Stage | Name | Tests | Max Job Runtime | Simulated Time | Passing | Total | Pass Rate |
V1 | smoke | keymgr_smoke | 30.780s | 1.096ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V1 | random | keymgr_random | 46.320s | 2.641ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V1 | csr_hw_reset | keymgr_csr_hw_reset | 1.230s | 31.612us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V1 | csr_rw | keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V1 | csr_bit_bash | keymgr_csr_bit_bash | 14.760s | 250.475us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V1 | csr_aliasing | keymgr_csr_aliasing | 14.930s | 415.392us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V1 | csr_mem_rw_with_rand_reset | keymgr_csr_mem_rw_with_rand_reset | 2.430s | 52.055us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V1 | regwen_csr_and_corresponding_lockable_csr | keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
keymgr_csr_aliasing | 14.930s | 415.392us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 | ||
V1 | TOTAL | 154 | 155 | 99.35 | |||
V2 | cfgen_during_op | keymgr_cfg_regwen | 1.303m | 1.542ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | sideload | keymgr_sideload | 36.900s | 2.695ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
keymgr_sideload_kmac | 37.640s | 3.344ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 | ||
keymgr_sideload_aes | 1.034m | 7.029ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 | ||
keymgr_sideload_otbn | 53.500s | 24.556ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 | ||
V2 | direct_to_disabled_state | keymgr_direct_to_disabled | 33.760s | 4.661ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | lc_disable | keymgr_lc_disable | 6.720s | 337.690us | 48 | 50 | 96.00 |
V2 | kmac_error_response | keymgr_kmac_rsp_err | 9.120s | 464.372us | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2 | invalid_sw_input | keymgr_sw_invalid_input | 52.930s | 13.092ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | invalid_hw_input | keymgr_hwsw_invalid_input | 52.660s | 8.922ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | sync_async_fault_cross | keymgr_sync_async_fault_cross | 11.660s | 1.063ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | stress_all | keymgr_stress_all | 3.044m | 7.635ms | 46 | 50 | 92.00 |
V2 | intr_test | keymgr_intr_test | 0.910s | 41.235us | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | alert_test | keymgr_alert_test | 1.020s | 20.580us | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2 | tl_d_oob_addr_access | keymgr_tl_errors | 5.330s | 1.469ms | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2 | tl_d_illegal_access | keymgr_tl_errors | 5.330s | 1.469ms | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2 | tl_d_outstanding_access | keymgr_csr_hw_reset | 1.230s | 31.612us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
keymgr_csr_aliasing | 14.930s | 415.392us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 | ||
keymgr_same_csr_outstanding | 4.450s | 1.168ms | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
V2 | tl_d_partial_access | keymgr_csr_hw_reset | 1.230s | 31.612us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
keymgr_csr_aliasing | 14.930s | 415.392us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 | ||
keymgr_same_csr_outstanding | 4.450s | 1.168ms | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
V2 | TOTAL | 733 | 740 | 99.05 | |||
V2S | sec_cm_additional_check | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | tl_intg_err | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
keymgr_tl_intg_err | 9.290s | 1.176ms | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
V2S | shadow_reg_update_error | keymgr_shadow_reg_errors | 4.840s | 160.523us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | shadow_reg_read_clear_staged_value | keymgr_shadow_reg_errors | 4.840s | 160.523us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | shadow_reg_storage_error | keymgr_shadow_reg_errors | 4.840s | 160.523us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | shadowed_reset_glitch | keymgr_shadow_reg_errors | 4.840s | 160.523us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | shadow_reg_update_error_with_csr_rw | keymgr_shadow_reg_errors_with_csr_rw | 14.390s | 407.129us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | prim_count_check | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | prim_fsm_check | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_bus_integrity | keymgr_tl_intg_err | 9.290s | 1.176ms | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_config_shadow | keymgr_shadow_reg_errors | 4.840s | 160.523us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_op_config_regwen | keymgr_cfg_regwen | 1.303m | 1.542ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_reseed_config_regwen | keymgr_random | 46.320s | 2.641ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
