Module Definition
dashboard | hierarchy | modlist | groups | tests | asserts

Module Instance : tb.dut.u_tlul_adapter_sram

Instance :
96.26 98.70 89.47 96.88 100.00

Instance's subtree :
97.56 99.10 93.51 98.44 100.00 94.29 100.00

Parent :
91.90 100.00 88.89 100.00 100.00 70.59 dut

Subtrees :
gen_cmd_intg_check.u_cmd_intg_chk 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_err 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_reqfifo 96.82 100.00 94.12 90.00 100.00 100.00
u_rsp_gen 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_rspfifo 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
u_sram_byte 97.19 98.79 94.94 100.00 92.23 100.00
u_sramreqfifo 92.97 100.00 84.85 90.00 90.00 100.00

Line Coverage for Module : tlul_adapter_sram
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

95 if (EnableReadback) begin : gen_cmd_readback_check 96 1/1 assign readback_error = sram_byte_readback_error; Tests: T1 T2 T3  97 // permanently latch readback error until reset 98 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 99 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  100 1/1 readback_error_q <= '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  101 1/1 end else if (readback_error) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  102 0/1 ==> readback_error_q <= 1'b1; 103 end MISSING_ELSE 104 end 105 end else begin : gen_no_readback_check 106 logic unused_sram_byte_readback_error; 107 assign unused_sram_byte_readback_error = sram_byte_readback_error; 108 assign readback_error = '0; 109 assign readback_error_q = '0; 110 end 111 112 // readback error output is permanent and should be used for alert generation 113 // or other downstream effects 114 1/1 assign readback_error_o = readback_error | readback_error_q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  115 116 // integrity check 117 if (CmdIntgCheck) begin : gen_cmd_intg_check 118 tlul_cmd_intg_chk u_cmd_intg_chk ( 119 .tl_i(tl_i), 120 .err_o (intg_error) 121 ); 122 end else begin : gen_no_cmd_intg_check 123 assign intg_error = '0; 124 end 125 126 // permanently latch integrity error until reset 127 logic intg_error_q; 128 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 129 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 1/1 intg_error_q <= '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  131 1/1 end else if (intg_error || rsp_fifo_error || sramreqfifo_error || reqfifo_error) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  132 1/1 intg_error_q <= 1'b1; Tests: T3 T6 T7  133 end MISSING_ELSE 134 end 135 136 // integrity error output is permanent and should be used for alert generation 137 // or other downstream effects 138 1/1 assign intg_error_o = intg_error | rsp_fifo_error | sramreqfifo_error | Tests: T1 T2 T3  139 reqfifo_error | intg_error_q; 140 141 // wr_attr_error: Check if the request size, mask are permitted. 142 // Basic check of size, mask, addr align is done in tlul_err module. 143 // Here it checks any partial write if ByteAccess isn't allowed. 144 1/1 assign wr_attr_error = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData || tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData) Tests: T1 T2 T3  145 ? ((ByteAccess == 0) ? 146 (tl_i.a_mask != '1 || tl_i.a_size != 2'h2) : 1'b0) 147 : 1'b0; 148 149 // An instruction type transaction is only valid if en_ifetch is enabled 150 // If the instruction type is completely invalid, also considered an instruction error 151 1/1 assign instr_error = prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_invalid(tl_i.a_user.instr_type) | Tests: T1 T2 T3  152 (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(tl_i.a_user.instr_type) & 153 prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_false_loose(en_ifetch_i)); 154 155 if (ErrOnWrite == 1) begin : gen_no_writes 156 assign wr_vld_error = tl_i.a_opcode != Get; 157 end else begin : gen_writes_allowed 158 assign wr_vld_error = 1'b0; 159 end 160 161 if (ErrOnRead == 1) begin: gen_no_reads 162 assign rd_vld_error = tl_i.a_opcode == Get; 163 end else begin : gen_reads_allowed 164 assign rd_vld_error = 1'b0; 165 end 166 167 // tlul protocol check 168 tlul_err u_err ( 169 .clk_i, 170 .rst_ni, 171 .tl_i(tl_i), 172 .err_o (tlul_error) 173 ); 174 175 // error return is transactional and thus does not used the "latched" intg_err signal 176 1/1 assign error_det = wr_attr_error | wr_vld_error | rd_vld_error | instr_error | Tests: T1 T2 T3  177 tlul_error | intg_error; 178 179 // from sram_byte to adapter logic 180 tl_h2d_t tl_i_int; 181 // from adapter logic to sram_byte 182 tl_d2h_t tl_o_int; 183 // from sram_byte to rsp_gen 184 tl_d2h_t tl_out; 185 186 // not all parts of tl_i_int are used 187 logic unused_tl_i_int; 188 1/1 assign unused_tl_i_int = ^tl_i_int; Tests: T1 T2 T3  189 190 tlul_rsp_intg_gen #( 191 .EnableRspIntgGen(EnableRspIntgGen), 192 .EnableDataIntgGen(EnableDataIntgGen) 193 ) u_rsp_gen ( 194 .tl_i(tl_out), 195 .tl_o 196 ); 197 198 // byte handling for integrity 199 tlul_sram_byte #( 200 .EnableIntg(ByteAccess & EnableDataIntgPt & !ErrOnWrite), 201 .Outstanding(Outstanding), 202 .EnableReadback(EnableReadback) 203 ) u_sram_byte ( 204 .clk_i, 205 .rst_ni, 206 .tl_i, 207 .tl_o(tl_out), 208 .tl_sram_o(tl_i_int), 209 .tl_sram_i(tl_o_int), 210 .error_i(error_det), 211 .error_o(error_internal), 212 .alert_o(sram_byte_readback_error), 213 .compound_txn_in_progress_o, 214 .readback_en_i, 215 .wr_collision_i, 216 .write_pending_i 217 ); 218 219 typedef struct packed { 220 logic [top_pkg::TL_DBW-1:0] mask ; // Byte mask within the TL-UL word 221 logic [WoffsetWidth-1:0] woffset ; // Offset of the TL-UL word within the SRAM word 222 } sram_req_t ; 223 224 typedef struct packed { 225 logic [SramBusBankAW-1:0] addr; // Address of the request going to the memory. 226 } sram_req_addr_t ; 227 228 typedef enum logic [1:0] { 229 OpWrite, 230 OpRead, 231 OpUnknown 232 } req_op_e ; 233 234 typedef struct packed { 235 req_op_e op ; 236 logic error ; 237 prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t instr_type; 238 logic [top_pkg::TL_SZW-1:0] size ; 239 logic [top_pkg::TL_AIW-1:0] source ; 240 } req_t ; 241 242 typedef struct packed { 243 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] data ; 244 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] data_intg ; 245 logic error ; 246 } rsp_t ; 247 248 localparam int SramReqFifoWidth = $bits(sram_req_t) ; 249 localparam int ReqFifoWidth = $bits(req_t) ; 250 localparam int RspFifoWidth = $bits(rsp_t) ; 251 252 // FIFO signal in case OutStand is greater than 1 253 // If request is latched, {write, source} is pushed to req fifo. 254 // Req fifo is popped when D channel is acknowledged (v & r) 255 // D channel valid is asserted if it is write request or rsp fifo not empty if read. 256 logic reqfifo_wvalid, reqfifo_wready; 257 logic reqfifo_rvalid, reqfifo_rready; 258 req_t reqfifo_wdata, reqfifo_rdata; 259 260 logic sramreqfifo_wvalid, sramreqfifo_wready; 261 logic sramreqfifo_rready; 262 sram_req_t sramreqfifo_wdata, sramreqfifo_rdata; 263 264 logic sramreqaddrfifo_wready; 265 logic [SramBusBankAW-1:0] sramreqaddrfifo_wdata, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata; 266 267 logic rspfifo_wvalid, rspfifo_wready; 268 logic rspfifo_rvalid, rspfifo_rready; 269 rsp_t rspfifo_wdata, rspfifo_rdata; 270 271 logic a_ack, d_ack, sram_ack; 272 1/1 assign a_ack = tl_i_int.a_valid & tl_o_int.a_ready ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  273 1/1 assign d_ack = tl_o_int.d_valid & tl_i_int.d_ready ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  274 1/1 assign sram_ack = req_o & gnt_i ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  275 276 // Valid handling 277 logic d_valid, d_error; 278 always_comb begin 279 1/1 d_valid = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  280 281 1/1 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  282 1/1 if (reqfifo_rdata.error) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  283 // Return error response. Assume no request went out to SRAM 284 1/1 d_valid = 1'b1; Tests: T21 T17 T23  285 1/1 end else if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  286 1/1 d_valid = rspfifo_rvalid; Tests: T4 T5 T8  287 end else begin 288 // Write without error 289 1/1 d_valid = 1'b1; Tests: T4 T5 T8  290 end 291 end else begin 292 1/1 d_valid = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  293 end 294 end 295 296 297 298 always_comb begin 299 1/1 d_error = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  300 301 1/1 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  302 1/1 if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  303 1/1 d_error = rspfifo_rdata.error | reqfifo_rdata.error; Tests: T4 T5 T8  304 end else begin 305 1/1 d_error = reqfifo_rdata.error; Tests: T4 T5 T8  306 end 307 end else begin 308 1/1 d_error = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  309 end 310 end 311 312 logic vld_rd_rsp; 313 1/1 assign vld_rd_rsp = d_valid & reqfifo_rvalid & rspfifo_rvalid & (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead); Tests: T1 T2 T3  314 // If the response data is not valid, we set it to an illegal blanking value which is determined 315 // by whether the current transaction is an instruction fetch or a regular read operation. 316 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] error_blanking_data; 317 1/1 assign error_blanking_data = (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(reqfifo_rdata.instr_type)) ? Tests: T1 T2 T3  318 DataWhenInstrError : 319 DataWhenError; 320 321 // Since DataWhenInstrError and DataWhenError can be arbitrary parameters 322 // we statically calculate the correct integrity values for these parameters here so that 323 // they do not have to be supplied externally. 324 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] unused_instr, unused_data; 325 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] error_instr_integ, error_data_integ; 326 tlul_data_integ_enc u_tlul_data_integ_enc_instr ( 327 .data_i(DataMaxWidth'(DataWhenInstrError)), 328 .data_intg_o({error_instr_integ, unused_instr}) 329 ); 330 tlul_data_integ_enc u_tlul_data_integ_enc_data ( 331 .data_i(DataMaxWidth'(DataWhenError)), 332 .data_intg_o({error_data_integ, unused_data}) 333 ); 334 335 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] error_blanking_integ; 336 1/1 assign error_blanking_integ = (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(reqfifo_rdata.instr_type)) ? Tests: T1 T2 T3  337 error_instr_integ : 338 error_data_integ; 339 340 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] d_data; 341 1/1 assign d_data = (vld_rd_rsp & ~d_error) ? // valid read Tests: T1 T2 T3  342 : error_blanking_data; // write or TL-UL error 343 344 // If this a write response with data fields set to 0, we have to set all ECC bits correctly 345 // since we are using an inverted Hsiao code. 346 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] data_intg; 347 1/1 assign data_intg = (vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error) ? error_blanking_integ : // TL-UL error Tests: T1 T2 T3  348 (vld_rd_rsp) ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : // valid read 349 prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroEcc; // valid write 350 351 // When an error is seen on an incoming transaction it gets an immediate response without 352 // performing an SRAM request. It may be the transaction receives a ready the first cycle it is 353 // seen, but if not we force a ready the following cycle. This avoids factoring the error 354 // calculation into the outgoing ready preventing a feedthrough path from the incoming tilelink 355 // signals to the outgoing tilelink signals. 