 0 0
T9 39727 0 0 0
T10 21895 0 0 0
T11 56557 10 0 0
T12 6119 0 0 0
T13 49188 0 0 0
T14 41498 0 0 0
T23 56200 0 0 0
T24 52182 0 0 0
T25 385273 20 0 0
T26 0 10 0 0
T31 0 20 0 0
T32 0 20 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2107495 2050219 0 0
T1 110 41 0 0
T2 76 22 0 0
T3 89 25 0 0
T4 78 24 0 0
T5 96 26 0 0
T6 77 19 0 0
T7 108 18 0 0
T8 88 32 0 0
T9 81 23 0 0
T11 869 28 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 503228069 503101919 0 0
T1 2792 2707 0 0
T2 9291 9212 0 0
T3 10866 10797 0 0
T4 6752 6672 0 0
T5 11274 11222 0 0
T6 39008 38925 0 0
T7 53258 53195 0 0
T8 3101 3028 0 0
T9 39727 39660 0 0
T11 56557 55790 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 2107495 2050219 0 0
T1 110 41 0 0
T2 76 22 0 0
T3 89 25 0 0
T4 78 24 0 0
T5 96 26 0 0
T6 77 19 0 0
T7 108 18 0 0
T8 88 32 0 0
T9 81 23 0 0
T11 869 28 0 0