V2S | sec_cm_sw_binding_config_regwen | keymgr_random | 46.320s | 2.641ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
V2S | sec_cm_max_key_ver_config_regwen | keymgr_random | 46.320s | 2.641ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
keymgr_csr_rw | 1.780s | 44.919us | 20 | 20 | 100.00 | ||
V2S | sec_cm_lc_ctrl_intersig_mubi | keymgr_lc_disable | 6.720s | 337.690us | 48 | 50 | 96.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_constants_consistency | keymgr_hwsw_invalid_input | 52.660s | 8.922ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_intersig_consistency | keymgr_hwsw_invalid_input | 52.660s | 8.922ms | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_hw_key_sw_noaccess | keymgr_random | 46.320s | 2.641ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_output_keys_ctrl_redun | keymgr_sideload_protect | 20.660s | 822.680us | 50 | 50 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_ctrl_fsm_sparse | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_data_fsm_sparse | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_ctrl_fsm_local_esc | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_ctrl_fsm_consistency | keymgr_custom_cm | 29.340s | 3.807ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_ctrl_fsm_global_esc | keymgr_lc_disable | 6.720s | 337.690us | 48 | 50 | 96.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_ctrl_ctr_redun | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_kmac_if_fsm_sparse | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_kmac_if_ctr_redun | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_kmac_if_cmd_ctrl_consistency | keymgr_custom_cm | 29.340s | 3.807ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_kmac_if_done_ctrl_consistency | keymgr_custom_cm | 29.340s | 3.807ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_reseed_ctr_redun | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_side_load_sel_ctrl_consistency | keymgr_custom_cm | 29.340s | 3.807ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_sideload_ctrl_fsm_sparse | keymgr_sec_cm | 14.180s | 660.011us | 5 | 5 | 100.00 |
V2S | sec_cm_ctrl_key_integrity | keymgr_custom_cm | 29.340s | 3.807ms | 49 | 50 | 98.00 |
V2S | TOTAL | 164 | 165 | 99.39 | |||
V3 | stress_all_with_rand_reset | keymgr_stress_all_with_rand_reset | 28.840s | 2.265ms | 28 | 50 | 56.00 |
V3 | TOTAL | 28 | 50 | 56.00 | |||
TOTAL | 1079 | 1110 | 97.21 |
Items | Total | Written | Passing | Progress |
V1 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 85.71 |
V2 | 16 | 16 | 13 | 81.25 |
V2S | 6 | 6 | 5 | 83.33 |
V3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0.00 |
97.72 | 99.04 | 97.95 | 98.53 | 100.00 | 99.02 | 98.41 | 91.07 |
UVM_ERROR (cip_base_vseq.sv:839) [keymgr_common_vseq] Check failed (!has_outstanding_access()) Waited * cycles to issue a reset with no outstanding accesses.
has 21 failures:
Line 841, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/0.keymgr_stress_all_with_rand_reset/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 515841988 ps: (cip_base_vseq.sv:839) [uvm_test_top.env.virtual_sequencer.keymgr_common_vseq] Check failed (!has_outstanding_access()) Waited 10000 cycles to issue a reset with no outstanding accesses.
UVM_INFO @ 515841988 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
Line 629, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/4.keymgr_stress_all_with_rand_reset/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 1002097756 ps: (cip_base_vseq.sv:839) [uvm_test_top.env.virtual_sequencer.keymgr_common_vseq] Check failed (!has_outstanding_access()) Waited 10000 cycles to issue a reset with no outstanding accesses.
UVM_INFO @ 1002097756 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
... and 19 more failures.
UVM_ERROR (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) scoreboard [scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:*
has 6 failures:
Test keymgr_kmac_rsp_err has 1 failures.
Line 393, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/7.keymgr_kmac_rsp_err/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 7115561 ps: (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:0
UVM_INFO @ 7115561 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
Test keymgr_stress_all has 2 failures.