356 logic missed_err_gnt_d, missed_err_gnt_q; 357 358 // Track whether we've seen an incoming transaction with an error that didn't get a ready 359 1/1 assign missed_err_gnt_d = error_internal & tl_i_int.a_valid & ~tl_o_int.a_ready; Tests: T1 T2 T3  360 361 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 362 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  363 1/1 missed_err_gnt_q <= 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  364 end else begin 365 1/1 missed_err_gnt_q <= missed_err_gnt_d; Tests: T1 T2 T3  366 end 367 end 368 369 1/1 assign tl_o_int = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  370 d_valid : d_valid , 371 d_opcode : (d_valid && reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead) ? AccessAck : AccessAckData, 372 d_param : '0, 373 d_size : (d_valid) ? reqfifo_rdata.size : '0, 374 d_source : (d_valid) ? reqfifo_rdata.source : '0, 375 d_sink : 1'b0, 376 d_data : d_data, 377 d_user : '{default: '0, data_intg: data_intg}, 378 d_error : d_valid && d_error, 379 a_ready : (gnt_i | missed_err_gnt_q) & reqfifo_wready & sramreqfifo_wready & 380 sramreqaddrfifo_wready 381 }; 382 383 // a_ready depends on the FIFO full condition and grant from SRAM (or SRAM arbiter) 384 // assemble response, including read response, write response, and error for unsupported stuff 385 386 // Output to SRAM: 387 // Generate request only when no internal error occurs. If error occurs, the request should be 388 // dropped and returned error response to the host. So, error to be pushed to reqfifo. 389 // In this case, it is assumed the request is granted (may cause ordering issue later?) 390 1/1 assign req_o = tl_i_int.a_valid & reqfifo_wready & ~error_internal; Tests: T1 T2 T3  391 1/1 assign req_type_o = tl_i_int.a_user.instr_type; Tests: T1 T2 T3  392 1/1 assign we_o = tl_i_int.a_valid & (tl_i_int.a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}); Tests: T1 T2 T3  393 1/1 assign addr_o = (tl_i_int.a_valid) ? tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramAw] : '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  394 395 // Support SRAMs wider than the TL-UL word width by mapping the parts of the 396 // TL-UL address which are more fine-granular than the SRAM width to the 397 // SRAM write mask. 398 logic [WoffsetWidth-1:0] woffset; 399 if (top_pkg::TL_DW != SramDw) begin : gen_wordwidthadapt 400 assign woffset = tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth-1:prim_util_pkg::vbits(top_pkg::TL_DBW)]; 401 end else begin : gen_no_wordwidthadapt 402 assign woffset = '0; 403 end 404 405 // The size of the data/wmask depends on whether passthrough integrity is enabled. 406 // If passthrough integrity is enabled, the data is concatenated with the integrity passed through 407 // the user bits. Otherwise, it is the data only. 408 localparam int DataWidth = EnableDataIntgPt ? top_pkg::TL_DW + DataIntgWidth : top_pkg::TL_DW; 409 410 // Final combined wmask / wdata 411 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] wmask_combined; 412 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] wdata_combined; 413 414 // Original tlul portion 415 logic [WidthMult-1:0][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] wmask_int; 416 logic [WidthMult-1:0][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] wdata_int; 417 418 // Integrity portion 419 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataIntgWidth-1:0] wmask_intg; 420 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataIntgWidth-1:0] wdata_intg; 421 422 always_comb begin 423 1/1 wmask_int = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  424 1/1 wdata_int = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  425 426 1/1 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  427 1/1 for (int i = 0 ; i < top_pkg::TL_DW/8 ; i++) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  428 1/1 wmask_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = {8{tl_i_int.a_mask[i]}}; Tests: T4 T5 T8  429 1/1 wdata_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = (tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o) ? tl_i_int.a_data[8*i+:8] : '0; Tests: T4 T5 T8  430 end 431 end MISSING_ELSE 432 end 433 434 always_comb begin 435 1/1 wmask_intg = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  436 1/1 wdata_intg = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  437 438 1/1 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  439 1/1 wmask_intg[woffset] = {DataIntgWidth{1'b1}}; Tests: T4 T5 T8  440 1/1 wdata_intg[woffset] = tl_i_int.a_user.data_intg; Tests: T4 T5 T8  441 end MISSING_ELSE 442 end 443 444 for (genvar i = 0; i < WidthMult; i++) begin : gen_write_output 445 if (EnableDataIntgPt) begin : gen_combined_output 446 1/1 assign wmask_combined[i] = {wmask_intg[i], wmask_int[i]}; Tests: T1 T2 T3  447 1/1 assign wdata_combined[i] = {wdata_intg[i], wdata_int[i]}; Tests: T1 T2 T3  448 end else begin : gen_ft_output 449 logic unused_w; 450 assign wmask_combined[i] = wmask_int[i]; 451 assign wdata_combined[i] = wdata_int[i]; 452 assign unused_w = |wmask_intg & |wdata_intg; 453 end 454 end 455 456 1/1 assign wmask_o = wmask_combined; Tests: T1 T2 T3  457 1/1 assign wdata_o = wdata_combined; Tests: T1 T2 T3  458 459 1/1 assign reqfifo_wvalid = a_ack ; // Push to FIFO only when granted Tests: T1 T2 T3  460 1/1 assign reqfifo_wdata = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  461 op: (tl_i_int.a_opcode != Get) ? OpWrite : OpRead, // To return AccessAck for opcode error 462 error: error_internal, 463 instr_type: tl_i_int.a_user.instr_type, 464 size: tl_i_int.a_size, 465 source: tl_i_int.a_source 466 }; // Store the request only. Doesn't have to store data 467 1/1 assign reqfifo_rready = d_ack ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  468 469 // push together with ReqFIFO, pop upon returning read 470 1/1 assign sramreqfifo_wdata = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  471 mask : tl_i_int.a_mask, 472 woffset : woffset 473 }; 474 1/1 assign sramreqfifo_wvalid = sram_ack & ~we_o; Tests: T1 T2 T3  475 1/1 assign sramreqfifo_rready = rspfifo_wvalid; Tests: T1 T2 T3  476 477 1/1 assign rspfifo_wvalid = rvalid_i & reqfifo_rvalid; Tests: T1 T2 T3  478 479 1/1 assign sramreqaddrfifo_wdata = tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramBusBankAW]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  480 481 // Make sure only requested bytes are forwarded 482 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] rdata_reshaped; 483 logic [DataWidth-1:0] rdata_tlword; 484 485 // This just changes the array format so that the correct word can be selected by indexing. 486 1/1 assign rdata_reshaped = rdata_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  487 488 if (EnableDataIntgPt) begin : gen_no_rmask 489 always_comb begin 490 // If the read mask is set to zero, all read data is zeroed out by the mask. 491 // We have to set the ECC bits accordingly since we are using an inverted Hsiao code. 492 1/1 rdata_tlword = prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroWord; Tests: T1 T2 T3  493 // Otherwise, if at least one mask bit is nonzero, we are passing through the integrity. 494 // In that case we need to feed back the entire word since otherwise the integrity 495 // will not calculate correctly. 496 1/1 if (|sramreqfifo_rdata.mask) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  497 // Select correct word. 498 1/1 if (DataXorAddr) begin : gen_data_xor_addr Tests: T4 T5 T8  499 // When DataXorAddr is enabled, on a read, the address is XORed with the data fetched from 500 // the memory in the underlying memory controller (e.g., flash controller). At this point, 501 // the address is again removed. If the address in the read transaction has been modified, 502 // e.g., due to a fault, rdata now contains faulty data, which is detected by the 503 // integrity mechanism. 504 unreachable rdata_tlword = { 505 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][DataWidth-1:top_pkg::TL_DW], 506 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] ^ 507 {{(top_pkg::TL_DW-SramBusBankAW){1'b0}}, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata} 508 }; 509 end else begin: gen_no_data_xor_addr 510 1/1 rdata_tlword = rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset]; Tests: T4 T5 T8  511 end 512 end MISSING_ELSE 513 end 514 end else begin : gen_rmask 515 logic [DataWidth-1:0] rmask; 516 always_comb begin 517 rmask = '0; 518 for (int i = 0 ; i < top_pkg::TL_DW/8 ; i++) begin 519 rmask[8*i +: 8] = {8{sramreqfifo_rdata.mask[i]}}; 520 end 521 end 522 // Select correct word and mask it. 523 assign rdata_tlword = rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset] & rmask; 524 end 525 526 1/1 assign rspfifo_wdata = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  527 data : rdata_tlword[top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0], 528 data_intg : EnableDataIntgPt ? rdata_tlword[DataWidth-1 -: DataIntgWidth] : '0, 529 error : rerror_i[1] // Only care for Uncorrectable error 530 }; 531 1/1 assign rspfifo_rready = (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead & ~reqfifo_rdata.error) Tests: T1 T2 T3  532 ? reqfifo_rready : 1'b0 ; 533 534 // This module only cares about uncorrectable errors. 535 logic unused_rerror; 536 unreachable assign unused_rerror = rerror_i[0]; 537 538 // FIFO instance: REQ, RSP 539 540 // ReqFIFO is to store the Access type to match to the Response data. 541 // For instance, SRAM accepts the write request but doesn't return the 542 // acknowledge. In this case, it may be hard to determine when the D 543 // response for the write data should send out if reads/writes are 544 // interleaved. So, to make it in-order (even TL-UL allows out-of-order 545 // responses), storing the request is necessary. And if the read entry 546 // is write op, it is safe to return the response right away. If it is 547 // read reqeust, then D response is waiting until read data arrives. 548 prim_fifo_sync #( 549 .Width (ReqFifoWidth), 550 .Pass (1'b0), 551 .Depth (Outstanding), 552 .Secure (SecFifoPtr) 553 ) u_reqfifo ( 554 .clk_i, 555 .rst_ni, 556 .clr_i (1'b0), 557 .wvalid_i(reqfifo_wvalid), 558 .wready_o(reqfifo_wready), 559 .wdata_i (reqfifo_wdata), 560 .rvalid_o(reqfifo_rvalid), 561 .rready_i(reqfifo_rready), 562 .rdata_o (reqfifo_rdata), 563 .full_o (), 564 .depth_o (), 565 .err_o (reqfifo_error) 566 ); 567 568 // sramreqfifo: 569 // While the ReqFIFO holds the request until it is sent back via TL-UL, the 570 // sramreqfifo only needs to hold the mask and word offset until the read 571 // data returns from memory. 572 prim_fifo_sync #( 573 .Width (SramReqFifoWidth), 574 .Pass (1'b0), 575 .Depth (Outstanding), 576 .Secure (SecFifoPtr) 577 ) u_sramreqfifo ( 578 .clk_i, 579 .rst_ni, 580 .clr_i (1'b0), 581 .wvalid_i(sramreqfifo_wvalid), 582 .wready_o(sramreqfifo_wready), 583 .wdata_i (sramreqfifo_wdata), 584 .rvalid_o(), 585 .rready_i(sramreqfifo_rready), 586 .rdata_o (sramreqfifo_rdata), 587 .full_o (), 588 .depth_o (), 589 .err_o (sramreqfifo_error) 590 ); 591 592 // sramreqaddrfifo: 593 // This fifo holds the address used for undoing the address XOR data infection. 594 if (DataXorAddr) begin : gen_data_xor_addr_fifo 595 prim_fifo_sync #( 596 .Width (SramBusBankAW), 597 .Pass (1'b0), 598 .Depth (Outstanding), 599 .OutputZeroIfEmpty (1) 600 ) u_sramreqaddrfifo ( 601 .clk_i, 602 .rst_ni, 603 .clr_i (1'b0), 604 .wvalid_i(sramreqfifo_wvalid), 605 .wready_o(sramreqaddrfifo_wready), 606 .wdata_i (sramreqaddrfifo_wdata), 607 .rvalid_o(), 608 .rready_i(sramreqfifo_rready), 609 .rdata_o (sramreqaddrfifo_rdata), 610 .full_o (), 611 .depth_o (), 612 .err_o () 613 ); 614 end else begin : gen_no_data_xor_addr_fifo 615 assign sramreqaddrfifo_wready = 1'b1; 616 assign sramreqaddrfifo_rdata = '0; 617 618 // Tie-off unused signals 619 logic unused_sramreqaddrfifo; 620 1/1 assign unused_sramreqaddrfifo = ^{sramreqaddrfifo_wdata, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata}; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Module : tlul_adapter_sram

 LINE       114
 EXPRESSION (readback_error | readback_error_q)
             -------1------   --------2-------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       131
 EXPRESSION (intg_error || rsp_fifo_error || sramreqfifo_error || reqfifo_error)
             -----1----    -------2------    --------3--------    ------4------
0001Not Covered
0010Not Covered
1000Not Covered

 LINE       138
 EXPRESSION (intg_error | rsp_fifo_error | sramreqfifo_error | reqfifo_error | intg_error_q)
             -----1----   -------2------   --------3--------   ------4------   ------5-----
00010Not Covered
00100Not Covered
10000Not Covered

 LINE       144
 Number  Term
      1  ((tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) || (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData)) ? (((ByteAccess == 1'b0) ? ((tl_i.a_mask != '1) || (tl_i.a_size != 2'h2)) : 1'b0)) : 1'b0)

 LINE       144
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) || (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData))
                 ---------------1--------------    ----------------2----------------

 LINE       144
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData)

 LINE       144
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData)

 LINE       176
 EXPRESSION (wr_attr_error | wr_vld_error | rd_vld_error | instr_error | tlul_error | intg_error)
             ------1------   ------2-----   ------3-----   -----4-----   -----5----   -----6----
000001Not Covered
100000Not Covered

 LINE       272
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid & tl_o_int.a_ready)
             --------1-------   --------2-------

 LINE       273
 EXPRESSION (tl_o_int.d_valid & tl_i_int.d_ready)
             --------1-------   --------2-------

 LINE       274
 EXPRESSION (req_o & gnt_i)
             --1--   --2--

 LINE       285
 EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

 LINE       302
 EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

 LINE       303
 EXPRESSION (rspfifo_rdata.error | reqfifo_rdata.error)
             ---------1---------   ---------2---------
10Not Covered

 LINE       313
 EXPRESSION (d_valid & reqfifo_rvalid & rspfifo_rvalid & (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead))
             ---1---   -------2------   -------3------   --------------4-------------
0111Not Covered
1011Not Covered

 LINE       313
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

 LINE       341
 EXPRESSION ((vld_rd_rsp & ((~d_error))) ? : error_blanking_data)

 LINE       341
 SUB-EXPRESSION (vld_rd_rsp & ((~d_error)))
                 -----1----   ------2-----

 LINE       347
 EXPRESSION ((vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error) ? error_blanking_integ : (vld_rd_rsp ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroEcc))