Line 2861, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/23.keymgr_stress_all/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 560573281 ps: (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:0
UVM_INFO @ 560573281 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
Line 2093, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/36.keymgr_stress_all/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 4352461685 ps: (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:0
UVM_INFO @ 4352461685 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
Test keymgr_custom_cm has 1 failures.
Line 262, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/29.keymgr_custom_cm/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 5986766 ps: (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:0
UVM_INFO @ 5986766 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
Test keymgr_stress_all_with_rand_reset has 1 failures.
Line 541, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/29.keymgr_stress_all_with_rand_reset/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 48304326 ps: (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:0
UVM_INFO @ 48304326 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
Test keymgr_random has 1 failures.
Line 377, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/33.keymgr_random/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 23032144 ps: (cip_base_scoreboard.sv:301) uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] alert recov_operation_err did not trigger max_delay:0
UVM_INFO @ 23032144 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
UVM_ERROR (keymgr_scoreboard.sv:766) [scoreboard] Check failed item.d_data !=
gmv(csr) (* [] vs * []) reg name: keymgr_reg_block.sw_share1_output_*` has 1 failures:
Line 307, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/3.keymgr_lc_disable/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 39737232 ps: (keymgr_scoreboard.sv:766) [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] Check failed item.d_data != `gmv(csr) (0 [0x0] vs 0 [0x0]) reg name: keymgr_reg_block.sw_share1_output_5
UVM_INFO @ 39737232 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
UVM_ERROR (keymgr_scoreboard.sv:499) [scoreboard] Check failed item.d_data[keymgr_pkg::ErrInvalidOp] == err_code[keymgr_pkg::ErrInvalidOp] (* [*] vs * [*])
has 1 failures:
Line 2631, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/39.keymgr_stress_all/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 1765810390 ps: (keymgr_scoreboard.sv:499) [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] Check failed item.d_data[keymgr_pkg::ErrInvalidOp] == err_code[keymgr_pkg::ErrInvalidOp] (0 [0x0] vs 1 [0x1])
UVM_INFO @ 1765810390 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
UVM_ERROR (keymgr_scoreboard.sv:766) [scoreboard] Check failed item.d_data !=
gmv(csr) (* [] vs * []) reg name: keymgr_reg_block.sw_share0_output_*` has 1 failures:
Line 3828, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/47.keymgr_stress_all/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 2862542367 ps: (keymgr_scoreboard.sv:766) [uvm_test_top.env.scoreboard] Check failed item.d_data != `gmv(csr) (0 [0x0] vs 0 [0x0]) reg name: keymgr_reg_block.sw_share0_output_1
UVM_INFO @ 2862542367 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---
UVM_ERROR (keymgr_if.sv:557) [keymgr_if] Check failed {act_key.key[*], act_key.key[*]} !== keys_a_array[state][cdi][dest] (* [*] vs * [*]) AES key at state StCreatorRootKey for Sealing Aes
has 1 failures:
Line 467, in log /container/opentitan-public/scratch/os_regression/keymgr-sim-vcs/49.keymgr_lc_disable/latest/run.log
UVM_ERROR @ 25521718 ps: (keymgr_if.sv:557) [keymgr_if] Check failed {act_key.key[1], act_key.key[0]} !== keys_a_array[state][cdi][dest] (1428631494037108595052642318138437113828579794284332172400881998758788765532550889146604675582198701514444875795729726786930958157941672254117704659086691 [0x1b47015a273c0485b10fd96e8696cbc409eff2a41338d418490709a982a00109bc2851cfda3d498cde86887afe289f6dfaa5f36538707513c513dfd7e2f7ad63] vs 1428631494037108595052642318138437113828579794284332172400881998758788765532550889146604675582198701514444875795729726786930958157941672254117704659086691 [0x1b47015a273c0485b10fd96e8696cbc409eff2a41338d418490709a982a00109bc2851cfda3d498cde86887afe289f6dfaa5f36538707513c513dfd7e2f7ad63]) AES key at state StCreatorRootKey for Sealing Aes
UVM_INFO @ 25521718 ps: (uvm_report_catcher.svh:705) [UVM/REPORT/CATCHER]
--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---