 LINE       347
 SUB-EXPRESSION (vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error)
                 -----1----    ---------2---------

 LINE       347
 SUB-EXPRESSION (vld_rd_rsp ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroEcc)

 LINE       359
 EXPRESSION (error_internal & tl_i_int.a_valid & ((~tl_o_int.a_ready)))
             -------1------   --------2-------   ----------3----------

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION ((d_valid && (reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead)) ? AccessAck : AccessAckData)

 LINE       369
 SUB-EXPRESSION (d_valid && (reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead))
                 ---1---    --------------2-------------

 LINE       369
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead)

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION (d_valid ? reqfifo_rdata.size : '0)

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION (d_valid ? reqfifo_rdata.source : '0)

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION (d_valid && d_error)
             ---1---    ---2---
01Not Covered

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION ((gnt_i | missed_err_gnt_q) & reqfifo_wready & sramreqfifo_wready & sramreqaddrfifo_wready)
             -------------1------------   -------2------   ---------3--------   -----------4----------
1101Not Covered

 LINE       369
 SUB-EXPRESSION (gnt_i | missed_err_gnt_q)
                 --1--   --------2-------

 LINE       390
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid & reqfifo_wready & ((~error_internal)))
             --------1-------   -------2------   ---------3---------

 LINE       392
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid & (tl_i_int.a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}))
             --------1-------   ----------------------------2---------------------------

 LINE       393
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid ? tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramAw] : '0)

 LINE       429
 EXPRESSION ((tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o) ? tl_i_int.a_data[(8 * i)+:8] : '0)

 LINE       429
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o)
                 ---------1--------    --2-

 LINE       460
 EXPRESSION ((tl_i_int.a_opcode != Get) ? OpWrite : OpRead)

 LINE       460
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_opcode != Get)

 LINE       474
 EXPRESSION (sram_ack & ((~we_o)))
             ----1---   ----2----

 LINE       477
 EXPRESSION (rvalid_i & reqfifo_rvalid)
             ----1---   -------2------
10Not Covered

 LINE       531
 EXPRESSION (((reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) & ((~reqfifo_rdata.error))) ? reqfifo_rready : 1'b0)

 LINE       531
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) & ((~reqfifo_rdata.error)))
                 --------------1-------------   ------------2-----------

 LINE       531
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

Branch Coverage for Module : tlul_adapter_sram
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 32 31 96.88
TERNARY 144 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 341 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 347 3 3 100.00
TERNARY 393 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 531 2 2 100.00
IF 129 3 3 100.00
IF 281 4 4 100.00
IF 301 3 3 100.00
IF 362 2 2 100.00
IF 426 2 2 100.00
IF 438 2 2 100.00
IF 99 3 2 66.67
IF 496 2 2 100.00

144 assign wr_attr_error = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData || tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData) 145 ? ((ByteAccess == 0) ? 146 (tl_i.a_mask != '1 || tl_i.a_size != 2'h2) : 1'b0) 147 : 1'b0; ID LINE -1- 144 ((tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) || (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData))

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T3,T4,T5

341 assign d_data = (vld_rd_rsp & ~d_error) ? // valid read -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

347 assign data_intg = (vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error) ? error_blanking_integ : // TL-UL error -1- ==> 348 (vld_rd_rsp) ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : // valid read -2- ==> ==>

1 - Covered T25,T41,T42
0 1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

393 assign addr_o = (tl_i_int.a_valid) ? tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramAw] : '0; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

531 assign rspfifo_rready = (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead & ~reqfifo_rdata.error) 532 ? reqfifo_rready : 1'b0 ; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

129 if (!rst_ni) begin -1- 130 intg_error_q <= '0; ==> 131 end else if (intg_error || rsp_fifo_error || sramreqfifo_error || reqfifo_error) begin -2- 132 intg_error_q <= 1'b1; ==> 133 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 - Covered T1,T2,T3
0 1 Covered T3,T6,T7
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

281 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin -1- 282 if (reqfifo_rdata.error) begin -2- 283 // Return error response. Assume no request went out to SRAM 284 d_valid = 1'b1; ==> 285 end else if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin -3- 286 d_valid = rspfifo_rvalid; ==> 287 end else begin 288 // Write without error 289 d_valid = 1'b1; ==> 290 end 291 end else begin 292 d_valid = 1'b0; ==>

1 1 - Covered T21,T17,T23
1 0 1 Covered T4,T5,T8
1 0 0 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 - - Covered T1,T2,T3

301 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin -1- 302 if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin -2- 303 d_error = rspfifo_rdata.error | reqfifo_rdata.error; ==> 304 end else begin 305 d_error = reqfifo_rdata.error; ==> 306 end 307 end else begin 308 d_error = 1'b0; ==>

1 1 Covered T4,T5,T8
1 0 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 - Covered T1,T2,T3

362 if (!rst_ni) begin -1- 363 missed_err_gnt_q <= 1'b0; ==> 364 end else begin 365 missed_err_gnt_q <= missed_err_gnt_d; ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

426 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin -1- 427 for (int i = 0 ; i < top_pkg::TL_DW/8 ; i++) begin ==> 428 wmask_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = {8{tl_i_int.a_mask[i]}}; 429 wdata_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = (tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o) ? tl_i_int.a_data[8*i+:8] : '0; 430 end 431 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

438 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin -1- 439 wmask_intg[woffset] = {DataIntgWidth{1'b1}}; ==> 440 wdata_intg[woffset] = tl_i_int.a_user.data_intg; 441 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

99 if (!rst_ni) begin -1- 100 readback_error_q <= '0; ==> 101 end else if (readback_error) begin -2- 102 readback_error_q <= 1'b1; ==> 103 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 - Covered T1,T2,T3
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

496 if (|sramreqfifo_rdata.mask) begin -1- 497 // Select correct word. 498 if (DataXorAddr) begin : gen_data_xor_addr -2- 499 // When DataXorAddr is enabled, on a read, the address is XORed with the data fetched from 500 // the memory in the underlying memory controller (e.g., flash controller). At this point, 501 // the address is again removed. If the address in the read transaction has been modified, 502 // e.g., due to a fault, rdata now contains faulty data, which is detected by the 503 // integrity mechanism. 504 rdata_tlword = { ==> (Unreachable) 505 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][DataWidth-1:top_pkg::TL_DW], 506 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] ^ 507 {{(top_pkg::TL_DW-SramBusBankAW){1'b0}}, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata} 508 }; 509 end else begin: gen_no_data_xor_addr 510 rdata_tlword = rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset]; ==> 511 end 512 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 1 Unreachable
1 0 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 - Covered T1,T2,T3

Assert Coverage for Module : tlul_adapter_sram
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
AddrOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
DataIntgOptions_A 905 905 0 0
ReqOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
SramDwHasByteGranularity_A 905 905 0 0
SramDwIsMultipleOfTlulWidth_A 905 905 0 0
TlOutKnownIfFifoKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
TlOutValidKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
WdataOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
WeOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
WmaskOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
adapterNoReadOrWrite 905 905 0 0
rvalidHighReqFifoEmpty 1304269677 101351978 0 0
rvalidHighWhenRspFifoFull 1304269677 101351978 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 101351978 0 0
T4 49584 4189 0 0
T5 94743 2641 0 0
T6 8857 0 0 0
T8 69249 1337 0 0
T12 72512 2747 0 0
T13 34567 0 0 0
T14 990 0 0 0
T21 0 3898 0 0
T22 0 3626 0 0
T29 69912 1578 0 0
T30 68864 693 0 0
T31 74211 3994 0 0
T37 0 5974 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 101351978 0 0
T4 49584 4189 0 0
T5 94743 2641 0 0
T6 8857 0 0 0
T8 69249 1337 0 0
T12 72512 2747 0 0
T13 34567 0 0 0
T14 990 0 0 0
T21 0 3898 0 0
T22 0 3626 0 0
T29 69912 1578 0 0
T30 68864 693 0 0
T31 74211 3994 0 0
T37 0 5974 0 0

Line Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_tlul_adapter_sram
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent

95 if (EnableReadback) begin : gen_cmd_readback_check 96 1/1 assign readback_error = sram_byte_readback_error; Tests: T1 T2 T3  97 // permanently latch readback error until reset 98 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 99 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  100 1/1 readback_error_q <= '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  101 1/1 end else if (readback_error) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  102 0/1 ==> readback_error_q <= 1'b1; 103 end MISSING_ELSE 104 end 105 end else begin : gen_no_readback_check 106 logic unused_sram_byte_readback_error; 107 assign unused_sram_byte_readback_error = sram_byte_readback_error; 108 assign readback_error = '0; 109 assign readback_error_q = '0; 110 end 111 112 // readback error output is permanent and should be used for alert generation 113 // or other downstream effects 114 1/1 assign readback_error_o = readback_error | readback_error_q; Tests: T1 T2 T3  115 116 // integrity check 117 if (CmdIntgCheck) begin : gen_cmd_intg_check 118 tlul_cmd_intg_chk u_cmd_intg_chk ( 119 .tl_i(tl_i), 120 .err_o (intg_error) 121 ); 122 end else begin : gen_no_cmd_intg_check 123 assign intg_error = '0; 124 end 125 126 // permanently latch integrity error until reset 127 logic intg_error_q; 128 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 129 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  130 1/1 intg_error_q <= '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  131 1/1 end else if (intg_error || rsp_fifo_error || sramreqfifo_error || reqfifo_error) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  132 1/1 intg_error_q <= 1'b1; Tests: T3 T6 T7  133 end MISSING_ELSE 134 end 135 136 // integrity error output is permanent and should be used for alert generation 137 // or other downstream effects 138 1/1 assign intg_error_o = intg_error | rsp_fifo_error | sramreqfifo_error | Tests: T1 T2 T3  139 reqfifo_error | intg_error_q; 140 141 // wr_attr_error: Check if the request size, mask are permitted. 142 // Basic check of size, mask, addr align is done in tlul_err module. 143 // Here it checks any partial write if ByteAccess isn't allowed. 144 1/1 assign wr_attr_error = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData || tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData) Tests: T1 T2 T3  145 ? ((ByteAccess == 0) ? 146 (tl_i.a_mask != '1 || tl_i.a_size != 2'h2) : 1'b0) 147 : 1'b0; 148 149 // An instruction type transaction is only valid if en_ifetch is enabled 150 // If the instruction type is completely invalid, also considered an instruction error 151 1/1 assign instr_error = prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_invalid(tl_i.a_user.instr_type) | Tests: T1 T2 T3  152 (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(tl_i.a_user.instr_type) & 153 prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_false_loose(en_ifetch_i)); 154 155 if (ErrOnWrite == 1) begin : gen_no_writes 156 assign wr_vld_error = tl_i.a_opcode != Get; 157 end else begin : gen_writes_allowed 158 assign wr_vld_error = 1'b0; 159 end 160 161 if (ErrOnRead == 1) begin: gen_no_reads 162 assign rd_vld_error = tl_i.a_opcode == Get; 163 end else begin : gen_reads_allowed 164 assign rd_vld_error = 1'b0; 165 end 166 167 // tlul protocol check 168 tlul_err u_err ( 169 .clk_i, 170 .rst_ni, 171 .tl_i(tl_i), 172 .err_o (tlul_error) 173 ); 174 175 // error return is transactional and thus does not used the "latched" intg_err signal 176 1/1 assign error_det = wr_attr_error | wr_vld_error | rd_vld_error | instr_error | Tests: T1 T2 T3  177 tlul_error | intg_error; 178 179 // from sram_byte to adapter logic 180 tl_h2d_t tl_i_int; 181 // from adapter logic to sram_byte 182 tl_d2h_t tl_o_int; 183 // from sram_byte to rsp_gen 184 tl_d2h_t tl_out; 185 186 // not all parts of tl_i_int are used 187 logic unused_tl_i_int; 188 1/1 assign unused_tl_i_int = ^tl_i_int; Tests: T1 T2 T3  189 190 tlul_rsp_intg_gen #( 191 .EnableRspIntgGen(EnableRspIntgGen), 192 .EnableDataIntgGen(EnableDataIntgGen) 193 ) u_rsp_gen ( 194 .tl_i(tl_out), 195 .tl_o 196 ); 197 198 // byte handling for integrity 199 tlul_sram_byte #( 200 .EnableIntg(ByteAccess & EnableDataIntgPt & !ErrOnWrite), 201 .Outstanding(Outstanding), 202 .EnableReadback(EnableReadback) 203 ) u_sram_byte ( 204 .clk_i, 205 .rst_ni, 206 .tl_i, 207 .tl_o(tl_out), 208 .tl_sram_o(tl_i_int), 209 .tl_sram_i(tl_o_int), 210 .error_i(error_det), 211 .error_o(error_internal), 212 .alert_o(sram_byte_readback_error), 213 .compound_txn_in_progress_o, 214 .readback_en_i, 215 .wr_collision_i, 216 .write_pending_i 217 ); 218 219 typedef struct packed { 220 logic [top_pkg::TL_DBW-1:0] mask ; // Byte mask within the TL-UL word 221 logic [WoffsetWidth-1:0] woffset ; // Offset of the TL-UL word within the SRAM word 222 } sram_req_t ; 223 224 typedef struct packed { 225 logic [SramBusBankAW-1:0] addr; // Address of the request going to the memory. 226 } sram_req_addr_t ; 227 228 typedef enum logic [1:0] { 229 OpWrite, 230 OpRead, 231 OpUnknown 232 } req_op_e ; 233 234 typedef struct packed { 235 req_op_e op ; 236 logic error ; 237 prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t instr_type; 238 logic [top_pkg::TL_SZW-1:0] size ; 239 logic [top_pkg::TL_AIW-1:0] source ; 240 } req_t ; 241 242 typedef struct packed { 243 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] data ; 244 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] data_intg ; 245 logic error ; 246 } rsp_t ; 247 248 localparam int SramReqFifoWidth = $bits(sram_req_t) ; 249 localparam int ReqFifoWidth = $bits(req_t) ; 250 localparam int RspFifoWidth = $bits(rsp_t) ; 251 252 // FIFO signal in case OutStand is greater than 1 253 // If request is latched, {write, source} is pushed to req fifo. 254 // Req fifo is popped when D channel is acknowledged (v & r) 255 // D channel valid is asserted if it is write request or rsp fifo not empty if read. 256 logic reqfifo_wvalid, reqfifo_wready; 257 logic reqfifo_rvalid, reqfifo_rready; 258 req_t reqfifo_wdata, reqfifo_rdata; 259 260 logic sramreqfifo_wvalid, sramreqfifo_wready; 261 logic sramreqfifo_rready; 262 sram_req_t sramreqfifo_wdata, sramreqfifo_rdata; 263 264 logic sramreqaddrfifo_wready; 265 logic [SramBusBankAW-1:0] sramreqaddrfifo_wdata, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata; 266 267 logic rspfifo_wvalid, rspfifo_wready; 268 logic rspfifo_rvalid, rspfifo_rready; 269 rsp_t rspfifo_wdata, rspfifo_rdata; 270 271 logic a_ack, d_ack, sram_ack; 272 1/1 assign a_ack = tl_i_int.a_valid & tl_o_int.a_ready ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  273 1/1 assign d_ack = tl_o_int.d_valid & tl_i_int.d_ready ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  274 1/1 assign sram_ack = req_o & gnt_i ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  275 276 // Valid handling 277 logic d_valid, d_error; 278 always_comb begin 279 1/1 d_valid = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  280 281 1/1 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  282 1/1 if (reqfifo_rdata.error) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  283 // Return error response. Assume no request went out to SRAM 284 1/1 d_valid = 1'b1; Tests: T21 T17 T23  285 1/1 end else if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  286 1/1 d_valid = rspfifo_rvalid; Tests: T4 T5 T8  287 end else begin 288 // Write without error 289 1/1 d_valid = 1'b1; Tests: T4 T5 T8  290 end 291 end else begin 292 1/1 d_valid = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  293 end 294 end 295 296 297 298 always_comb begin 299 1/1 d_error = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  300 301 1/1 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  302 1/1 if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  303 1/1 d_error = rspfifo_rdata.error | reqfifo_rdata.error; Tests: T4 T5 T8  304 end else begin 305 1/1 d_error = reqfifo_rdata.error; Tests: T4 T5 T8  306 end 307 end else begin 308 1/1 d_error = 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  309 end 310 end 311 312 logic vld_rd_rsp; 313 1/1 assign vld_rd_rsp = d_valid & reqfifo_rvalid & rspfifo_rvalid & (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead); Tests: T1 T2 T3  314 // If the response data is not valid, we set it to an illegal blanking value which is determined 315 // by whether the current transaction is an instruction fetch or a regular read operation. 316 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] error_blanking_data; 317 1/1 assign error_blanking_data = (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(reqfifo_rdata.instr_type)) ? Tests: T1 T2 T3  318 DataWhenInstrError : 319 DataWhenError; 320 321 // Since DataWhenInstrError and DataWhenError can be arbitrary parameters 322 // we statically calculate the correct integrity values for these parameters here so that 323 // they do not have to be supplied externally. 324 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] unused_instr, unused_data; 325 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] error_instr_integ, error_data_integ; 326 tlul_data_integ_enc u_tlul_data_integ_enc_instr ( 327 .data_i(DataMaxWidth'(DataWhenInstrError)), 328 .data_intg_o({error_instr_integ, unused_instr}) 329 ); 330 tlul_data_integ_enc u_tlul_data_integ_enc_data ( 331 .data_i(DataMaxWidth'(DataWhenError)), 332 .data_intg_o({error_data_integ, unused_data}) 333 ); 334 335 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] error_blanking_integ; 336 1/1 assign error_blanking_integ = (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(reqfifo_rdata.instr_type)) ? Tests: T1 T2 T3  337 error_instr_integ : 338 error_data_integ; 339 340 logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] d_data; 341 1/1 assign d_data = (vld_rd_rsp & ~d_error) ? // valid read Tests: T1 T2 T3  342 : error_blanking_data; // write or TL-UL error 343 344 // If this a write response with data fields set to 0, we have to set all ECC bits correctly 345 // since we are using an inverted Hsiao code. 346 logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] data_intg; 347 1/1 assign data_intg = (vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error) ? error_blanking_integ : // TL-UL error Tests: T1 T2 T3  348 (vld_rd_rsp) ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : // valid read 349 prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroEcc; // valid write 350 351 // When an error is seen on an incoming transaction it gets an immediate response without 352 // performing an SRAM request. It may be the transaction receives a ready the first cycle it is 353 // seen, but if not we force a ready the following cycle. This avoids factoring the error 354 // calculation into the outgoing ready preventing a feedthrough path from the incoming tilelink 355 // signals to the outgoing tilelink signals. 356 logic missed_err_gnt_d, missed_err_gnt_q; 357 358 // Track whether we've seen an incoming transaction with an error that didn't get a ready 359 1/1 assign missed_err_gnt_d = error_internal & tl_i_int.a_valid & ~tl_o_int.a_ready; Tests: T1 T2 T3  360 361 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin 362 1/1 if (!rst_ni) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  363 1/1 missed_err_gnt_q <= 1'b0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  364 end else begin 365 1/1 missed_err_gnt_q <= missed_err_gnt_d; Tests: T1 T2 T3  366 end 367 end 368 369 1/1 assign tl_o_int = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  370 d_valid : d_valid , 371 d_opcode : (d_valid && reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead) ? AccessAck : AccessAckData, 372 d_param : '0, 373 d_size : (d_valid) ? reqfifo_rdata.size : '0, 374 d_source : (d_valid) ? reqfifo_rdata.source : '0, 375 d_sink : 1'b0, 376 d_data : d_data, 377 d_user : '{default: '0, data_intg: data_intg}, 378 d_error : d_valid && d_error, 379 a_ready : (gnt_i | missed_err_gnt_q) & reqfifo_wready & sramreqfifo_wready & 380 sramreqaddrfifo_wready 381 }; 382 383 // a_ready depends on the FIFO full condition and grant from SRAM (or SRAM arbiter) 384 // assemble response, including read response, write response, and error for unsupported stuff 385 386 // Output to SRAM: 387 // Generate request only when no internal error occurs. If error occurs, the request should be 388 // dropped and returned error response to the host. So, error to be pushed to reqfifo. 389 // In this case, it is assumed the request is granted (may cause ordering issue later?) 390 1/1 assign req_o = tl_i_int.a_valid & reqfifo_wready & ~error_internal; Tests: T1 T2 T3  391 1/1 assign req_type_o = tl_i_int.a_user.instr_type; Tests: T1 T2 T3  392 1/1 assign we_o = tl_i_int.a_valid & (tl_i_int.a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}); Tests: T1 T2 T3  393 1/1 assign addr_o = (tl_i_int.a_valid) ? tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramAw] : '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  394 395 // Support SRAMs wider than the TL-UL word width by mapping the parts of the 396 // TL-UL address which are more fine-granular than the SRAM width to the 397 // SRAM write mask. 398 logic [WoffsetWidth-1:0] woffset; 399 if (top_pkg::TL_DW != SramDw) begin : gen_wordwidthadapt 400 assign woffset = tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth-1:prim_util_pkg::vbits(top_pkg::TL_DBW)]; 401 end else begin : gen_no_wordwidthadapt 402 assign woffset = '0; 403 end 404 405 // The size of the data/wmask depends on whether passthrough integrity is enabled. 406 // If passthrough integrity is enabled, the data is concatenated with the integrity passed through 407 // the user bits. Otherwise, it is the data only. 408 localparam int DataWidth = EnableDataIntgPt ? top_pkg::TL_DW + DataIntgWidth : top_pkg::TL_DW; 409 410 // Final combined wmask / wdata 411 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] wmask_combined; 412 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] wdata_combined; 413 414 // Original tlul portion 415 logic [WidthMult-1:0][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] wmask_int; 416 logic [WidthMult-1:0][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] wdata_int; 417 418 // Integrity portion 419 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataIntgWidth-1:0] wmask_intg; 420 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataIntgWidth-1:0] wdata_intg; 421 422 always_comb begin 423 1/1 wmask_int = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  424 1/1 wdata_int = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  425 426 1/1 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  427 1/1 for (int i = 0 ; i < top_pkg::TL_DW/8 ; i++) begin Tests: T4 T5 T8  428 1/1 wmask_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = {8{tl_i_int.a_mask[i]}}; Tests: T4 T5 T8  429 1/1 wdata_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = (tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o) ? tl_i_int.a_data[8*i+:8] : '0; Tests: T4 T5 T8  430 end 431 end MISSING_ELSE 432 end 433 434 always_comb begin 435 1/1 wmask_intg = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  436 1/1 wdata_intg = '0; Tests: T1 T2 T3  437 438 1/1 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  439 1/1 wmask_intg[woffset] = {DataIntgWidth{1'b1}}; Tests: T4 T5 T8  440 1/1 wdata_intg[woffset] = tl_i_int.a_user.data_intg; Tests: T4 T5 T8  441 end MISSING_ELSE 442 end 443 444 for (genvar i = 0; i < WidthMult; i++) begin : gen_write_output 445 if (EnableDataIntgPt) begin : gen_combined_output 446 1/1 assign wmask_combined[i] = {wmask_intg[i], wmask_int[i]}; Tests: T1 T2 T3  447 1/1 assign wdata_combined[i] = {wdata_intg[i], wdata_int[i]}; Tests: T1 T2 T3  448 end else begin : gen_ft_output 449 logic unused_w; 450 assign wmask_combined[i] = wmask_int[i]; 451 assign wdata_combined[i] = wdata_int[i]; 452 assign unused_w = |wmask_intg & |wdata_intg; 453 end 454 end 455 456 1/1 assign wmask_o = wmask_combined; Tests: T1 T2 T3  457 1/1 assign wdata_o = wdata_combined; Tests: T1 T2 T3  458 459 1/1 assign reqfifo_wvalid = a_ack ; // Push to FIFO only when granted Tests: T1 T2 T3  460 1/1 assign reqfifo_wdata = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  461 op: (tl_i_int.a_opcode != Get) ? OpWrite : OpRead, // To return AccessAck for opcode error 462 error: error_internal, 463 instr_type: tl_i_int.a_user.instr_type, 464 size: tl_i_int.a_size, 465 source: tl_i_int.a_source 466 }; // Store the request only. Doesn't have to store data 467 1/1 assign reqfifo_rready = d_ack ; Tests: T1 T2 T3  468 469 // push together with ReqFIFO, pop upon returning read 470 1/1 assign sramreqfifo_wdata = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  471 mask : tl_i_int.a_mask, 472 woffset : woffset 473 }; 474 1/1 assign sramreqfifo_wvalid = sram_ack & ~we_o; Tests: T1 T2 T3  475 1/1 assign sramreqfifo_rready = rspfifo_wvalid; Tests: T1 T2 T3  476 477 1/1 assign rspfifo_wvalid = rvalid_i & reqfifo_rvalid; Tests: T1 T2 T3  478 479 1/1 assign sramreqaddrfifo_wdata = tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramBusBankAW]; Tests: T1 T2 T3  480 481 // Make sure only requested bytes are forwarded 482 logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] rdata_reshaped; 483 logic [DataWidth-1:0] rdata_tlword; 484 485 // This just changes the array format so that the correct word can be selected by indexing. 486 1/1 assign rdata_reshaped = rdata_i; Tests: T1 T2 T3  487 488 if (EnableDataIntgPt) begin : gen_no_rmask 489 always_comb begin 490 // If the read mask is set to zero, all read data is zeroed out by the mask. 491 // We have to set the ECC bits accordingly since we are using an inverted Hsiao code. 492 1/1 rdata_tlword = prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroWord; Tests: T1 T2 T3  493 // Otherwise, if at least one mask bit is nonzero, we are passing through the integrity. 494 // In that case we need to feed back the entire word since otherwise the integrity 495 // will not calculate correctly. 496 1/1 if (|sramreqfifo_rdata.mask) begin Tests: T1 T2 T3  497 // Select correct word. 498 1/1 if (DataXorAddr) begin : gen_data_xor_addr Tests: T4 T5 T8  499 // When DataXorAddr is enabled, on a read, the address is XORed with the data fetched from 500 // the memory in the underlying memory controller (e.g., flash controller). At this point, 501 // the address is again removed. If the address in the read transaction has been modified, 502 // e.g., due to a fault, rdata now contains faulty data, which is detected by the 503 // integrity mechanism. 504 unreachable rdata_tlword = { 505 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][DataWidth-1:top_pkg::TL_DW], 506 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] ^ 507 {{(top_pkg::TL_DW-SramBusBankAW){1'b0}}, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata} 508 }; 509 end else begin: gen_no_data_xor_addr 510 1/1 rdata_tlword = rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset]; Tests: T4 T5 T8  511 end 512 end MISSING_ELSE 513 end 514 end else begin : gen_rmask 515 logic [DataWidth-1:0] rmask; 516 always_comb begin 517 rmask = '0; 518 for (int i = 0 ; i < top_pkg::TL_DW/8 ; i++) begin 519 rmask[8*i +: 8] = {8{sramreqfifo_rdata.mask[i]}}; 520 end 521 end 522 // Select correct word and mask it. 523 assign rdata_tlword = rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset] & rmask; 524 end 525 526 1/1 assign rspfifo_wdata = '{ Tests: T1 T2 T3  527 data : rdata_tlword[top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0], 528 data_intg : EnableDataIntgPt ? rdata_tlword[DataWidth-1 -: DataIntgWidth] : '0, 529 error : rerror_i[1] // Only care for Uncorrectable error 530 }; 531 1/1 assign rspfifo_rready = (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead & ~reqfifo_rdata.error) Tests: T1 T2 T3  532 ? reqfifo_rready : 1'b0 ; 533 534 // This module only cares about uncorrectable errors. 535 logic unused_rerror; 536 unreachable assign unused_rerror = rerror_i[0]; 537 538 // FIFO instance: REQ, RSP 539 540 // ReqFIFO is to store the Access type to match to the Response data. 541 // For instance, SRAM accepts the write request but doesn't return the 542 // acknowledge. In this case, it may be hard to determine when the D 543 // response for the write data should send out if reads/writes are 544 // interleaved. So, to make it in-order (even TL-UL allows out-of-order 545 // responses), storing the request is necessary. And if the read entry 546 // is write op, it is safe to return the response right away. If it is 547 // read reqeust, then D response is waiting until read data arrives. 548 prim_fifo_sync #( 549 .Width (ReqFifoWidth), 550 .Pass (1'b0), 551 .Depth (Outstanding), 552 .Secure (SecFifoPtr) 553 ) u_reqfifo ( 554 .clk_i, 555 .rst_ni, 556 .clr_i (1'b0), 557 .wvalid_i(reqfifo_wvalid), 558 .wready_o(reqfifo_wready), 559 .wdata_i (reqfifo_wdata), 560 .rvalid_o(reqfifo_rvalid), 561 .rready_i(reqfifo_rready), 562 .rdata_o (reqfifo_rdata), 563 .full_o (), 564 .depth_o (), 565 .err_o (reqfifo_error) 566 ); 567 568 // sramreqfifo: 569 // While the ReqFIFO holds the request until it is sent back via TL-UL, the 570 // sramreqfifo only needs to hold the mask and word offset until the read 571 // data returns from memory. 572 prim_fifo_sync #( 573 .Width (SramReqFifoWidth), 574 .Pass (1'b0), 575 .Depth (Outstanding), 576 .Secure (SecFifoPtr) 577 ) u_sramreqfifo ( 578 .clk_i, 579 .rst_ni, 580 .clr_i (1'b0), 581 .wvalid_i(sramreqfifo_wvalid), 582 .wready_o(sramreqfifo_wready), 583 .wdata_i (sramreqfifo_wdata), 584 .rvalid_o(), 585 .rready_i(sramreqfifo_rready), 586 .rdata_o (sramreqfifo_rdata), 587 .full_o (), 588 .depth_o (), 589 .err_o (sramreqfifo_error) 590 ); 591 592 // sramreqaddrfifo: 593 // This fifo holds the address used for undoing the address XOR data infection. 594 if (DataXorAddr) begin : gen_data_xor_addr_fifo 595 prim_fifo_sync #( 596 .Width (SramBusBankAW), 597 .Pass (1'b0), 598 .Depth (Outstanding), 599 .OutputZeroIfEmpty (1) 600 ) u_sramreqaddrfifo ( 601 .clk_i, 602 .rst_ni, 603 .clr_i (1'b0), 604 .wvalid_i(sramreqfifo_wvalid), 605 .wready_o(sramreqaddrfifo_wready), 606 .wdata_i (sramreqaddrfifo_wdata), 607 .rvalid_o(), 608 .rready_i(sramreqfifo_rready), 609 .rdata_o (sramreqaddrfifo_rdata), 610 .full_o (), 611 .depth_o (), 612 .err_o () 613 ); 614 end else begin : gen_no_data_xor_addr_fifo 615 assign sramreqaddrfifo_wready = 1'b1; 616 assign sramreqaddrfifo_rdata = '0; 617 618 // Tie-off unused signals 619 logic unused_sramreqaddrfifo; 620 1/1 assign unused_sramreqaddrfifo = ^{sramreqaddrfifo_wdata, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata}; Tests: T1 T2 T3 

Cond Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_tlul_adapter_sram

 LINE       114
 EXPRESSION (readback_error | readback_error_q)
             -------1------   --------2-------
01Not Covered
10Not Covered

 LINE       131
 EXPRESSION (intg_error || rsp_fifo_error || sramreqfifo_error || reqfifo_error)
             -----1----    -------2------    --------3--------    ------4------
0001Not Covered
0010Not Covered
1000Not Covered

 LINE       138
 EXPRESSION (intg_error | rsp_fifo_error | sramreqfifo_error | reqfifo_error | intg_error_q)
             -----1----   -------2------   --------3--------   ------4------   ------5-----
00010Not Covered
00100Not Covered
10000Not Covered

 LINE       144
 Number  Term
      1  ((tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) || (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData)) ? (((ByteAccess == 1'b0) ? ((tl_i.a_mask != '1) || (tl_i.a_size != 2'h2)) : 1'b0)) : 1'b0)

 LINE       144
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) || (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData))
                 ---------------1--------------    ----------------2----------------

 LINE       144
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData)

 LINE       144
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData)

 LINE       176
 EXPRESSION (wr_attr_error | wr_vld_error | rd_vld_error | instr_error | tlul_error | intg_error)
             ------1------   ------2-----   ------3-----   -----4-----   -----5----   -----6----
-1--2--3--4--5--6-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
000001Not Covered
100000Excluded VC_COV_UNR

 LINE       272
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid & tl_o_int.a_ready)
             --------1-------   --------2-------

 LINE       273
 EXPRESSION (tl_o_int.d_valid & tl_i_int.d_ready)
             --------1-------   --------2-------

 LINE       274
 EXPRESSION (req_o & gnt_i)
             --1--   --2--
-1--2-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
01ExcludedT1,T2,T3 VC_COV_UNR

 LINE       285
 EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

 LINE       302
 EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

 LINE       303
 EXPRESSION (rspfifo_rdata.error | reqfifo_rdata.error)
             ---------1---------   ---------2---------
10Not Covered

 LINE       313
 EXPRESSION (d_valid & reqfifo_rvalid & rspfifo_rvalid & (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead))
             ---1---   -------2------   -------3------   --------------4-------------
-1--2--3--4-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
0111Excluded VC_COV_UNR
1011Excluded VC_COV_UNR

 LINE       313
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

 LINE       341
 EXPRESSION ((vld_rd_rsp & ((~d_error))) ? : error_blanking_data)

 LINE       341
 SUB-EXPRESSION (vld_rd_rsp & ((~d_error)))
                 -----1----   ------2-----

 LINE       347
 EXPRESSION ((vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error) ? error_blanking_integ : (vld_rd_rsp ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroEcc))

 LINE       347
 SUB-EXPRESSION (vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error)
                 -----1----    ---------2---------

 LINE       347
 SUB-EXPRESSION (vld_rd_rsp ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroEcc)

 LINE       359
 EXPRESSION (error_internal & tl_i_int.a_valid & ((~tl_o_int.a_ready)))
             -------1------   --------2-------   ----------3----------

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION ((d_valid && (reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead)) ? AccessAck : AccessAckData)

 LINE       369
 SUB-EXPRESSION (d_valid && (reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead))
                 ---1---    --------------2-------------

 LINE       369
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op != OpRead)

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION (d_valid ? reqfifo_rdata.size : '0)

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION (d_valid ? reqfifo_rdata.source : '0)

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION (d_valid && d_error)
             ---1---    ---2---
01Not Covered

 LINE       369
 EXPRESSION ((gnt_i | missed_err_gnt_q) & reqfifo_wready & sramreqfifo_wready & sramreqaddrfifo_wready)
             -------------1------------   -------2------   ---------3--------   -----------4----------
1101Not Covered

 LINE       369
 SUB-EXPRESSION (gnt_i | missed_err_gnt_q)
                 --1--   --------2-------

 LINE       390
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid & reqfifo_wready & ((~error_internal)))
             --------1-------   -------2------   ---------3---------

 LINE       392
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid & (tl_i_int.a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}))
             --------1-------   ----------------------------2---------------------------

 LINE       393
 EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_valid ? tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramAw] : '0)

 LINE       429
 EXPRESSION ((tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o) ? tl_i_int.a_data[(8 * i)+:8] : '0)

 LINE       429
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o)
                 ---------1--------    --2-

 LINE       460
 EXPRESSION ((tl_i_int.a_opcode != Get) ? OpWrite : OpRead)

 LINE       460
 SUB-EXPRESSION (tl_i_int.a_opcode != Get)

 LINE       474
 EXPRESSION (sram_ack & ((~we_o)))
             ----1---   ----2----

 LINE       477
 EXPRESSION (rvalid_i & reqfifo_rvalid)
             ----1---   -------2------
-1--2-StatusTestsExclude Annotation
10Excluded VC_COV_UNR

 LINE       531
 EXPRESSION (((reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) & ((~reqfifo_rdata.error))) ? reqfifo_rready : 1'b0)

 LINE       531
 SUB-EXPRESSION ((reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) & ((~reqfifo_rdata.error)))
                 --------------1-------------   ------------2-----------

 LINE       531
 SUB-EXPRESSION (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead)

Branch Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_tlul_adapter_sram
Line No.TotalCoveredPercent
Branches 32 31 96.88
TERNARY 144 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 341 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 347 3 3 100.00
TERNARY 393 2 2 100.00
TERNARY 531 2 2 100.00
IF 129 3 3 100.00
IF 281 4 4 100.00
IF 301 3 3 100.00
IF 362 2 2 100.00
IF 426 2 2 100.00
IF 438 2 2 100.00
IF 99 3 2 66.67
IF 496 2 2 100.00

144 assign wr_attr_error = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData || tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData) 145 ? ((ByteAccess == 0) ? 146 (tl_i.a_mask != '1 || tl_i.a_size != 2'h2) : 1'b0) 147 : 1'b0; ID LINE -1- 144 ((tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) || (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData))

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T3,T4,T5

341 assign d_data = (vld_rd_rsp & ~d_error) ? // valid read -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

347 assign data_intg = (vld_rd_rsp && reqfifo_rdata.error) ? error_blanking_integ : // TL-UL error -1- ==> 348 (vld_rd_rsp) ? rspfifo_rdata.data_intg : // valid read -2- ==> ==>

1 - Covered T25,T41,T42
0 1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

393 assign addr_o = (tl_i_int.a_valid) ? tl_i_int.a_address[DataBitWidth+:SramAw] : '0; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

531 assign rspfifo_rready = (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead & ~reqfifo_rdata.error) 532 ? reqfifo_rready : 1'b0 ; -1- ==> ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

129 if (!rst_ni) begin -1- 130 intg_error_q <= '0; ==> 131 end else if (intg_error || rsp_fifo_error || sramreqfifo_error || reqfifo_error) begin -2- 132 intg_error_q <= 1'b1; ==> 133 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 - Covered T1,T2,T3
0 1 Covered T3,T6,T7
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

281 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin -1- 282 if (reqfifo_rdata.error) begin -2- 283 // Return error response. Assume no request went out to SRAM 284 d_valid = 1'b1; ==> 285 end else if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin -3- 286 d_valid = rspfifo_rvalid; ==> 287 end else begin 288 // Write without error 289 d_valid = 1'b1; ==> 290 end 291 end else begin 292 d_valid = 1'b0; ==>

1 1 - Covered T21,T17,T23
1 0 1 Covered T4,T5,T8
1 0 0 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 - - Covered T1,T2,T3

301 if (reqfifo_rvalid) begin -1- 302 if (reqfifo_rdata.op == OpRead) begin -2- 303 d_error = rspfifo_rdata.error | reqfifo_rdata.error; ==> 304 end else begin 305 d_error = reqfifo_rdata.error; ==> 306 end 307 end else begin 308 d_error = 1'b0; ==>

1 1 Covered T4,T5,T8
1 0 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 - Covered T1,T2,T3

362 if (!rst_ni) begin -1- 363 missed_err_gnt_q <= 1'b0; ==> 364 end else begin 365 missed_err_gnt_q <= missed_err_gnt_d; ==>

1 Covered T1,T2,T3
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

426 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin -1- 427 for (int i = 0 ; i < top_pkg::TL_DW/8 ; i++) begin ==> 428 wmask_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = {8{tl_i_int.a_mask[i]}}; 429 wdata_int[woffset][8*i +: 8] = (tl_i_int.a_mask[i] && we_o) ? tl_i_int.a_data[8*i+:8] : '0; 430 end 431 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

438 if (tl_i_int.a_valid) begin -1- 439 wmask_intg[woffset] = {DataIntgWidth{1'b1}}; ==> 440 wdata_intg[woffset] = tl_i_int.a_user.data_intg; 441 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 Covered T1,T2,T3

99 if (!rst_ni) begin -1- 100 readback_error_q <= '0; ==> 101 end else if (readback_error) begin -2- 102 readback_error_q <= 1'b1; ==> 103 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 - Covered T1,T2,T3
0 1 Not Covered
0 0 Covered T1,T2,T3

496 if (|sramreqfifo_rdata.mask) begin -1- 497 // Select correct word. 498 if (DataXorAddr) begin : gen_data_xor_addr -2- 499 // When DataXorAddr is enabled, on a read, the address is XORed with the data fetched from 500 // the memory in the underlying memory controller (e.g., flash controller). At this point, 501 // the address is again removed. If the address in the read transaction has been modified, 502 // e.g., due to a fault, rdata now contains faulty data, which is detected by the 503 // integrity mechanism. 504 rdata_tlword = { ==> (Unreachable) 505 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][DataWidth-1:top_pkg::TL_DW], 506 rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] ^ 507 {{(top_pkg::TL_DW-SramBusBankAW){1'b0}}, sramreqaddrfifo_rdata} 508 }; 509 end else begin: gen_no_data_xor_addr 510 rdata_tlword = rdata_reshaped[sramreqfifo_rdata.woffset]; ==> 511 end 512 end MISSING_ELSE ==>

1 1 Unreachable
1 0 Covered T4,T5,T8
0 - Covered T1,T2,T3

Assert Coverage for Instance : tb.dut.u_tlul_adapter_sram
Assertions 13 13 100.00 13 100.00
Cover properties 0 0 0
Cover sequences 0 0 0
Total 13 13 100.00 13 100.00

Assertion Details

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
AddrOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
DataIntgOptions_A 905 905 0 0
ReqOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
SramDwHasByteGranularity_A 905 905 0 0
SramDwIsMultipleOfTlulWidth_A 905 905 0 0
TlOutKnownIfFifoKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
TlOutValidKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
WdataOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
WeOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
WmaskOutKnown_A 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
adapterNoReadOrWrite 905 905 0 0
rvalidHighReqFifoEmpty 1304269677 101351978 0 0
rvalidHighWhenRspFifoFull 1304269677 101351978 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 1304162375 0 0
T1 683 633 0 0
T2 34149 34073 0 0
T3 16579 11134 0 0
T4 49584 49513 0 0
T5 94743 94688 0 0
T6 8857 6166 0 0
T8 69249 69183 0 0
T12 72512 72442 0 0
T13 34567 34517 0 0
T14 990 938 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 905 905 0 0
T1 1 1 0 0
T2 1 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 0
T4 1 1 0 0
T5 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 0 0
T8 1 1 0 0
T12 1 1 0 0
T13 1 1 0 0
T14 1 1 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 101351978 0 0
T4 49584 4189 0 0
T5 94743 2641 0 0
T6 8857 0 0 0
T8 69249 1337 0 0
T12 72512 2747 0 0
T13 34567 0 0 0
T14 990 0 0 0
T21 0 3898 0 0
T22 0 3626 0 0
T29 69912 1578 0 0
T30 68864 693 0 0
T31 74211 3994 0 0
T37 0 5974 0 0

NameAttemptsReal SuccessesFailuresIncomplete
Total 1304269677 101351978 0 0
T4 49584 4189 0 0
T5 94743 2641 0 0
T6 8857 0 0 0
T8 69249 1337 0 0
T12 72512 2747 0 0
T13 34567 0 0 0
T14 990 0 0 0
T21 0 3898 0 0
T22 0 3626 0 0
T29 69912 1578 0 0
T30 68864 693 0 0
T31 74211 3994 0 0
T37 0 5974 0 0

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%